Python Plugin for the Terminal Xmpp Client Profanity. If loaded in Profanity and Profanify is connected to a Xmpp Account - anyone who writes this account a message like:
"chat Who is Friedrich Schiller ?"
"Chat Who is Friedrich Schiller ?""
Then this plugin sends everything behind "Chat" to ChatGPT 4o over the openAI API. You need a valid API Key for using this API. For example define an environment variable before you start Profanity. In Linux it would be: "export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-...."
The answer of ChatGPT will be send to the XMPP contact that sends the message. Like:
"Antwort vom plugin: Friedrich Schiller was born at 10. November 1759 ....."
To load this plugin in your Profanity XMPP Terminal Chat Client: Please copy the file of this repo in your user directory, start profanity and type:
/plugins install ~/
This plugin was inspired by Rainer Stropeks scooling about openAI API from the german heise-academy during Juli 2024. In this scooling he provided his code from the Microsoft AI day:
- profanity 0.14 (i.e. on Ubuntu 24.04)
- python3-openai