NOTE: Click on the images to view the full-size.
1_Contrast Adjustment link
- Implementation of Histogram Equalization algorithm only on the pixels inside the circle in the image.
- Implementation of Contrast Stretching algorithm on the image.
- Comparing Histogram Equalization and Contrast Stretching algorithms.
2_Image Filtering (Denoising, Sharpening, Deblurring) link
- Implementation of Notch Filter algorithm on the image.
- In this algorithm, we applied the Wiener Filter filter to each of the RGB bands separately and finally, merged the filtered bands to get the final image.
- In this algorithm, we applied the High Boost filter to each of the RGB bands separately and finally, merged the filtered bands to get the final image.
- In this algorithm, we applied the Unsharp Masking filter to each of the RGB bands separately and finally, merged the filtered bands to get the final image.
- Implementation of Median algorithm on the image.
- Implementation of Adaptive Median algorithm on the image.
3_Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) System link
- Content-based image retrieval system by using RGB color histogram.
- Content-based image retrieval system by using HSV color histogram.
- Content-based image retrieval system by using RGB color histogram on half of the image.
- Content-based image retrieval system by using HSV color histogram on half of the image.
4_Image Pyramids & Blending link
- Creating the Hybrid Image using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
- Creating the Hybrid Image using the Laplacian Pyramids.
- Creating the Blended Image using the Laplacian Pyramids.
5_Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm link
- In this algorithm, we select an image and apply changes (rotation, size change) on the selected image, then extract and display the SIFT features of the two images.
- In this algorithm, we select an image and apply changes (rotation, size change) on the selected image, then display the corresponding SIFT features of the two images.
- Improving Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) using Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). CBIR using the 3D histogram (left images) & rectified ranking using the SIFT (right images).
6_Gradient Domain Fusion (Poisson Blending, Mixed Gradient) link
- Implementation of Poisson Blending and Mixed Gradient algorithms.
7_Camera Calibration with OpenCV link
- Implementation of Camera Calibration method with OpenCV.
- This program has two modes:
- The images are taken from the camera and the distortion of the camera is removed at the same moment, this mode includes two stages: Train (extracting camera parameters) and Test (testing the camera by simultaneously displaying the two original and corrected parts).
- Images are selected from the image folder and the corrected image is displayed and saved in the output folder.
- This program has two modes: