Releases: aliencaocao/ytdlp-gui
- Bump yt-dlp to 2024.11.18
- Bump FFMPEG to N-117987-g6e49b86996-20241202
Full Changelog: 2024.8.1...2024.11.18
- Disable check_formats due to known yt-dlp bug yt-dlp/yt-dlp#8780
- Bump YT-DLP to 2024.08.01
- Bump FFMPEG to N-116468-g0e09f6d690-20240730
Full Changelog: 2024.7.16...2024.8.1
- Bump yt-dlp to 2024.7.16
- Bump FFMPEG to N-116312-g635f7c0f6c-20240716
Full Changelog: 2024.5.26...2024.7.16
- Bump YT-DLP to 2024.05.26
- Bump FFMPEG to N-115391-g63697d3350-20240526
Full Changelog: 2024.3.10...2024.5.26
- Fix ffmpeg not found on some Windows machine (#4)
- Improve progress display, fixing some blank characters being shown on Windows 10 systems
- Bump yt-dlp to 2024.3.10
- Bump FFMPEG to N-114087-gac61231757-20240310
Full Changelog: 2023.11.16...2024.3.10
- Add function to store previously chosen download location
- Removed obsolete build actions
- Fixed Windows build action
- Fix crash caused by reading download progress
- Add UPX in build actions
- Update to yt-dlp 2023.11.16
- Update to FFMPEG N-112938-g12e25af7a8-20231210
(UPDATED ON 15 Dec 2023 to fix bug yt-dlp/yt-dlp#8780)
Full Changelog: 2023.9.24...2023.11.16
Further enhanced filename safety (videos with '/' in the title)
Fixed crash with certain old videos missing audio bitrate info - fixes #3
Add selector for FFMPEG audio conversion quality
Fix typo in variable name
Fixed WARNING - Overwriting params from "color" with "no_color"
Added check format, auto fix up and optimized youtube extractor speed
Improve UI for audio transcoding quality selection
Add basic cookie from browser auth for downloading private videos - fixes #2
Added experimental builds for Python 3.12
Bump yt-dlp to 2023.9.24
Bump FFMPEG to N-112229-g40aa451154-20230929
- Bump yt-dlp to 2023.07.06
- Bump FFMPEG to N-111378-g13e9899014-20230708
- Bump yt-dlp to 2023.06.22
- Bump FFMPEG to N-111242-g1bcb8a7338-20230622
Fix bug in save file path and name if the video title contains special characters
Make all download thread daemon so that they exit if the main window is closed
Bump yt-dlp to 2023.3.4
Bump FFMPEG to N-109989-g7a8560cb22-20230310
Update on 9 Apr 2023:
Re-released with the following updates:
- Linux binary
- Bump FFMPEG to N-110188-g6d31619af2-20230408
- Windows build switched to Python 3.11.2 for faster performance