Welcome to the Gaming Website! This platform offers an engaging experience for gamers with the latest gaming news, updates, and features designed to keep you connected with the gaming world.
🔗 Live Demo: Gaming Website
- Interactive Interface: A modern and responsive design for seamless browsing.
- Mobile-Friendly: Optimized for both desktop and mobile devices.
- Frontend Framework: Vite with React
- Styling: Tailwind CSS for responsive and utility-first design
- Hosting: Netlify for continuous deployment and hosting
├── public/ # Public assets (e.g., images, icons)
├── src/ # Source code
│ ├── components/ # Reusable components
│ ├── pages/ # Website pages
│ ├── App.jsx # Main React app file
│ ├── index.css # Tailwind CSS entry point
│ ├── main.jsx # Entry file for React app
├── tailwind.config.js # Tailwind CSS configuration
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── vite.config.js # Vite configuration
└── README.md # Project documentation