API demonstration.
Place the back_end_test_data.xlsx
file in the storage\app\xlsx
directory. This will allow the file to be ingested to the database during seeding.
Follow these steps to get the API up and running:
- Clone this repository and run
composer install
- Create a database and configure the connection in the project
file - Run
php artisan migrate
- Run
php artisan db:seed
- Run
php artisan storage:link
- Run
php artisan route:cache
Endpoints are as follows:
Endpoint | Method | Parameters | Description |
property | GET | none | Get data for all properties |
property/{property} | GET | none | Get data for specified property ID |
property | POST | suburb, state, country | Create new property |
property/{property} | PUT | suburb, state, country | Update existing property |
property/{property} | DELETE | none | Delete existing property |
Endpoint | Method | Parameters | Description |
property/{property}/analytics | GET | none | Get analytics for property |
property/{property}/analytics | POST | type, value | Add new analytic for property |
property/{property}/analytics | PUT | type, value | Update analytic for property |
Endpoint | Method | Parameters | Description |
analytics | POST | filter, search | Get all analytics with optional filter |
Run php artisan test
to test endpoint HTTP responses.
- Adam Crampton - Adam Crampton