A resilient and adaptive multi-robot target tracking framework with sensing and communication danger zones
Authors: Peihan Li, Yuwei Wu, Jiazhen Liu, Gaurav S. Sukhatmem, and Vijay Kumar, and Lifeng Zhou
Video Links: Youtube
Related Paper: Peihan Li, Yuwei Wu, Jiazhen Liu, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Vijay Kumar and Lifeng Zhou. “Resilient and Adaptive Replanning for Multi-Robot Target Tracking with Sensing and Communication Danger Zones.” (2024).
title={Resilient and Adaptive Replanning for Multi-Robot Target Tracking with Sensing and Communication Danger Zones},
author={Peihan Li and Yuwei Wu and Jiazhen Liu and Gaurav S. Sukhatme and Vijay Kumar and Lifeng Zhou},
ROS: Our framework has been tested in ROS Noetic. We also support a non-ros version.
Forces Pro: You can request an academic license from here.
python tracker_server.py
You can change the parameters in config/exp_.yaml to switch different modes.
exp: "simulation" # 0: "simulation", 1: "ros simulation", 2: "ros real"
To run ROS simulation, you will need to build the package:
git clone [email protected]:Zhourobotics/resilient-target-tracking.git
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
then you can run "tracker_server.py" and open a .rviz to visualize the odom and danger zones.
└── tracker
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── config
│ ├── exp10.yaml
│ ├── exp1.yaml
│ ├── exp2.yaml
│ ├── exp3.yaml
│ ├── exp4.yaml
│ ├── exp5.yaml
│ ├── exp6.yaml
│ ├── exp7.yaml
│ └── sim.rviz
├── launch
│ └── vis_sim.launch
├── package.xml
├── results # your result plot here
└── script
├── adaptive_server.py # adaptive replanner
├── model
│ ├── config_loader.py
│ ├── danger_zones.py # class of danger zones
│ ├── dynamics.py # all different dynamics
│ ├── forcepro_centralized.py # solver
│ ├── forcepro_single.py # solver
│ ├── problem.py # problem formulation
│ └── tracker_manger.py # main manager, take odom, call solver, update
├── tracker_server.py # main service, connect ros or call simulation
└── utils
├── visualizer.py
└── visualizer_ros.py
For any technical issues, please contact Yuwei Wu ([email protected]) and Peihan Li ([email protected])