- CMU / CS 11-747 Spring 2019
- d2l-ai/d2l-zh - 《动手学深度学习》:面向中文读者、能运行、可讨论。
- dsgiitr/d2l-pytorch - This project reproduces the book Dive Into Deep Learning
- Deep Learning Book
- Deep Learning Book中文版
- Doraemonzzz / Learning-from-data - 记录Learning from data一书中的习题解答
- eastlakeside / Python进阶中文版
- fengdu78 / lihang-code - 《统计学习方法》的代码实现
- fly51fly / Practical_Python_Programming - 北邮《Python编程与实践》课程资料
- fly51fly / Principle-of-Web-Search - 北京邮电大学“网络搜索原理”课程资料(2019)
- huzecong / oi-slides - 信息学竞赛讲课课件
- librauee / Reptile - Python3网络爬虫实战
- NiuTrans / MTBook - 机器翻译:统计建模与深度学习方法
- NiuTrans / CNSurvey - 一份中文综述文章列表(自然语言处理&机器学习)
- npubird / KnowledgeGraphCourse - 东南大学《知识图谱》研究生课程
- Xipeng Qiu / 神经网络与深度学习
- ShusenTang / Dive-into-DL-PyTorch - 动手学深度学习
- Stanford / CS224n Spring 2019
- Stanford / Speech and Language Processing 3rd
- TingsongYu / PyTorch_Tutorial - PyTorch模型训练实用教程
- Zhiyuan Liu / research_tao - NLP研究入门之道
- Zhiyuan Liu / Representation Learning for Natural Language Processing
- zxdefying / pytorch_tricks - some tircks for PyTorch
- gaoisbest / NLP-Projects
- jvns / Pandas cookbook - Recipes for using Python's pandas library
- leerumor / nlp_tutorial - NLP超强入门指南,包括各任务sota模型汇总(文本分类、文本匹配、序列标注、文本生成、语言模型),以及代码、技巧
- lyeoni / nlp-tutorial - A list of NLP tutorials
- yunjey / PyTorch Tutorial - PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
- AllenAI / AllenNLP - An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
- BrikerMan / Kashgari - Kashgari is a production-level NLP Transfer learning framework built on top of tf.keras for text-labeling and text-classification
- dmlc / gluon-nlp - NLP made easy
- FacebookResearch / PyText - A natural language modeling framework based on PyTorch
- fastNLP / fastNLP - A Modularized and Extensible NLP Framework. Currently still in incubation.
- flairNLP / flair - A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing
- huggingface / transformers - 🤗Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing for Pytorch and TensorFlow 2.0.
- kolloldas / TorchNLP - Easy to use NLP library built on PyTorch and TorchText
- ownthink / Jiagu - Jiagu深度学习自然语言处理工具
- QData / TextAttack - TextAttack 🐙 is a Python framework for adversarial attacks, data augmentation, and model training in NLP
- RUCAIBox / TextBox - An open-source library for building text generation system
- SpeechBrain / speechbrain - A PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit
- StanfordNLP / stanza - Official Stanford NLP Python Library for Many Human Languages
- TensorFlow / tensor2tensor - Library of deep learning models and datasets designed to make deep learning more accessible and accelerate ML research.
- Tensorflow / models - Models and examples built with TensorFlow
- THUNLP / OpenAttack - An Open-Source Package for Textual Adversarial Attack.
- xhlulu / dl-translate - A deep learning-based translation library built on Huggingface transformers
- XiaoMi / MiNLP - XiaoMi Natural Language Processing Toolkits
- pycorrector - 中文文本纠错工具
- lightKG - 他人基于PyTorch和TorchText实现的知识图谱技术框架
- AdeDZY / DeepCT - DeepCT and HDCT uses BERT to generate novel, context-aware bag-of-words term weights for documents and queries
- AimeeLee77 / keyword_extraction - 使用tfidf、TextRank和word2vec实现中文关键词抽取
- sunyilgdx / SIFRank_zh - 基于预训练模型的中文关键词抽取方法
- THUNLP / BERT-KPE - BERT for Keyphrase Extraction
- Baidu / DDParser
- yzhangcs / parser - A collection of state-of-the-art syntactic parsing models based on Biaffine Parser
- RegExr - 正则表达式在线学习、测试与分析网站
- Regex Golf - 非常好用的经典正则表达式练习网站
- Apache OpenNLP - Apache开源的Java统计自然语言处理工具包
- FudanNLP - 复旦大学开源的统计自然语言处理工具包
- HTK - 基于马尔可夫模型开发的语音识别工具包
- Jieba - 结巴分词是Python最常用中文分词
- KenLM - 统计语言模型工具
- LTP - 哈工大社会计算与信息检索研究中心开源的统计自然语言处理工具包ji
- MALLET - 马萨诸塞大学开源的Java统计自然语言处理工具包
- NLTK - 针对英文的工具包
- Pan Gu Segment - 盘古开源中文分词
- Stanford CoreNLP - 斯坦福大学开源的统计自然语言处理工具包
- 425776024 / nlpcda - 一键中文数据增强包
- attardi / wikiextractor - A tool for extracting plain text from Wikipedia dumps
- BeautifulSoup - 爬虫常用的HTML和XML数据提取工具
- Gerapy / GerapyAutoExtractor - Auto Extractor Module
- jbesomi / Texthero - Text preprocessing, representation and visualization from zero to hero
- seatgeek / FuzzyWuzzy - Fuzzy String Matching in Python
- SpeechBrain
- yongzhuo / Macropodus - 自然语言处理工具Macropodus,基于Albert+BiLSTM+CRF深度学习网络架构
- AI Deadlines - AI conference deadline countdowns
- AI研习社
- NLP Progress
- NLPJob
- 专知
- 智源社区
- 机器之心SOTA模型
- 相关内容已另行整理至awesome_list.md
- CDCS - Chinese Data Competitions Solutions - 中国数据竞赛优胜解集锦
- AI-Sphere / Awesome-Noah - Awesome Top Solution List of Excellent AI Competitions
- datawhalechina / competition-baseline - 数据科学竞赛各种baseline代码、思路分享
- LogicJake / MLCompetitionHub - Machine learning competition information aggregation
- Smilexuhc / Data-Competition-TopSolution
- zhpmatrix / nlp-competitions-list-review - 复盘所有NLP比赛的TOP方案