AstroAlgo is an astronomical algorithms library, written in .NET Core. It is based on the planetary theory VSOP87. It can be used to calculate astronomical data, like:
- Julian day and calendar day converter.
- Sidereal time and Zone time converter.
- Coordinate system basic tools, include nutation; coordinate converter; and some angle calculator.
- Angle to HoursMinutesSeconds or to DegreeMinutesSeconds.
- Eight planets' rising, culmination and setting time; equator and ecliptic coordinate; elevation angle and azimuth; and distances.
- Solar terms; equinox; and solstice time.
- ...
- NuGet Package Manager
PM> Install-Package AstroAlgo
- For more information, please see documentations.
- Run the samples with Docker.
cd AstroAlgo docker build -t SAMPLE_NAME -f samples/SAMPLE_NAME/Dockerfile . docker run --rm -it -p 8000:80 SAMPLE_NAME
- Astronomical Algorithms, First Edition by Jean Meeus
- Full-precision VSOP87 theory data -