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Sebastian Krajewski edited this page May 30, 2022 · 8 revisions


Relations between settings (based on -tag 4):



Option Type Range Description
Movers List of Mover N/A See below
Spinners List of Spinner N/A See below
ComboTag Boolean true/false Enable/Disable the usage of combo instead of individual object for tag
Battle Boolean true/false Enable/Disable battle mode
DoSpinnersTogether Boolean true/false Enable/Disable all cursors to spin together on all spinners instead of their own object
TAGSliderDance Boolean true/false Enable/Disable tag styled slider dance
MoverSettings Custom N/A See below

Movers and Spinners are lists because tag cursors can use different styles.


Option Type Range Description
Mover String spline, bezier, circular, linear, axis, aggressive, flower, momentum, exgon, pippi Changes between different cursor dance styles
SliderDance Boolean true/false Enable/Disable cursor dance on sliders
RandomSliderDance Boolean true/false Enable/Disable random probability to trigger SliderDance


Option Type Range Description
Mover String heart, triangle, square, cube, circle Changes between different cursor dance styles on spinners
Radius Integer N/A Determine the radius of the spinner



Uses a bezier curve to determine the movement of the cursor.

Option Type Range Description
Aggressiveness Decimal N/A Determines how aggressive the mover should be
SliderAggressiveness Decimal N/A Determines how aggressive the mover should be on sliders


Option Type Range Description
AngleOffset Decimal 0-360 Determine the angle offset
DistanceMult Decimal N/A Determine the distance multiplier between 2 objects
StreamAngleOffset Decimal 0-360 Determine the angle offset on streams
LongJump Integer N/A Determines the width of the movement
LongJumpMult Decimal N/A Determines the "flowiness" of the mover (0 for linear movement)
LongJumpOnEqualPos Boolean true/false Enables/Disables movement if the circles are in the same place


Option Type Range Description
RadiusMultiplier Decimal N/A Arciness of a curve. 1 means half circle, 2 will mean c shape
StreamTrigger Integer N/A If time between hitobjects is smaller than StreamTrigger cursor will change the direction


Option Type Range Description
RotationalForce Boolean true/false Enables/Disables the mover forcing rotation in an anti-clockwise direction. This is a better description
StreamHalfCircle Boolean true/false Enables/Disables halfcircle movement during streams
StreamWobble Boolean true/false Enables/Disables "wobbling" during streams
WobbleScale Decimal N/A Determines the strength of StreamWobble


Check here for a better explanation

Option Type Range Description
SkipStackAngles Boolean true/false Enables/Disables whether stacked notes affect the calculations of control point angles
StreamRestrict Boolean true/false Enables/Disables the use of StreamMult
DurationMult Decimal N/A When duration between two notes is above DurationTrigger, DistanceMult(Out) is multiplied by DurationMult * (duration/DurationTrigger)
DurationTrigger Decimal N/A see above
StreamMult Decimal N/A Distance multiplier used on streams instead of DistanceMult/DistanceMult
RestrictAngle Decimal N/A Determines the minimum angle for the control point(s) if the cursor is within the angle defined by RestrictArea
RestrictArea Decimal N/A see above
RestrictInvert Boolean true/false Enables/Disables restriction being applied on the opposite "side"
DistanceMult Decimal N/A Multiplier used on distance for control points on restricted angles
DistanceMultOut Decimal N/A Multiplier used on distance for control points on unrestricted angles


Option Type Range Description
Delay Integer >0 Delay between movements in milliseconds


Option Type Range Description
WaitForPreempt Boolean true/false Enables/Disables ReactionTime
ReactionTime Decimal N/A How long to wait until moving in milliseconds. Teleports if the circle must be hit under this value
ChoppyLongObjects Boolean true/false Enables/Disables 60hz movement on sliders. Similar movement to osu! stable as replays are saved in 60hz


Option Type Range Description
RotationSpeed Decimal N/A Determines the speed that the mover rotates
RadiusMultiplier Decimal N/A Determines the width of rotation
SpinnerRadius Decimal N/A Determines the radius of spinners





Default values:

"CursorDance": {
	"Movers": [
			"Mover": "spline",
			"SliderDance": false,
			"RandomSliderDance": false
	"Spinners": [
			"Mover": "circle",
			"Radius": 100
	"ComboTag": false,
	"Battle": false,
	"DoSpinnersTogether": true,
	"TAGSliderDance": false,
	"MoverSettings": {
		"Bezier": [
				"Aggressiveness": 60,
				"SliderAggressiveness": 3
		"Flower": [
				"AngleOffset": 90,
				"DistanceMult": 0.666,
				"StreamAngleOffset": 90,
				"LongJump": -1,
				"LongJumpMult": 0.7,
				"LongJumpOnEqualPos": false
		"HalfCircle": [
				"RadiusMultiplier": 1,
				"StreamTrigger": 130
		"Spline": [
				"RotationalForce": false,
				"StreamHalfCircle": true,
				"StreamWobble": true,
				"WobbleScale": 0.67
		"Momentum": [
				"SkipStackAngles": false,
				"StreamRestrict": true,
				"DurationMult": 2,
				"DurationTrigger": 500,
				"StreamMult": 0.7,
				"RestrictAngle": 90,
				"RestrictArea": 40,
				"RestrictInvert": true,
				"DistanceMult": 0.6,
				"DistanceMultOut": 0.45
		"ExGon": [
				"Delay": 50
		"Linear": [
				"WaitForPreempt": true,
				"ReactionTime": 100,
				"ChoppyLongObjects": false
		"Pippi": [
				"RotationSpeed": 1.6,
				"RadiusMultiplier": 0.98,
				"SpinnerRadius": 100
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