- Download and install Arduino IDE from https://www.arduino.cc/en/software
- Clone or download this repository
- Copy FastLED and MPU9250 into the Documents/Arduino/libraries folder
- Copy Workshop-IMU_LED into the Documents/Arduino folder and open it up
- If you have an Adafruit Feather Board (the black one), also install the Adafruit library: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-feather-m0-adalogger/setup You may also need to install additional libraryies, if you have an Feather M0 (written on the Arduino)
- Connect the Arduino to a USB Port and select the Board
- Select the USB Port
- Upload the sketch
- Disconnect Arduino
Connect SCL/SCA to SCL/SCA (or A4/A5 if you dont have an SCL/SCA) on the Arduino
Now you can connect the Arduino and it should light up and change colors when you move it.