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Setup for Development

Severin Ibarluzea edited this page Apr 4, 2020 · 1 revision

Development Process

This is an electron application, it's all in javascript. If you're building a big feature, it's a really good idea to create an issue and discuss is to make sure that the maintainers will actually want to include the feature.

If you're building a UI component, you'll want to run npm run storybook and create an index.story.js and/or an individual story for the component. There are plenty of examples how to do this in this repository and in react-storybook.

Developing the Desktop Application

  • Make sure you run npm run start AND npm run start:desktop:dev. It's much faster to develop than building each time


Script Purpose
start Starts development server on port 6001
build:babel Builds library into lib
build:web Builds web app in build
build:desktop Builds desktop app into build
start:desktop:dev Starts a desktop application that connects to the web server
start:desktop Starts a desktop application that uses build
release:lib Publish the library
release:desktop Publish the desktop app
storybook Starts a storybook with all the UI components
gh-pages Build and publish the web page
prettier Format the code to the project's standard coding style
prettier:test Test the code of the project to make sure it's compliant