#2333 #2478 #1732 #1346 #1311 #1101 Fix GracefulShutdown SIGINT output + Better Stop process flow
Faster CLI load time, reduce load time by 1/4 (downgrade cli-table2 -> cli-table)
#2353 --wait-ready will wait that the application sends 'ready' event process.send('ready')
#2486 add --web option to pm2-docker command to expose web process api
#2425 allow to specify node.js version to be used or installed via interpreter 'node@VERSION'
#2471 Make app environment immutable on application restart/reload by default for CLI actions
#2451 Config file can be javascript files
#2484 fix pm2 kill on windows
#2101 pm2 ecosystem now generates a javascript configuration file
#2422 allow to pass none to exec_interpreter
Do not use disconnect() anymore on cluster processes
Better Stop process flow: Upgrade TreeKill system + Wait for check
Fix deploy issue with Windows
Expose -i to pm2-docker
Drop npm-shrinkwrap
Upgrade chokidar (fix symlink), cron, fclone, shelljs
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