- Must be a registered user
- See the Initialize Section in the Learn materials for the pword
Galvanize Data Science YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE!
Add this Chrome Extension to see rendered Math formulas on Github
Notetaking Strategy for Immersives : Tutorial on how to take notes in order to have quick reference while in the DSI
MathJax Reference on StackExchange : Indispensible for writing Markdown with LaTEX
JB Statistics: Excellent supplemental resource!
Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISLR) : Seminal work on Machine Learning, highly recommended!
Elements of Statistical Learning (ESL) : Grad level of the ISLR
Khan Academy : For refreshers in Algebra and Calculus
Desmos browser-based graphing app : Quick visualization of math
Derivative Calculator : For checking Calculus work
Tech Pivot : A podcast put on by members of Galvanize, exploring topics in Software Engineering and Data Science
Visual Go : A language-agnostic tour of data structures and algorithms
Instructor: Tovio, Clark
Slide Decks:
HW assignment:
- Sign up for Repl.it, this will be an initial coding environment
- Visit Google Colabs and create a notebook
- Read through the Welcome to Data Science Prep Section
- Read the first 3 units in Introduction to Python
- Welcome to Python
- About Python Programming
- Complete all the challenges in Python Basics
- Install VSCode
- Set up a GitHub account (http://github.com)
- Share your github username
- Follow clownfragment and clarkwalker
- Set up a CodeWars account
HW solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 1 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment: N/A
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 2 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete the Day 1 Homework first (links above)
- Complete all Challenges in these Learn Sections:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 3 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete these Units on Learn:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 4 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Learn Units in Intro Python:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 5 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete these Learn Units:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 6 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Work through these Learn Units:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 7 Lecture
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Summary Stats: Centrality
HW assignment:
- Review today's stats code
- Complete these Units on Learn:
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Day 8 Lecture
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Python HW
- Wrap up these Units on Learn:
HW Solutions: Python HW solutions (Tic Tac Toe)
Video Lecture: Day 9 Lecture
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Summary Stats: Measures of Spread
HW assignment:
- Complete the Sets and Set Operations Unit on Learn
- Complete the Basic Probability Unit on Learn
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 10
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
- Review f-strings and
- Accumulator Review
HW assignment: N/A
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 11
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Decks:
HW assignment: N/A
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 12
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Review the Learn materials on Factorial, Permutations and Combinations
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 13
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Statistical Counting
HW assignment:
- Complete these Lessons in Discrete Probability Distributions
- Read the Heap’s Algorithm for permutations page on Wikipedia
- Bonus: Write the Heap’s Algorithm in Python
- Bonus x 2: Revise the brute force Combinations Intuition code in the GH repo to be more optimal, as in, look for a combinations algorithm and implement it. (Here’s one option: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyXDQxuIwPU))
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 14, and supplemental Combs function
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck: Function Practice 1
HW assignment: N/A
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture (to be posted) 15
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment: Continuous Probability Distributions Unit
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 16
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Review the code and materials regarding the General Analytic Approach
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 17
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Wrap up these Lessons in Discrete Probability Distributions
- Complete
- Review the code and materials regarding the Binomial Distribution in the stats folder
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 18
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete this Lesson in Discrete Probability Distributions
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture 19
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck:
HW assignment:
- Complete the Continuous Probability Distributions Unit on Learn
- Code out your own analytic approach to a phenomenon (mathematical, probabilistic, etc), and submit a .py file, a collab link, or a github link in the associated thread
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture (to be posted) 20
Instructor: Clark Walker
Slide Deck: Function Practice 2
HW assignment:
- These lessons in the Conditional Probability Unit
- Review
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture (to be posted) 21
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Continuous Distributions
HW assignment
- These are optional:
- Do the Kaggle Pandas Tutorial
- Read 2.2, 4.6.5, and 5.1 of Introduction to Statistical Learning
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture (to be posted) 22
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Bayes Theorem
HW assignment:
- Complete these units on Learn
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture (to be posted) 23
Instructor: Tovio Roberts
Slide Deck: Intro to Machine Learning
HW assignment:
- Continue working on remaining Learn materials
- Schedule a mentoring session to gauge where you are at and where you need to focus
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture (to be posted) 24
Instructor: Tovio Roberts and Clark Walker
Slide Deck:
HW assignment: Finish your Learn materials and get ready for your TI!
HW Solutions: N/A
Video Lecture: Lecture (to be posted) 25