Desk360 Live Chat SDK is an open source Android library that provides live support to your customers directly from your application by writing a few lines of code.
- Talk to your customers using our panel and make use of our SDK to identify a user and provide contextual support.
- Powered by Firebase Realtime database
- Username/Email Address login
- Offline Messaging Support
- Text, Image, Video (.mp4) and Document (word, excel, pdf) messages
- Ability to integrate Chatbots.
- Multi-languages support: It supports 40+ languages.
- Chat Feedback
- Smart Plug
- Custom Fields
- Auto Login
- Canned Response
- Coding Language - %100 Kotlin
- Persistence - Room
- Reactive Programming - RXJava, RXAndroid
- Multi-threading
- Architecture- MVVM, Use Cases
- Binding- Data Binding, View Binding
- API Level 21+
To integrate Desk360 Live Chat into your Android project , add below parts to your build.gradlle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
To enable the usage of data binding in your Android application, add the following snippet to the app/build.gradle file.
android {
dataBinding.enabled = true
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Teknasyon-Teknoloji:desk360-livechat-android-sdk:1.2.6'
(Please change latest_release with :
Add File Provider to Your AndroidManifest.xml
android:resource="@xml/provider_paths" />
import com.desk360.livechat.manager.Desk360LiveChat
import com.desk360.livechat.manager.LiveChatHelper
import com.desk360.livechat.manager.LiveChatManager
val settings = mapOf("age" to "23")
val liveChatManager = LiveChatManager.Builder()
.setUserEmailAddress("[email protected]")
Desk360LiveChat.init(this, liveChatManager) { isActive ->
// You can start Desk360LiveChat after initialization completed
btnLiveChat.visibility = if (isActive)
btnLiveChat.setOnClickListener {
// when you want to start Live Chat
If you are using proguard you must add this rules to avoid further compile issues.
-keep class** { *; }
-keepnames** { *; }
We use SemVer for versioning.
If you have any questions or feature requests, please create an issue.
Copyright Teknasyon 2022.
Desk360 Live Chat SDK is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.