Python3 script which decrypts files encrypted by flawed Cl0p ELF variant.
More info regarding Cl0p ELF variant and how decryptor was created at SentinelOne post.
python3 --help
SentinelOne Cl0p ELF variant Decryptor.
Author: @Tera0017/@SentinelOne
usage: [-h] [--elfile ELFILE] [--keys KEYS] [--rc4key RC4KEY]
Python3 script which decrypts files encrypted by flawed Cl0p ELF variant. More info regarding Cl0p
ELF variant and how decryptor was created at
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--elfile ELFILE ELF Cl0p Binary, is used to retrieve "RC4 master key" else default is used for
decryption, or provided with "--rc4key" argument.
--keys KEYS File containing result of "$ find / -name *.$cl0p_extension -print 2>/dev/null >
cl0p_keys.txt". Run with sudo if needed.
--rc4key RC4KEY RC4 master key for decryption of clop key files. If --elf is provided script will
dynamically retrieve it.
- arc4, tested version "0.0.4"
In case something is wrong or not working as supposed to please feel free to contact @Tera0017.