The repository is part of a course project for Stanford CS 224N (Winter 2022), taught by Prof. Chris Manning.
Use pip to install the following packages:
pip install -U adapter-transformers
pip install sentencepiece
To vizualize the model activations in notebooks/Visualizer.ipynb
, requires the additional installation of the BertViz package.
Clone this repository using:
git clone
The BeliefBank dataset is available at
To parse the relation graphs into question-answer pairs, as well as generating the train, val and test splits, run:
python src/utils/
This will generate json files with the required question-answer splits, qa_train, qa_val and qa_test. A separate qa_consistency to test the consistency of the model.
To finetune the MACAW-large transformer on the BeliefBank dataset, use the following command:
python src/
Required arguments:
Parameter | Default | Description |
--train_path |
None | json file containing the training data |
--model_path |
None | Location to save model weights. |
Optional arguments:
Parameter | Default | Description |
--max_epochs |
10 | number of epochs of finetuning. |
--batch_size |
64 | batch size used, can be varied depending on the available GPU memory. |
--lr |
3e-4 | Initial learning rate for Adam Optimizer. |
--lr_decay |
False | Boolean flag if learning rate should decay. |
--weight_decay |
0.1 | L2 Regularization penalty on model weights. |
--num_workers |
4 | Number of workers, can be varied depending on the available CPU memory. |
--l1_reg |
None | A float value indicating the penalty of th L1 norm of activations. |
--freeze_backbone |
False | Used to only finetune on the final linear layer of the model. |
--adapter |
True | Set to true to enable adapter layers for finetuning. |
--layer_names |
None | List of layers whose activations are to be regularized. |
--sim |
None | The float hyperparameter weighing the similarity loss. |
--ce_loss |
1.0 | The float hyperparameter weighing the standard cross-entropy loss. |
--token_type |
None | Set to 'answer', 'question', 'eos', 'link' . |
--sim_type |
None | Set to 'angle' if similarity of activations are to be measured using the angles instead of their dot-products. |
Get the inference of a saved model by running:
python src/
Required arguments:
Parameter | Default | Description |
--in_path |
./beliefbank-data-sep2021/qa_test.json | choice of dataset split to do evaluate on. |
--out_path |
None | Path to save the inferences. |
--batch_size |
512 | batch size used, can be varied depending on the available GPU memory. |
--model_path |
None | path of saved model weights |
--adapter |
None | Add flag if the network was finetuned using adapters |
To obtain a model's accuracy, collect its inferences on the val/test set and run:
python src/utils/ --results_path <path to inferences on val/test set>
To obtain the model's consistency, collect its inferences on qa_consistency and run:
python src/utils/ --results_path <path to inferences on qa_consistency>
Team Members: Julia Xu (@jwxu), Samar Khanna (@samar-khanna), Sarthak Consul (@SConsul)