This is a service to publish temperature type data onto the DBus of VenusOs running on a Raspberry Pi device.
Note: Currently this will not display the CPU temperature on Venus GX, only on RPi.
Added Support to install this with Kevin Windrem's Venus OS Setup Helper (
No Settings needed for 1 Wire (e.g. DS18B20) all you need is to install SetupHelper and configure a custom Package.
Package name: VenusOS-TemperatureService
GitHub user: Rikkert-RS
GitHub Tag: latest
Raspberry Pi CPU temperature
1-Wire Support (Temperatures) Data Port GPIO 26 on RPi
Please keep in mind that there can always be conflicts with the GPIO's. Depending on what hardware you have (CAN hat etc) The 1Wire GPIO Port can be adjusted in u-boot/config.txt after install
- i2c Sensors
- ADC Sensors
Tested on Rasberry 3+ with Venus OS 2.91
Note, only services of path type "Temperature" will be displayed on the console and VRM If you modify the service to pubish data as a path that is of a different type it will only be available via the DBus and will not appear on the console or VRM.
Hope this all works for you