CLI tool that access etherium network and with a given abi and address searches for specific event and runs some specific test cases
- .NET Framework 4.5.2
- synced etherium client (e.g. parity) running a node
- Developed with VS2015 so either that or MSBuild Xbuild or something that can build targeted framework .NET 4.5.2
- NuGet and Internet connection required to restore dependencies
- There is postbuild command that copies default contract.json file from contract folder in solution root to the build directory
- build directory is solutionDir/Build/EthEventInvestigator for both debug and release versions
CommandLineParser.cs -> CLA handling
ContractLoader.cs -> Singleton for loading json ABI
EventTypes.cs -> contains contract event classes ("TODO see can we use dynamic casting")
ExitCode.cs -> current list of exit codes
Helpers.cs -> from example:
ListOfTests.cs -> Contains current list of tests
Reporting.cs -> Currently used for console printing handling
TestAttribute.cs -> attributes used to describe and call test methods
TestRunner.cs -> Used for staring test methods (TODO: currently it is not asnyc)
Tests.cs -> class that contains all test methods
Command line options:
address -> Ethereum contract address (usage: address=<validAddress>) <default: N/A> <mandatory=true>
abi -> Ethereum abi JSON file (usage: abi=<validAbiJSON>.json>) <default: contract.json> <mandatory=false>
Provided .json file will be searched form the run directory, by default
Current status: not fully working needs more work
Also needs additional verification with properly synced eth node