EditVR is a webapp for making art in VR.
My personal, customized version at: https://inkforvr.app.
Other hosted versions:
- None yet!
I also host an unmodified copy of the latest EditVR release at https://inkforvr.app/EditVR.
My personal version of EditVR, called "Ink for VR" extends the open source app with some special customizations that I love, and that are not part of the open source project:
- A beautiful, hand-drawn icon set
- A server-backend list of user accounts and some functions to upload / download files
- A control panel to list and open cloud-saved files
EditVR may be customized and hosted, but customizations should always guarantee that a save file created in the base EditVR app will open correctly. (The reverse may not always be true, as customizations may add special tools.)
Still to do!
Please raise an issue first so we can chat about what you want to do / change, then you can make the pull request.
If you host a customized version of EditVR, please let me know! I will add you to the list. :-)
Customized versions must:
- Be served over
- Never load cross-origin resources†
† The VR UI rendering will break! Probably. Chrome is inconsistent about it. Try it out and see what happens.