This is the iGEM team project model of CSU_CHINA_2020
Integrated with physical simulation, we extended model level beyond biochemical reactions. Our team constructed a program using C# that simulate how cadmium, calcium alginate microbead, PCC6803 cells interact on each other over a series of time steps. Solid data produced by the program allowed accurate visualization of the diffusion process in finite element analysis. The model allowed us to observe the activities inside of the microbead without time-consuming wet experiments and optimize parameters.
The effectiveness of our Suicide Gene System to kill detached cells from our device is proven through this model. Implemented with DDE(delay differential equations) describing the delays in genetic expression and SDE(stochastic differential equation) describing the expression noise, our model firmly proved our system’s ability to maintain the sustainability of regular cells and erase detached cells as expected.
intro author: Kelvin Zheng Li, Sean Peldom Zhang