Reviving past owner and creator Alec-Bailey
Incident IQ Data Sync is a dynamic, database agnostic tool which syncs all of IncidentIQ's data into a local database. Designed to be performant, multithreaded, configurable and easily extended.
- Why?
- What databases are supported?
- Installation
- Configuration
- Usage
- What can I sync?
- Contributing
- License
Our district needed a tool that could:
- Pull different types of Incident IQ data (Assets, Users, Locations, etc.) into a local database
- Dynamically create and update tables for changing custom fields
- Be configurable to run on changing infrastructure
- Be easily maintainable and extensible
- Support common SQL databases
Currently, support has been tested for:
Support may be possible for other database dialects supported by SqlAlchemy. If you need support for an unsupported database create an issue, or see Contributing and try it yourself!
Use the package manager pip to install the requirements.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note Some libraries included in requirements.txt are database specific, and can be removed for your use case. Not all libraries for your specific database connection may be included in requirements.txt, check error messages and use pip to install libraries as needed. The SqlAlchemy documentation for setting up your connection string specifies the library used for that specific connection.
Rename config-sample.ini
to config.ini
Set up your database connection - see Configuration
Note some databases may require additional libraries on your system. It is up to you to configure your system correctly.
You may need to install libraries specific to Postgres, on Debian Based systems
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev
To figure out how to write a connection string for your database see the offical SqlAlchemy guide.
Basic Connection String
Advanced Connection String
The example in config-sample.ini
is a connection string for an Microsoft Sql Server database using Windows authentication:
Raw connectionString allow with ODBC_connect: (urllib.parse.quote_plus learn more for formating) from Raw data DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0} is equivilent to DRIVER%%3D%%7BSQL+Server+Native+Client+11.0
Every database and network is different, please refer to the official documentation.
Your configured database connection string should look like this:
ConnectionString: 'postgresql://azurediamond:hunter2@localhost/mydatabase'
Your IncidentIQ instance is just the unique host URL your district uses to access IncidentIQ. Usually, this is of the format
For example Chicago Public Schools might have the host URL
You must also create a bearer token within IncidentIQ. This is an authentication string which allows the program to make API requests out to your instance. Bearer tokens are assigned to a user in IncidentIQ, you can either create a user specifically for API access, or chose an administrator.
Navigate to Administration -> Developer Tools
in the IncidentIQ webapp. Then chose a user from the drop down, and click CREATE API TOKEN
A new API token will appear, copy this and add it to your config file under Token
Your configured IncidentIQ fields should look like this:
Token: fewig23823g98h(*Hg203g92gjaglakjewjg8ag9w38gfhy9g3pg8y29ghig101--t--_)(EF9uw890euf9HFslkhjglajg4h29q8ytogjlawjl23j28u290gu2903gjlzsojgagya9pw38gyu29830ogjijgapwe49g8yu2pu8gjawoigja8w3hg982ugpoajgoiaesjg982h39ga2h9
The following are optional parameters, explained more in-depth.
Schema for Databases such as Microsoft SQL Server that do not treat Schema as a Database itself, Schema can be specified. A schema will not be created if it does not already exist. Additionally, if you are using a database like MySQL that does use schema and database interchangeably, leave this blank and specifcy your database in the connection string. In all other cases, if left blank, the default schema will be used. Defaults to blank.
StringLength sets the longest allowable string or string-like type (varchar or similar). Tables will be created with types of this length. Any strings longer which exist in a field will be truncated. Defaults to 512.
[Tables] set the name of any given table as it will be created in your database. Defaults to the given name.
PageSize is the number of elements to request in each call to the API. This can be tuned down for low memory machines (slower) or up for servers which can handle the load (faster). Currently this defaults to the IIQ maximum, 1000, a reasonable size on most machines. Do not set higher than 1000 or unexpected results will occur. As of July 2021 the request to retrieve Users cannot handle more than 1000 elements per page. Due to a lack of documentation, we do not know whether or not this is by design or if it will change in the future.
Threads specifies the maximum number of worker threads at a time. Smaller will use less memory & peak CPU usage at a given time. However, lowering this very negatively impacts performance as the majority of execution time is spent waiting on the IIQ API to return data. Allowing all threads to request data at once is much faster. Be aware that rate limits are not well defined for the IncidentIQ API, so turning this up to infinity may result in intermittent errors. Your database may also have a connection limit that is worth considering, as each thread makes its own database connection. If you are seeing the error "The specified network name is no longer available" this probably means there are too many threads running for the DB. Defaults to 30.
Timeout sets the time in seconds each request to the IncidentIQ API is allowed to wait before an error is thrown. Setting this higher may be nescessary on slow machines, or slow network connections. Defaults to 100.
Simply execute
The sync may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the size of your inventory. This is mostly due to the time the API takes to respond to large requests. A slow connection to your database will also cause slower script execution.
- By default these are synced
User Custom Fields
Asset Custom Fields
- Planned options will be available by configuration in
Tickets Custom Fields
Example Config.ini
;Customize table names
Assets: Assets
AssetsCustomFields: AssetCustomFields
Users: Users
UsersCustomFields: UserCustomFields
Locations: Locations
Tickets: Tickets
TicketsCustomFields: TicketsCustomFields
Fines: Fines
Rooms: Rooms
Teams: Teams
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Run all contributions through YAPF using the included style-config.ini
yapf --style style-config.ini -i [filename].py