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在Fast-Lio2中,class KD_TREE
//删除指定Boxes中的点;配准用的localmap(也即ikdtree)的边界是需要跟着激光雷达移动的,该函数用于删除激光雷达移动后位于边界外的点。在算法循环的 lasermap_fov_segment() 函数中被调用一次。//注:lasermap_fov_segment()函数的作用正是更新localmap边界。Root_Node
//支持kNN,ranged-kNN搜索;对该函数的调用被封装在h_share_model()函数中,而h_share_model()又被作为一个函数对象传递给 class esekf 的实例 kf 中,后者作为前端完成基于ESKF的位姿估算,体现为算法循环中的 kf.update_iterated_dyn_share_modified() 语句。Add_Points()
//添加新的点到ikdtree结构中;用于在当前帧配准完成后,将当前帧中有价值的点插入进来,在专门负责增量式更新的 map_incremental() 中被调用。
ikd-Tree is an incremental k-d tree designed for robotic applications. The ikd-Tree incrementally updates a k-d tree with new coming points only, leading to much lower computation time than existing static k-d trees. Besides point-wise operations, the ikd-Tree supports several features such as box-wise operations and down-sampling that are practically useful in robotic applications.
Build a balanced k-d tree -
Dynamically insert points to or delete points from the k-d tree -
Add_Points() / Delete_Points()
Delete points inside given axis-aligned bounding boxes -
K Nearest Neighbor Search with range limitation -
Acquire points inside a given axis-aligned bounding box on the k-d tree -
Acquire points inside a ball with given radius on the k-d tree -
- Browse the User Manual for using our ikd-Tree.
Yixi CAI 蔡逸熙: Data structure design and implementation
Wei XU 徐威: Incorporation into LiDAR-inertial odometry package FAST_LIO2 (TRO, 2022)
If you are using any code of this repo in your research, please cite at least one of the articles as following:
- ikd-Tree
title={ikd-Tree: An Incremental KD Tree for Robotic Applications},
author={Cai, Yixi and Xu, Wei and Zhang, Fu},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.10808},
title={Fast-lio2: Fast direct lidar-inertial odometry},
author={Xu, Wei and Cai, Yixi and He, Dongjiao and Lin, Jiarong and Zhang, Fu},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone [email protected]:hku-mars/ikd-Tree.git
cd ikd-Tree/build
cmake ..
make -j 9
Note: To run Example 2 & 3, please download the PCD file (HKU_demo_pointcloud) into${Your own directory}/ikd-Tree/materials
cd ${Your own directory}/ikd-Tree/build
# Example 1. Check the speed of ikd-Tree
# Example 2. Searching-points-by-box examples
# Example 3. An aysnc. exmaple for readers' better understanding of the principle of ikd-Tree
Example 2: ikd_tree_Search_demo
Box Search Result | Radius Search Result |
Points returned from the two search methods are shown in red.
Example 3: ikd_tree_Async_demo
Original Map:
Box Delete Results:
Points removed from ikd-Tree(red) | Map after box delete |
This example is to demonstrate the asynchronous phenomenon in ikd-Tree. The points are deleted by attaching 'deleted' on the tree nodes (map shown in the ) instead of being removed from the ikd-Tree immediately. They are removed from the tree when rebuilding process is performed. Please refer to our paper for more details about delete and rebuilding.
Thanks Marcus Davi for helps in templating the ikd-Tree for more general applications.
Thanks Hyungtae Lim 임형태 for providing application examples on point clouds.
The source code of ikd-Tree is released under GPLv2 license. For commercial use, please contact Mr. Yixi CAI ([email protected]) or Dr. Fu ZHANG ([email protected]).