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johnnychen94 committed Apr 11, 2022
1 parent 6262e64 commit 638a296
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Showing 3 changed files with 149 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/ImageCore.jl
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Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ export
# matlab compatibility

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69 changes: 68 additions & 1 deletion src/matlab.jl
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Expand Up @@ -94,4 +94,71 @@ function _im_from_matlab(::Type{CT}, X::AbstractArray{T}) where {CT<:Colorant, T
# FIXME(johnnychen94): not type inferrable here
return StructArray{_CT}(X; dims=3)
_im_from_matlab(::Type{CT}, X::AbstractArray{T}) where {CT<:Gray, T<:Real} = of_eltype(CT, X)
_im_from_matlab(::Type{CT}, X::AbstractArray{T}) where {CT<:Gray, T<:Real} = colorview(CT, X)

im_to_matlab([T], X::AbstractArray) -> AbstractArray{T}
Convert colorant array `X` to numerical array, using MATLAB's image layout convention.
img = rand(Gray{N0f8}, 4, 4)
im_to_matlab(img) # 4×4 array with element type N0f8
im_to_matlab(Float64, img) # 4×4 array with element type Float64
img = rand(RGB{N0f8}, 4, 4)
im_to_matlab(img) # 4×4×3 array with element type N0f8
im_to_matlab(Float64, img) # 4×4×3 array with element type Float64
For color image `X`, it will be converted to RGB colorspace first. The alpha channel, if
presented, will be removed.
```jldoctest; setup = :(using ImageCore, Random; Random.seed!(1234))
julia> img = Lab.(rand(RGB, 4, 4));
julia> im_to_matlab(img) ≈ im_to_matlab(RGB.(img))
julia> img = rand(AGray{N0f8}, 4, 4);
julia> im_to_matlab(img) ≈ im_to_matlab(gray.(img))
!!! tip "lazy conversion"
To save memory allocation, the conversion is done in lazy mode. In some cases, this
could introduce performance overhead due to the repeat computation. This can be easily
solved by converting eagerly via, e.g., `collect(im_to_matlab(...))`.
!!! info "value range"
The output value is always in range \$[0, 1]\$. Thus the equality
`data ≈ im_to_matlab(im_from_matlab(data))` only holds when `data` is in also range
\$[0, 1]\$. For example, if `eltype(data) == UInt8`, this equality will not hold.
See also: [`im_from_matlab`](@ref).
function im_to_matlab end

im_to_matlab(X::AbstractArray{<:Number}) = X
im_to_matlab(img::AbstractArray{CT}) where CT<:Colorant = im_to_matlab(eltype(CT), img)

im_to_matlab(::Type{T}, img::AbstractArray{CT}) where {T,CT<:TransparentColor} =
im_to_matlab(T, of_eltype(base_color_type(CT), img))
im_to_matlab(::Type{T}, img::AbstractArray{<:Color}) where T =
im_to_matlab(T, of_eltype(RGB{T}, img))
im_to_matlab(::Type{T}, img::AbstractArray{<:Gray}) where T =
of_eltype(T, channelview(img))

# for RGB, only 1d and 2d cases are supported as other cases are not well-defined in MATLAB.
im_to_matlab(::Type{T}, img::AbstractVector{<:RGB}) where T =
im_to_matlab(T, reshape(img, (length(img), 1)))
im_to_matlab(::Type{T}, img::AbstractMatrix{<:RGB}) where T =
PermutedDimsArray(of_eltype(T, channelview(img)), (2, 3, 1))
im_to_matlab(::Type{T}, img::AbstractArray{<:RGB}) where T =
throw(ArgumentError("For $(ndims(img)) dimensional color image, manual conversion to MATLAB layout is required."))

# this method allows `data === im_to_matlab(im_from_matlab(data))` for gray image
im_to_matlab(::Type{T}, img::Base.ReinterpretArray{CT,N,T,<:AbstractArray{T,N}, true}) where {CT,N,T} =
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions test/matlab.jl
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Expand Up @@ -124,4 +124,83 @@
msg = "Unrecognized MATLAB image layout."
@test_throws ArgumentError(msg) im_from_matlab(data)

@testset "im_to_matlab" begin
@testset "Gray" begin
img = rand(Gray{N0f8}, 4, 5)
data = @inferred im_to_matlab(img)
@test eltype(data) == N0f8
@test size(data) == (4, 5)
@test img == data
data = @inferred im_to_matlab(Float64, img)
@test eltype(data) == Float64
@test img == data

img = rand(Gray{Float64}, 4, 5)
data = @inferred im_to_matlab(img)
@test eltype(data) == Float64
@test size(data) == (4, 5)
@test img == data

img = rand(UInt8, 4, 5)
@test img === @inferred im_to_matlab(img)

img = rand(Gray{Float64}, 4)
data = @inferred im_to_matlab(img)
@test eltype(data) == Float64
@test size(data) == (4, )

@testset "RGB" begin
img = rand(RGB{N0f8}, 4, 5)
data = @inferred im_to_matlab(img)
@test eltype(data) == N0f8
@test size(data) == (4, 5, 3)
@test permutedims(channelview(img), (2, 3, 1)) == data
data = @inferred im_to_matlab(Float64, img)
@test eltype(data) == Float64
@test size(data) == (4, 5, 3)
@test permutedims(channelview(img), (2, 3, 1)) == data

img = rand(RGB{Float64}, 4, 5)
data = @inferred im_to_matlab(img)
@test eltype(data) == Float64
@test size(data) == (4, 5, 3)
@test permutedims(channelview(img), (2, 3, 1)) == data

img = rand(UInt8, 4, 5, 3)
@test img === @inferred im_to_matlab(img)

img = rand(RGB{Float64}, 4)
data = @inferred im_to_matlab(img)
@test eltype(data) == Float64
@test size(data) == (4, 1, 3) # oh yes, we add one extra dimension for RGB but not for Gray

img = rand(RGB{Float64}, 2, 3, 4)
msg = "For 3 dimensional color image, manual conversion to MATLAB layout is required."
@test_throws ArgumentError(msg) im_to_matlab(img)

@testset "Color3" begin
img = Lab.(rand(RGB, 4, 5))
@test @inferred(im_to_matlab(img)) @inferred(im_to_matlab(RGB.(img)))
@testset "transparent" begin
img = rand(AGray, 4, 5)
@test @inferred(im_to_matlab(img)) == @inferred(im_to_matlab(Gray.(img)))
img = rand(RGBA, 4, 5)
@test @inferred(im_to_matlab(img)) == @inferred(im_to_matlab(RGB.(img)))

# test `im_from_matlab` and `im_to_matlab` are inverses of each other.
data = rand(4, 5)
@test data === im_to_matlab(im_from_matlab(data))
# For RGB, ideally we would want to ensure this === equality, but it's not possible at the moment.
data = rand(4, 5, 3)
@test data == im_to_matlab(im_from_matlab(data))
# the output range are always in [0, 1]; in this case they're not inverse of each other.
data = rand(UInt8, 4, 5)
img = im_from_matlab(data)
@test im_to_matlab(img) == data ./ 255

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