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timholy committed Aug 29, 2021
1 parent 2ccfb86 commit bc78507
Showing 1 changed file with 62 additions and 58 deletions.
120 changes: 62 additions & 58 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,64 +1,68 @@
using IndirectArrays, MappedArrays, OrderedCollections
using Test, FixedPointNumbers, Colors

colors = [RGB(1,0,0) RGB(0,1,0);
RGB(0,0,1) RGB(1,0,0)]
index0 = [1 3;
2 1]
for indexT in (Int8, Int16, UInt8, UInt16)
A = IndirectArray{indexT}(colors)
@test eltype(A) == RGB{N0f8}
@test size(A) == (2,2)
@test ndims(A) == 2
@test A[1,1] === A[1] === RGB(1,0,0)
@test A[2,1] === A[2] === RGB(0,0,1)
@test A[1,2] === A[3] === RGB(0,1,0)
@test A[2,2] === A[4] === RGB(1,0,0)
@test isa(eachindex(A), AbstractUnitRange)
@test A.index == index0
x = IndirectArray(colors[:])
@test x == IndirectArray{UInt8}(colors[:])
xc = copy(x)
@test x == xc
xc[2], xc[3] = RGB(0,1,0), RGB(0,1,1)
@test xc == IndirectArray([RGB(1,0,0), RGB(0,1,0), RGB(0,1,1), RGB(1,0,0)])
@test append!(x, x) == IndirectArray([colors[:]; colors[:]])
@test append!(x, IndirectArray([RGB(1,0,0), RGB(1,1,0)])) ==
IndirectArray([colors[:]; colors[:]; [RGB(1,0,0), RGB(1,1,0)]])
# Append with non-IndirectArray
@test append!(IndirectArray(colors[:]), IndirectArray(colors[:])) ==
append!(IndirectArray(colors[:]), colors[:])
@testset "values::AbstractVector" begin
colors = [RGB(1,0,0) RGB(0,1,0);
RGB(0,0,1) RGB(1,0,0)]
index0 = [1 3;
2 1]
for indexT in (Int8, Int16, UInt8, UInt16)
A = IndirectArray{indexT}(colors)
@test eltype(A) == RGB{N0f8}
@test size(A) == (2,2)
@test ndims(A) == 2
@test A[1,1] === A[1] === RGB(1,0,0)
@test A[2,1] === A[2] === RGB(0,0,1)
@test A[1,2] === A[3] === RGB(0,1,0)
@test A[2,2] === A[4] === RGB(1,0,0)
@test isa(eachindex(A), AbstractUnitRange)
@test A.index == index0
x = IndirectArray(colors[:])
@test x == IndirectArray{UInt8}(colors[:])
xc = copy(x)
@test x == xc
xc[2], xc[3] = RGB(0,1,0), RGB(0,1,1)
@test xc == IndirectArray([RGB(1,0,0), RGB(0,1,0), RGB(0,1,1), RGB(1,0,0)])
@test append!(x, x) == IndirectArray([colors[:]; colors[:]])
@test append!(x, IndirectArray([RGB(1,0,0), RGB(1,1,0)])) ==
IndirectArray([colors[:]; colors[:]; [RGB(1,0,0), RGB(1,1,0)]])
# Append with non-IndirectArray
@test append!(IndirectArray(colors[:]), IndirectArray(colors[:])) ==
append!(IndirectArray(colors[:]), colors[:])

# Bounds checking upon construction
index_ob = copy(index0)
index_ob[1] = 5 # out-of-bounds
unsafe_ia(idx, vals) = (@inbounds ret = IndirectArray(idx, vals); ret)
safe_ia(idx, vals) = (ret = IndirectArray(idx, vals); ret)
@test_throws BoundsError safe_ia(index_ob, colors[1:3])
# This requires inlining, which means it fails on Travis since we turn
# off inlining for better coverage stats
# B = unsafe_ia(index_ob, colors)
# @test_throws BoundsError B[1]
# @test B[2] == RGB(0,0,1)
# Bounds checking upon construction
index_ob = copy(index0)
index_ob[1] = 5 # out-of-bounds
unsafe_ia(idx, vals) = (@inbounds ret = IndirectArray(idx, vals); ret)
safe_ia(idx, vals) = (ret = IndirectArray(idx, vals); ret)
@test_throws BoundsError safe_ia(index_ob, colors[1:3])
# This requires inlining, which means it fails on Travis since we turn
# off inlining for better coverage stats
# B = unsafe_ia(index_ob, colors)
# @test_throws BoundsError B[1]
# @test B[2] == RGB(0,0,1)

# Non-Arrays
a = [0.1 0.4;
0.33 1.0]
f(x) = round(Int, 99*x) + 1 # maps 0-1 to 1-100
m = mappedarray(f, a)
cmap = colormap("RdBu", 100)
img = IndirectArray(m, cmap)
@test img == [cmap[11] cmap[41];
cmap[34] cmap[100]]
# Non-Arrays
a = [0.1 0.4;
0.33 1.0]
f(x) = round(Int, 99*x) + 1 # maps 0-1 to 1-100
m = mappedarray(f, a)
cmap = colormap("RdBu", 100)
img = IndirectArray(m, cmap)
@test img == [cmap[11] cmap[41];
cmap[34] cmap[100]]

# With Dicts
a = ['a' 'b';
'q' 'j']
v = freeze(Dict('a' => "apple", 'b' => "book", 'q' => "quit", 'j' => "jolly"))
A = IndirectArray(a, v)
@test A[1,1] == "apple"
@test A[2,1] == "quit"
@test A[1,2] == "book"
@test A[2,2] == "jolly"
@test_throws BoundsError IndirectArray(a, Dict('a' => "apple", 'b' => "book"))
@testset "values::AbstractDict" begin
# With Dicts
a = ['a' 'b';
'q' 'j']
v = freeze(Dict('a' => "apple", 'b' => "book", 'q' => "quit", 'j' => "jolly"))
A = IndirectArray(a, v)
@test A[1,1] == "apple"
@test A[2,1] == "quit"
@test A[1,2] == "book"
@test A[2,2] == "jolly"
@test_throws BoundsError IndirectArray(a, Dict('a' => "apple", 'b' => "book"))

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