For an overview of the entire workflow of the SwissCourtRulingCorpus, refer to the file SwissCourtRulingCorpus workflow
For an overview of the process used to construct this dataset, please consult the file scrc/
For extracting the raw text content from pdf files we used tika and for html files we used BeautifulSoup.
The Swiss Court Ruling Corpus (SCRC) contains Swiss court rulings. It was scraped from on February 1st 2021.
More information about this dataset can be found in the following spreadsheet:
Export conda env with:
conda env export > env.yml --no-builds
Go to{firstname} (this session firstname can then be used to compare the different annotators and compute agreement scores)
We went for fasttext for language identification because of this benchmark:
Follow the instructions on to run a jupyter notebook from the server locally.
Run the following commands to enable tabnine autocompletion also in jupyter notebook
python -m pip install jupyter-tabnine
jupyter nbextension install --py jupyter_tabnine
jupyter nbextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine
jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyter_tabnine
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888 --notebook-dir=scrc/notebooks
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8888 <your-username>
The data is stored in a Postgres DB so we can avoid loading into RAM the total data in order to work with it.
When pandas loads from a csv file and creates a dataframe in memory, this dataframe will allocate more than 2x the size of the csv! Make sure you load big csv files in chunks!
Print files sorted by size
du -h data/csv/clean/* | sort -h
Sometimes pip install
says that the requirement is already satisfied. If the module is not found
try python -m pip install ...
Dask does not work with csv files containing new lines inside fields because it cannot process csv chunks
Amount of approvals for a specific court:
SELECT count(*) FROM judgment
LEFT JOIN judgment_map ON judgment_map.judgment_id = judgment.judgment_id
LEFT JOIN decision ON decision.decision_id = judgment_map.decision_id
LEFT JOIN chamber ON chamber.chamber_id = decision.chamber_id
LEFT JOIN spider ON spider.spider_id = chamber.spider_id
WHERE = 'BS_Omni'
AND judgment.judgment_id = 1
The following two queries are integrated within the judgment_pattern_extractor module. Check out the modules readme to execute them automatically
Amount of total judgment outcomes for a specific court (decisions with 2 or more judgments counted once):
SELECT count(DISTINCT d.decision_id) FROM decision d
LEFT JOIN chamber c ON c.chamber_id = d.chamber_id
LEFT JOIN spider sp ON sp.spider_id = c.spider_id
LEFT JOIN judgment_map j ON j.decision_id = d.decision_id
WHERE judgment_id IS NOT NULL
AND = 'CH_BGer'
Amount of sections of section_type 6 (rulings) found for a specific court (change last line's number to desired section_type):
SELECT count(*) FROM decision d
LEFT JOIN section s ON d.decision_id = s.decision_id
LEFT JOIN section_type t ON t.section_type_id = s.section_type_id
LEFT JOIN chamber c ON c.chamber_id = d.chamber_id
LEFT JOIN spider sp ON sp.spider_id = c.spider_id
AND section_text != ''
AND s.section_type_id = 6