This module is currently in development.
A stand alone educational module created to meet and exceed STANDARD 9.0 & 10.
This module is designed to work both in local environments as well as remote environments by using vscode / vscodium, docker, and gitpod.
This module recommends the following extensions to aid instructors in their instructions. Note that not all of these extensions work in both local and remote environments.
Explaining -
- vscode-reveal - For creating presentations in markdown format, chunking out the content and explaining code examples line by line.
Demonstrating code examples
- code-runner & markdown-run-snippet - For Demonstrating code examples and facilating active engagment activity such as predicting / explaining code examples.
- Drawio - is used to create custom diagrams and visually explain various concepts. (local only)
Live Share Mob Timer
- LeetCode
If a student or teacher is using this module, on their computer.
It is highly recommended that students and teachers familarize themselves with GitPod as a modern troubleshooting solution to solving issues.
- 9.1 Explain cloud-based computing and content delivery networks
- 9.2 Identify the components and functions of the internet (e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, IP addresses, and IMAP)
- 9.3 Identify services run by web servers [e.g., scripting languages (client- and server-side scripting), databases, and media]
- 9.4 Identify performance issues (e.g., bandwidth, internet connection types, pages loading slowly, resolution, and size graphics)
- 9.5 Differentiate among shared hosting, dedicated server, and virtual private server (VPS)
- 9.6 Identify Internet of Things (IOT) and common communication interfaces (e.g., Bluetooth, NFC, Wi-Fi, and LTE)
- 10.1 Identify key components and functions of internet and web specialty browsers
- 10.2 Use client collaboration sources/platforms (e.g., GitHub, Google Drive, Dropbox, JSFiddle, and browser developer tools)
- 10.3 Analyze remote computing tools and services and their application