This project is mainly API for managing group budgets. You can create budget, add your friends or family and add various incomes and expenses to get clear view of it. Frontend part of application is in progress.
To setup and start this application you just need few simple steps:
First of all you need to set secret for JWT used for authentication. If you have .NET 7 installed on your CPU you can use my side utility for creating GUIDs to create pretty solid salt:
./.secretStorage/GuidGenerator/GuidGenerator.exe > ./.secretStorage/secrets/JWTSecret.txt
If you don't have .NET you can set it on your own by creating this file:
SSL Certificate generation. Note: replace YOUR_CHOSEN_PASSWORD placeholder with password of your choice
dotnet dev-certs https -ep ./.certificates/https/familybudget.pfx -p YOUR_CHOSEN_PASSWORD dotnet dev-certs https --trust
And create file with YOUR_CHOSEN_PASSWORD under that path:
Create file
and write a strong database password to it.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Now server should be running on ports 7134 for HTTPS and 5064 for HTTP.