simple math and logial operations for the command line
on windows: put .exe in c:/windows/system32 on linux: compile the project for linux and idk any further. If you are using linux you probably either already know it or have pleasure in finding it out.
math [number] [operator] [number] div is for dividing integers + the remainder or gives the bits of both numbers xor give the bits that are in only one number and gives the bits that are in both numbers
math 2 + 2
= 4
math 3 / 2
= 1,5
math 5 div 2
= 2 : 1
math 3 power 3
= 27
math 4 root 2
= 2
math 12 or 99
= 111
math 13 xor 69
= 72
math 70 and 14
= 6