"My Daily Life Cut" detects human face in an image and gets back face rectangles for where in the image the face is, along with some attributes which contain machine learning-based predictions of facial features. Algorithm in application utilizes some of sentiment data and returns meaningful analysis results.
- All python code should be reformmated by black
- All javascript code should be reformmated by prettier
- RN, Expo compatable latest version
- git statistic based on 우아한형제들
[Backend (Django)]
- Django : ^2.1.2
- DjangoRestFramework : ^3.10.3
- for more
[Frontend (Android Studio)]
- jdk ^8.0
[Frontend (React Native)]
- React Native: 0.59.8
- React: ^16.8.3
- Expo: ^35.0.0
Expo CLI
npm install -g expo-cli
Package Install
npm install
- todo 1
- todo 2