The client is an NGO based in the Seattle area working in community outreach and development. They are interested in gaining deeper insight into the communities in and around King County with the hopes of better focusing investment for maximum impact.
The NGO board has identified Life Expectancy as a primary metric to locate and understands areas around the county that require investment. Further, they are interested in local property markets as an indicator of communities general economic health and as a indicator for the effect size they can expect their investments to have on those communities.
To investigate this topic I used a primary dataset collected by the King County Assessors office, and one secondary dataset compiled as part of the Land Conservation Intiative (LCI) opportunity are analysis.
The Kings County Property Sales data was collected from 2014 through 2015.
The LCI dataset is a combination of several datasets from Public Health, the American Communities Survey, and localization data as part of King County's Open Data program. The date range on the data combined in this set are 2014 - 2019.
Let's start prepping the data!
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import scipy.stats as stats
df = pd.read_csv('./data/kc_house_data.csv')
.dataframe tbody tr th {
vertical-align: top;
.dataframe thead th {
text-align: right;
id | date | price | bedrooms | bathrooms | sqft_living | sqft_lot | floors | waterfront | view | ... | grade | sqft_above | sqft_basement | yr_built | yr_renovated | zipcode | lat | long | sqft_living15 | sqft_lot15 | |
0 | 7129300520 | 10/13/2014 | 221900.0 | 3 | 1.00 | 1180 | 5650 | 1.0 | NaN | NONE | ... | 7 Average | 1180 | 0.0 | 1955 | 0.0 | 98178 | 47.5112 | -122.257 | 1340 | 5650 |
1 | 6414100192 | 12/9/2014 | 538000.0 | 3 | 2.25 | 2570 | 7242 | 2.0 | NO | NONE | ... | 7 Average | 2170 | 400.0 | 1951 | 1991.0 | 98125 | 47.7210 | -122.319 | 1690 | 7639 |
2 | 5631500400 | 2/25/2015 | 180000.0 | 2 | 1.00 | 770 | 10000 | 1.0 | NO | NONE | ... | 6 Low Average | 770 | 0.0 | 1933 | NaN | 98028 | 47.7379 | -122.233 | 2720 | 8062 |
3 | 2487200875 | 12/9/2014 | 604000.0 | 4 | 3.00 | 1960 | 5000 | 1.0 | NO | NONE | ... | 7 Average | 1050 | 910.0 | 1965 | 0.0 | 98136 | 47.5208 | -122.393 | 1360 | 5000 |
4 | 1954400510 | 2/18/2015 | 510000.0 | 3 | 2.00 | 1680 | 8080 | 1.0 | NO | NONE | ... | 8 Good | 1680 | 0.0 | 1987 | 0.0 | 98074 | 47.6168 | -122.045 | 1800 | 7503 |
5 rows Ă— 21 columns
Here I start exploring the data and getting a sense of what is included in the data we have access to and what sorts of adjustments, or cleaning I am going to need to do to get started.
Some notes:
- The string columns are:
- Date
- Waterfront
- View
- Condition
- Grade
- Sqft_basement
- Something I noticed is that
is anint
value andsqft_basement
is a string value. - There seem to be few if any NaN values in the table.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 21597 entries, 0 to 21596
Data columns (total 21 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 id 21597 non-null int64
1 date 21597 non-null object
2 price 21597 non-null float64
3 bedrooms 21597 non-null int64
4 bathrooms 21597 non-null float64
5 sqft_living 21597 non-null int64
6 sqft_lot 21597 non-null int64
7 floors 21597 non-null float64
8 waterfront 19221 non-null object
9 view 21534 non-null object
10 condition 21597 non-null object
11 grade 21597 non-null object
12 sqft_above 21597 non-null int64
13 sqft_basement 21597 non-null object
14 yr_built 21597 non-null int64
15 yr_renovated 17755 non-null float64
16 zipcode 21597 non-null int64
17 lat 21597 non-null float64
18 long 21597 non-null float64
19 sqft_living15 21597 non-null int64
20 sqft_lot15 21597 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(6), int64(9), object(6)
memory usage: 3.5+ MB
The first thing I want to do is identify data types and start to parse out how things are related. in This section I will discuss the ways that I appraoched this. The parts that worked and the parts that didn't.
- I used pairplots and commonsense to identify possible colinearities between the data columns.
- I wrote a series of functions that helped reorganize and rationalize the data more toward my use cases.
- i.e. I wrote a latitude and longitude binning function that let me merge the two data sets of of different sizes and types of data into a single dataframe.
- I wrote a function that cleaned and expanded my categorical data from the LCI set so that when it was grouped I was able to maintain the record of that data in a column that could then be expanded after the merge. Essentially, I think this may have been similar to a column expansion operation.
- I wrote a lot of boiler plate code and am refactoring it into reusable blocks.
- I wrote a helper function for visualizing a large dataframe. It takes the dataframe as an argument
and a list containing the column names of the columns you want to graph from it. Then it dynamically
creates a 2-d array of axes objects automatically determining the best size grid to fit
- I want to expand this into a more general solution. One that can just be given any dataframe and determine based on the datatypes in each column the best way to return that column as a graph.
- It seems like it would be fun and useful to have a tool similar to
but for graphing.
- I wrote a helper function for visualizing a large dataframe. It takes the dataframe as an argument
and a list containing the column names of the columns you want to graph from it. Then it dynamically
creates a 2-d array of axes objects automatically determining the best size grid to fit
Below is a little bit of the process I used to take care of outliers. it resulted in a much more normal distribution for most of the numerical categories. I wasted most of today investigating the the sqft_lot and sqft_lot15 columns and why they are retaining so much skew after normalization.
I want to figure out how to take something like a derivative of the distribution to test how the features are actually structured. Made some progress toward that but it is now 2am.
Making Colors Nice
colors = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.keys())
while len(colors) < num_of_columns:
rand_index = np.random.randint(0, len(colors))
Below is the import for my graphing tool. I don't have time to document it now, but I'll revist this notebook after graduation and clean everything up.
from graph_tool import make_array
house_num_col = list(house_num.columns)
column_name = iter(house_num_col)
color = iter(colors)
num_of_columns = len(house_num_col)
graph_shape = make_array(num_of_columns, 4)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(graph_shape), len(graph_shape[0]), figsize=(12, 12))
ax[0, 0].hist(x=house_num['price'])
for row, obj in enumerate(graph_shape):
for col in obj:
name = next(column_name)
ax[row, col].hist(x=house_num[name], bins=16, color=next(color), alpha=.4)
ax[row, col].set_title(name)
# print(row, col, next(column_gen), next(color))
data= house_num['grade'].value_counts()
x = list(data.index)
y = list(data)
sns.barplot(x=x, y=y)
def outlier_filter(df):
col_names = list(df.select_dtypes([np.int64, np.float64]).columns)
new_df = df
for col in col_names:
num = 8
std = df[col].std()
med = df[col].median()
new_df = new_df[(df[col] > med-(num*std)) & (df[col] < med+(num*std))]
return new_df
This data is from the LCI source. One of the columns contained "Present Use" data for the parcel in each row.
I split the numerical and categorical data before merging it into the Primary Dataframe and then aggregated the rows when grouping on the Coordinate Bins so that I ended up with a list like the one below in each row of this column:
# def dict_to_columns(df, col_name):
['Condominium(Residential) ',
'Condominium(Residential) ',
'Condominium(Residential) ',
'Single Family(Res Use/Zone) ',
'4-Plex ',
'Apartment ',
'Townhouse Plat ',
'Townhouse Plat ',
'Townhouse Plat ',
'Single Family(Res Use/Zone) ',
'Single Family(Res Use/Zone) ',
'Townhouse Plat ',
'Condominium(Residential) ',
'Condominium(Residential) ',
'Condominium(Residential) ']
With a similar in each row I now needed to "sum" these values to represent the aggregate value for each Bin Group.
The functions below can be applied to each row of the column to turn the list of repeated values into a dictionary with the value counts for each category in the list.
def counter(a_list):
result = {}
unique = list(set(a_list))
for item in unique:
count = a_list.count(item)
id = item.rstrip()
except AttributeError:
if id == "":
result.update({f'{id}': count})
return result
def key_counter(count_dict):
for key, val in count_dict.items():
master_count[key] = master_count[key] + val
except KeyError:
master_count.update({key: val})
Then I map the functions to the column, and print a list of total values for these categories contained in the original dataset before grouping.
master_count = {}
new_col_names = []
cat_data['use_counts'] = cat_data['PREUSE_DESC'].map(counter)
master_list = list(master_count.items())
master_list.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x : x[1])
for item, count in master_list:
if count > 1000:
print(f"{item}: {count}")
Single Family(Res Use/Zone): 950089
Townhouse Plat: 120831
Vacant(Single-family): 34433
Duplex: 17419
Apartment: 14000
Single Family(C/I Zone): 6335
Triplex: 6117
Condominium(Residential): 5292
4-Plex: 4273
Mobile Home: 3159
Retail Store: 2804
Vacant(Multi-family): 2657
Office Building: 2380
Apartment(Mixed Use): 2208
Vacant(Commercial): 2052
Church/Welfare/Relig Srvc: 1905
Parking(Assoc): 1320
Park, Public(Zoo/Arbor): 1152
Here I am defining the last couple functions needed for this operation.
checks to make sure the dictionary containing the counts from our above list is there and
if it is it routes the value into newcolumn with the dictionary key as its name.
def handler(col_name, col_dict):
if col_name in col_dict.keys():
return col_dict[col_name]
return 0
def dict_to_col(df, name_list):
for name in name_list:
df[name] = df.apply(lambda x : handler(name, x['use_counts']), axis=1)
# exectute the operation.
dict_to_col(cat_data, new_col_names)
And then we're done! Now we have a new set of columns that represent all of the categorical data from the Present Use column in our original dataset and we haven't lost any of the information after the grouping and merging on the nurmerical Dataframe.
I am going to kind gloss over this for now.
I was working in maybe 15 different notebooks and would switch when they started to become unmanagably long, but I will recombine and align them along the narrative at a later date.
My first or second model attempting to get a prediction on Life Expectancy.
run -i
id : -0.004668 |
price : 0.739497 |
sqft_living : -0.361522 |
sqft_lot : -0.057240 |
grade : 0.142520 |
yr_built : -0.218601 |
lat : 0.627254 |
sqft_living15 : 0.085145 |
sqft_lot15 : -0.074418 |
bins : -0.420045 |
POC_pct : 1.153714 |
median_income : -0.132929 |
TREE_PCT : -0.132692 |
osdist_mean : 0.100125 |
os_per_person_pctle : -0.276935 |
longitude : -0.019307 |
Shape_Area : 0.229707 |
PREUSE_DESC : 0.001986 |
Single Family(Res Use/Zone): 0.016150 |
Townhouse Plat : 0.104244 |
Vacant(Single-family) : 0.020079 |
Duplex : -0.036180 |
Apartment : 0.123427 |
Single Family(C/I Zone) : 0.062854 |
Triplex : -0.036127 |
Condominium(Residential): -0.157482 |
4-Plex : 0.024960 |
Mobile Home : 0.052849 |
Retail Store : 0.020947 |
Vacant(Multi-family) : 0.224054 |
Office Building : 0.016554 |
Apartment(Mixed Use) : 0.003203 |
Vacant(Commercial) : 0.017612 |
Church/Welfare/Relig Srvc: -0.029823 |
Training intercept : 82.190092
Training r_sq score : 0.503081
Mean Absolute Error : 1.751840
Root Mean Sq Error : 2.296161
sns.kdeplot(train_pred_le2, alpha=.3)
sns.kdeplot(y_pred_le2, fill=True, color='red', alpha=.3)
resid_le2 = y_test_le2 - y_pred_le2
# print(len(y_test_le2), len(y_pred_le2), len(resid_le2))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x=range(y_pred_le2.shape[0]),y=resid_le2, alpha=0.1);
run -i
price : -3.745926 |
sqft_living : 1.642800 |
sqft_lot : 0.681374 |
yr_built : 1.196240 |
sqft_living15 : 1.013943 |
sqft_lot15 : 1.786108 |
bins : -2.032365 |
POC_pct : 0.866011 |
median_income : -0.596829 |
LifeExpectancy : 0.595129 |
osdist_mean : 4.099845 |
os_per_person_pctle : 4.925862 |
longitude : 2.432153 |
latitude : -0.055143 |
Shape_Area : -2.580435 |
PREUSE_DESC : -0.412106 |
Single Family(Res Use/Zone): 0.327542 |
Townhouse Plat : -0.285114 |
Vacant(Single-family) : -0.131323 |
Duplex : -0.683825 |
Apartment : 0.355417 |
Single Family(C/I Zone) : -0.599532 |
Triplex : -0.696121 |
Condominium(Residential): 0.099225 |
4-Plex : -0.250894 |
Mobile Home : 0.095317 |
Retail Store : -0.390760 |
Vacant(Multi-family) : 0.180432 |
Office Building : -0.528248 |
Apartment(Mixed Use) : -0.158147 |
Vacant(Commercial) : -0.494629 |
Church/Welfare/Relig Srvc: -0.206831 |
Model trian score : 0.550543
Model test score : 0.539444
Model intercept : 33.420800
Model r_sq score : 0.550543
Mean Absolute Error : 554075.437474
Mean Sq Error Train : 11.220377
Mean Sq Error Test : 10.882046
Mean Sq Error Diff : 0.338331
resid_t01 = y_test_t01 - y_test_pred_t01
# print(len(y_test_t01), len(y_pred_t01), len(resid_t01))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(x=range(y_test_pred_t01.shape[0]),y=resid_t01, color='coral', alpha=0.1);
run -i
price : 0.822755 |
sqft_living : -0.350384 |
sqft_lot : -0.136434 |
bins : -0.466828 |
POC_pct : 1.208713 |
median_income : -0.227466 |
TREE_PCT : -0.169396 |
osdist_mean : 0.061875 |
os_per_person_pctle : -0.395556 |
longitude : 0.672996 |
latitude : 0.006453 |
Vacant(Single-family) : 0.026493 |
Apartment : 0.053237 |
Condominium(Residential): -0.005184 |
4-Plex : 0.071272 |
Vacant(Multi-family) : -0.001428 |
Office Building : 0.233913 |
Model trian score : 0.488695
Model test score : 0.469140
Model intercept : 82.190092
Model r_sq score : 0.488695
Mean Absolute Error : 554026.663594
Mean Sq Error Train : 2.262861
Mean Sq Error Test : 2.312613
Mean Sq Error Diff : 0.049751
run -i
price : 0.833719 |
sqft_living : -0.360626 |
sqft_lot : -0.135397 |
bins : -0.463764 |
POC_pct : 1.195224 |
median_income : -0.232253 |
TREE_PCT : -0.175662 |
osdist_mean : 0.054945 |
os_per_person_pctle : -0.399031 |
longitude : 0.683447 |
latitude : 0.006327 |
Vacant(Single-family) : 0.018216 |
Office Building : 0.254087 |
Model trian score : 0.487691
Model test score : 0.466680
Model intercept : 82.190092
Model r_sq score : 0.487691
Mean Absolute Error : 554026.663594
Mean Sq Error Train : 2.265083
Mean Sq Error Test : 2.317966
Mean Sq Error Diff : 0.052883
Even with all the variables in it's still only getting toward a %50 explination value for the variance in my training data.
run -i
price : 1.139433 |
sqft_living : -0.284965 |
sqft_lot : -0.020515 |
grade : -0.006116 |
sqft_above : -0.322965 |
sqft_living15 : 0.085369 |
sqft_lot15 : -0.138030 |
POC_pct : -0.460402 |
median_income : 1.063076 |
TREE_PCT : -0.053785 |
osdist_mean : -0.019653 |
os_per_person_pctle : 0.052579 |
longitude : -0.152452 |
latitude : 0.238275 |
Shape_Area : 0.093486 |
Single Family(Res Use/Zone): 0.197502 |
Townhouse Plat : -0.099342 |
Vacant(Single-family) : 0.000788 |
Duplex : 0.136813 |
Apartment : 0.105723 |
Single Family(C/I Zone) : 0.012633 |
Triplex : 0.004708 |
Condominium(Residential): -0.007958 |
4-Plex : -0.001327 |
Mobile Home : -0.090309 |
Retail Store : -0.049221 |
Vacant(Multi-family) : -0.004983 |
Office Building : -0.052206 |
Apartment(Mixed Use) : 0.095634 |
Vacant(Commercial) : 0.080392 |
Church/Welfare/Relig Srvc: 0.000000 |
Parking(Assoc) : 0.008222 |
Park, Public(Zoo/Arbor) : 0.000000 |
Model trian score : 0.528839
Model test score : 0.513588
Model intercept : 81.876177
Model r_sq score : 0.528839
Mean Absolute Error : 1.584966
Mean Sq Error Train : 2.036806
Mean Sq Error Test : 2.066766
Mean Sq Error Diff : 0.029960
In the end I wasn't really able to find much of anything. I'm going to keep working on it though and I will revist this project and repo when I have time to turn it into something that acutally works and makes sense.