This repository is dedicated to C++ programming projects and examples, aimed at demonstrating various concepts and techniques in C++ software development. Each subdirectory contains a standalone C++ project with its own specific focus, showcasing different aspects of the C++ language and its application.
- Dynamic Array Template - A C++ template implementation for a dynamic array, illustrating the use of templates for type-independent data structures.
- Linked List Template - A C++ template implementation for a singly linked list, demonstrating the principles of dynamic memory management and object-oriented design.
- Associative Array Template - A C++ template implementation for an associative array, highlighting the use of operator overloading and custom data structures.
- Filesystem - Demonstrates the use of the C++17 filesystem library to perform file operations, enhancing the ability to interact with the system's file structure programmatically.
- Template Practice - Contains small exercises and examples focusing on C++ template programming, showcasing the power and flexibility of templates in generic programming.
- Unix Style Text Tools - A collection of C++ programs designed to mimic the behavior of classic Unix text processing tools, showcasing the use of C++ in command-line utilities.
To dive into any of the projects, please navigate to the respective project's directory and consult the
file located within. These individual READMEs provide detailed instructions on how to compile and run the projects, as well as explanations of the concepts demonstrated.
Your contributions to this repository are highly appreciated. Whether it's by adding new C++ projects, enhancing existing ones, or improving documentation, feel free to fork this repository and submit your pull requests.
All projects in this repository are open source and distributed under the MIT License, unless otherwise specified within a project's directory.