This is the source code of the submission by SkyNet team for the StackExchange contest of closed question prediction. The code has originally brought us to top 25% (24th/167, 17 entries in team SkyNet), when the contest page had listed all registered teams. Current situation: we score 24-th/46 (16 entries in team SkyNet)
Details of the contest:
We have used scikit, pandas and numpy of Python, as well as other auxiliary helper libraries: csv, datetime, math, re and subprocess.
- The winning algorithm was the logistic regresssion based classifier, see
- Other classifiers tried didn't score any better, but are still supplied for reference and history. The tried classifier algorithms: Gradient Boosting MNB KNN Perceptron (Neural Network) MultiTaskElasticNet ExtraTreesClassifier
The metric used on the contest was Multiclass Logarithmic Loss ( We implemented the metric in
We have also ran the k-fold evaluation in order to get a sense of how the algorithm performs. This way we could do as many runs a day as we wanted without wasting the daily submissions (two a day). Usually our quality prediction was a little more optimistic than that of the actual submission, but served as a good compass in the feature selection as well as tuning the classifiers process.
In the described above classifiers we have been trying mostly the numeric features. Since a questions is written in natural language, another idea was to craft textual linguistic features. One such feature is a question's text perplexity calculated against the accepted and closed (rejected) questions. The text perplexity can be calc'd using SRILM (see language_modelling directory). The pre-trained models of various sort are included.
Some further steps might have included topical classification via extracting keywords and phrases, but wasn't tried. Feel free to try it.