- This repo is a backup and personal knowledge base. Use at your own discretion.
- review ToDo list to see whats waiting to be fixed/implemented
- built for FireFox
- tested with FireFox on Windows, Linux and iPadOS ( essentially Safari with Firefox skin )
- create a general purpose tool to test API calls
- simplify editing Headers and URL parameters
- simplify viewing of data returned from endpoints
- run on localhost for security
- cache API calls short term in app memory (not Browser for security)
- cache API calls and results long term in SQLite database
- JSON and XML can be manually pasted into Result Text
- To Paste JSON/XML directly from Clipboard:
-- when page accessed via http, requires (reference):
1. Enter about:config in navigation bar
2. Click "Accept the Risk and Continue"
3. Search dom.events.testing.asyncClipboard and set true
- Animations with Framer Motion and CSS
- Background image, NBE_032-2.JPG, from unknown source (found in personal image archive)
- Built with the React UI library
- Code hosted on Github
- Convert XML to JSON with xml-js
- Icon library by Google Fonts
- JSON5 – JSON for Humans
- react-json-view Component
- react-xml-viewe Component
- PNG API icon from flaticon.com
- PNG satelite dish from flaticon.com
- Sass CSS extension language
- Technical references from Mozilla Developer Network
- build server caching backend; api calls launched and stored on server
- implement new logic for EditBox disable functionality. Disabled params need to exist in local and global caches. Currently, disabled status only stored in EditBox, so lost on React redraw--restored via Reload icon via APIForm.uobj.
- allow request type to be manually set; currently only GET used
- added window.removeEventListener( GridResize )
- centered Result Grid using CSS
- refactored Result tab code
- tweaks and updates
- added Grid to Result tab: convert JSON and XML data for a grid output
- updated JSON Result tab: displays XML data converted to JSON
- added Result Text feature: copy/paste JSON/XML data from clipboard
- added Result Text feature: manually paste JSON/XML data into Result Textarea
- new JSON5: now used to parse all JSON ( see: https://262.ecma-international.org/5.1/ )
- renamed cacheData.json to cacheData.json5
- cache update: loading cacheData.json5 from document.URL (React public folder)
- cache update: store API Result and Log in cached record
- tweaks and updates
- added /cacheData.json to make it easy to edit
- moved cache data loading to App.js
- added CacheListbox component to Cache tab
- refactored, refactored, refactored and then some
- added cache.js for global url caching--not fully implemented. Functionality is basic but sufficient for now.
- resolved issue caching url params in APIForm.jsx
- refactored URL UI
- refactored display of icon buttons in EditBox
- refactored button and button icons for URL
- hid 'enable' button for URL
- added 'open in tab' button to URL
- added caching buttons to URL
- removed unused files
- implemented Fecth API instead of XMLHttpRequest because of greater control
- added Header functionality
- implemented AbortController and Cancel button
- query params now handled with URLSearchParams and encodeURI
- uninstalled Axios
- implemented 'select all text' via triple-click in editboxes
- fixes, updates and tweaks
- implemented Axios then replaced it with XMLHttpRequest because of poor documentation
- implemented react-json-view
- implemented react-xml-view
- completed api call handling
- bug fixes and ui updates
- UI tweaks
- removed unused files
- upload of working UI