i) MATLAB implementation of learning using multiple kernels with gTV regularization
ii) Comparison with other kernel methods in a simple numerical example.
Any usage of these codes is allowed as long as the user cites the following article:
S. Aziznejad, M. Unser, "An L1 Representer Theorem for Multiple-Kernel Regression," arXiv:1811.00836 [cs.LG]
i) GlobalBioIm library: https://github.com/Biomedical-Imaging-Group/GlobalBioIm
ii) SimpleMKL package: http://asi.insa-rouen.fr/enseignants/~arakoto/code/mklindex.html
Example.m : A simple illustrative example of learning a 1D function from its noisy samples.
GT.m : The ground-truth function in our example.
Kernel Estimators: A folder that contains our implementation of four kernel estimators:
i) L2RKHS.m: RKHS with L2 regularization.
ii) L1RKHS.m: RKHS with L1 regularization.
iii) MKL.m: Multiple kernel learning using SimpleMKL algorithm.
iv) gTV.m: gTV-based kernel regression. Both single and multiple kernel scenarios are included.
Auxilary Functions: A folder that contains the following auxilary functions that are required in our implementations:
i) CrossVal.m: A cross-validation scheme for tuning the hyper-parameters of each method
ii) Gram_Matrix.m: Computing the Gramian matrix for both singel and multi-kernel schemes.
iii) Kernel_computer.m: Computing the learned kernel expansion at a given series of points.
iv) Kernel.m: The parametric family of Super-exponential kernels that is used in our example.
Contact information: For more information, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]