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MythicMobs Skript Addon:

for Spigot 1.20.4, MythicMobs 5.5.1 and Skript 2.8.2

Update 12.4.2024 V0.99.7

- fixed `displayname of activemob` expression
- added `set display of [activemob] %activemob% to %string%` - change the displayname of the activemob

Update 29.2.2024 V0.99.6

- set java target back to 16 for compatibility
- fixed possible NPE's in MythicItem expressions
- new class:
	- mythicplayer

Update 09.2.2024 V0.99.5

- compiled with Skript 2.8.2
- new conditions:
	- %itemstack% is a mythicitem
- new expressions:
	- [create ]itemstack for mythicitem [named ]%string%
	- [get ]mythicitem [for ]name %string%
	- [get ]itemstack for %mythicitem%
- new event value for mythicmob lootdrop event:
	- event-lootbag							

Update 31.1.2024 V0.99.4 fixed NPE in all custom mechanics.

Update 27.1.2024 V0.99.3 update to work with MythicMobs 5.5.1

Update 26.1.2024 V0.99.2 update to work with MythicMobs 5.0.2

Update 24.1.2024 V0.99.g fixed issues to work with mm 4.12.0 and Skript 2.8.0.

Update 18.1.2024 V0.99f compiled with MythicMobs 4.12.0 and Skript 2.8.0 and Spigot 1.16.5

Update 11.5.2021 V0.99e added mythicitem class. added new expression 'itemstack of mythicitem "name"'
Example (#itemstack of mythicitem %string%)

Update 15.3.2021 V0.99d update readme.

Update 6.3.2021 v0.99d added drop skriptfunction. new class dropdata, new effects and expressions for dropmeta

Update 5.3.2921 V0.99c updated readme. added targeter function.

Update 3.3.2021 V0.99b updated readme. added condition function.

Update 28.2.2021 V0.99a updated readme. added not documented expressions and effects for lootbag class.

Update 28.2.2021 V0.99a updated readme. added not documented event "on mythicmob lootdrop"

Update 28.2.2021 V0.99a updated readme. added not documented expressions for mythicmob mob-types and classes lootbag, mythicmob, skilldata

Update 28.2.2021 v0.99a update to MythicMobs 4.11.0, added skriptfunction mechanic.

Update 18.9.2020 v0.98b update to MythicMobs 4.10.0 free.

Update 3.4.2020 v0.98a update to Skript 2.4.1 & MythicMobs 4.9.0 free.

Update 6.2.2019 v0.96a project to gradle, Skript 2.3.3 & MythicMobs 4.5.1 support.

Update 4.10.2018 v0.95a added MythicMobs 4.4.0 support. Added owneruuid of activemob expression.

Update 21.6.2018 V0.93b fixed get threatvalue now returns single number.

Update 4.11.2017 V0.93a targetselectors now support customtargeters

Update 22.9.2017 V0.92a added skripttargetcondition condition. See conditions for details.

Update 1.9.2017 v0.91a spawn expression now allows world as string or world as world object

Update 25.8.2017 v0.90a added 1.12.1 support

Update 21.7.2017 v0.89a

added expression convert %entity%(%player%) into mythicmob %string% with level %number%

added effect remove mythic from activemob %activemob%

Update 21.6.2017 v0.86a

added event-location and event-entity to death event

Update 19.6.2017 v0.85a

added 1.12 support

Update 2.3.2017 v0.84a

look into the updatev084a.txt file for more details

Added new class SkillTargeter
Added new expression mythicmobs targeter %string%
Added new expression targetentities of %entity% for targeter %skilltargeter%
Added new expression targetlocations of %entity% for targeter %skilltargeter%

Update 30.3.2017 v0.83a

look into the updatev083a.txt file for more details

Changed meet condition default to true
Added skriptspawncondition for MythicMobs RandomSpawners to work with MythicMobs SnapShot 2105 or greater.

** Update 26.3.2017 v0.82a


// activemob %activemob% has immunitytable // Test if activemob has immunitytable enabled


// set display of [activemob] %activemob% to %string% // change the displayname

// set damage of activemob %activemob% to %number% // change the attackdamage

// set knockbackresist of activemob %activemob% to %number% // Change Knockback resist

// set armor of activemob %activemob% to %number% // Change armor stats (only >1.9)

// set attackspeed of activemob %activemob% to %number% // Change attackspeed (only >1.9)

// set followrange of activemob %activemob% to %number% // Change follow range

// set speed of activemob %activemob% to %number% // Change movement speed

// trigger %string% for activemob %activemob% // trigger %string% for activemob %activemob% with triggerentity %entity% // Trigger activemob for trigger defined in %string% // Valid triggers are: DEFAULT, ATTACK, BOW_HIT, BLOCK, COMBAT, CROUCH, UNCROUCH, DAMAGED, DROPCOMBAT, DEATH, ENTERCOMBAT, EXPLODE, INTERACT, KILL, KILLPLAYER, PLAYERDEATH, SHOOT, SIGNAL, SPAWN, SPLASH_POTION, SWING, TARGETCHANGE, TELEPORT, TIMER, USE, READY

skript part:

on damage of entity:
	victim instanceof activemob
	event-entity is arrow
	set {_am} to activemob of victim
	trigger "bow_hit" for activemob {_am} with triggerentity attacker

  Type: zombie
  Display: "MythicMobs Monkey"
  Health: 40
  Armor: 10
  - message{msg="Ouch! Stop shooting arrows at me!"} @trigger ~onBowHit 1














mythicmobs mechanics:



mythicmobs syntax: skfunction{name=skript_function_name} @ANYTARGETER

skript syntax: function skript_function_name(data: skilldata, [location: location], [entity: entity]) :: boolean:

call a skript function as a mechanic.

Depending on the targeter of the skill there is either a location, an entity ore none of both. The skilldata is required. It represents the metadatas of the skill. Possible fields to get are: caster, cause, trigger, entitytargets, locationtargets, origin, executeafterdeath and the power of the skill. The target lists holding the whole targets of the targeter used by the skill, while the location/entity field of the function itself, holds the current target.
Return type is a boolean which indicates if the skript executed properly.


# MythicMob yml:
  Type: Zombie
  - skriptfunction{name=example_skill} @selflocation ~onSpawn
# Skript part:
function example_skill(skilldata: SKILLDATA, location: location, entity: entity) :: boolean:

	broadcast "targetlocation: %{_location}%"
	broadcast "targetentity: %{_entity}%"

	set {_caster} to caster of {_skilldata}
	set {_cause} to cause of {_skilldata}
	set {_trigger} to trigger of {_skilldata}
	set {_entities::*} to entitytargets of {_skilldata}
	set {_locations::*} to locationtargets of {_skilldata}
	set {_origin} to origin of {_skilldata}
	set {_afterdeath} to executeafterdeath of {_skilldata}
	set {_power} to power of {_skilldata}
	broadcast "%{_caster}% :: %{_cause}% :: %{_trigger}% :: %{_entities::*}% :: %{_locations::*}% :: %{_origin}% :: %{_afterdeath}% :: %{_power}%"
	return true  

mythicmobs conditions:



mythicmobs syntax: skfunction{name=skript_function_name}

skript syntax:

function skript_function_name(entity: entity) :: boolean: to check an entity

function skript_function-name(location: location) :: boolean: to check a location

function skript_function_name(caster: entity, target: entity) :: boolean: to compare entities

function skript_function_name(caster: location, target: location) :: boolean: to compare locations

fucntion skript_function_name(caster: entity, target: location) :: boolean: to compare entity with a location

call a skript function as mythicmobs condition.

Depending on the function paramters, its an entity, location, entity/entity compare, location/location compare or entity/location compare condition. The return type is required to be a boolean.


# MythicMob yml:
  Type: zombie
  Display: SkMonkey
  - skill{s=skript_skillcondition_example} @trigger ~onInteract
  - skill{s=skript_skillcondition_example} @triggerlocation ~onDamaged
    - skfunction{name=example_skill_condition}
    - skfunction{name=example_skill_condition}
    - skfunction{name=compare_skill_condition}
    - skfunction{name=compare_location_condition}
    - message{msg="example_skill_condition is true"} @world
# Skript part:
function example_targeter(skilldata: skilldata) :: locations:
	set {_location} to location of caster of {_skilldata}
	set {_location} to location of caster of {_skilldata}
	set {_location} to location of caster of {_skilldata}
	set {_location} to location of caster of {_skilldata}
	return {_t::*}

function example_skill(skilldata: SKILLDATA, location: location, entity: entity) :: boolean:
	set {_caster} to caster of {_skilldata}
	set {_cause} to cause of {_skilldata}
	set {_trigger} to trigger of {_skilldata}
	set {_entities::*} to entitytargets of {_skilldata}
	set {_locations::*} to locationtargets of {_skilldata}
	set {_origin} to origin of {_skilldata}
	set {_afterdeath} to executeafterdeath of {_skilldata}
	set {_power} to power of {_skilldata}
	broadcast "%{_caster}% :: %{_cause}% :: %{_trigger}% :: %{_entities::*}% :: %{_locations::*}% :: %{_origin}% :: %{_afterdeath}% :: %{_power}%"
	return true
function example_skill_condition(entity: entity) :: boolean:
	broadcast "entity: %{_entity}%"
	return true
function compare_skill_condition(caster: entity, target: entity) :: boolean:
	broadcast "caster: %{_caster}% :: target: %{_target}%"
	return true
function compare_location_condition(caster: location, target: location) :: boolean:
	broadcast "caster's location: %{_caster}% :: target's location: %{_target}%"
	return true

mythicmobs targeters:



mythicmobs syntax: skfunction{name=skript_function_name}

skript syntax:

function skript_function_name(skilldata: skilldata) :: entities:

function skript_function_name(skilldata: skilldata) :: locations:

depending on the return type of the function its either a entity targeter or a location targeter. returns a list of targets

The skilldata parameter is required. See skilldata class and skilldata expressions for information how to get data out of the skilldata object. the return type has to be a list of entities or a list of locations, or an empty list if no targets found.


# MythicMobs part:
  Type: zombie
  Display: SkMonkey
  - skill{s=skript_targeter_example_skill} @skfunction{name=example_targeter} ~onDamaged

    - setblock{material=STONE}    

# Skript part:
function example_targeter(skilldata: skilldata) :: locations:

	set {_source} to block at location of caster of {_skilldata}
	set {_trigger} to block at location of trigger of {_skilldata}
	loop blocks between {_source} and {_trigger}:
		add location of loop-block to {_t::*}
	return {_t::*}

mythicmobs drops:



mythicmobs syntax: skfunction{name=skript_function_name}

skript syntax:

function skript_function_name(dropdata: dropdata) :: itemstack:

function skript_function_name(dropdata: dropdata) :: string:

depending on the return type of the function its either an itemstack a string. returns a list of drops.

The dropdata parameter is required. See dropdata class and dropdata expressions for information how to get data out of the object. the return type has to be a list of itemstacks or a list of strings, or an empty list if nothing matches.


on mythicmob lootdrop

Called whenever a MythicMob drops loot



on mythicmob lootdrop event:
	set physical loot for event-lootbag to {_items::*}
	add "exp 1000" to {_items::*}
	add "money 666" to {_items::*}
	set other loot for event-lootbag to {_items::*}

The example above clears all physical drops, and change the other drops to receive xp 1000 and money 666. this depends on the supported drop types.

While this example would set the physical loot to the same itemstack list:

on mythicmob lootdrop event:
	set {_items::*} to physical drops of event-lootbag
	set {_others::*} to other drops of event-lootbag
# go ahead and change or modify both lists to your wish
# when you finishd change the lootbag 

	set physical loot for event-lootbag to {_items::*}
	set other loot for event-lootbag to {_others::*}

on mythicmob spawnevent

Called whenever MythicMobs spawns an ActiveMob.


on mythicmob deathevent

Called whenever a MythicMob dies.



on mythicmob deathevent:
	send "You killed a MythicMob!" to event-killer
	if displayname of activemob event-activemob is "Super Zombie":
		loop all items of mobdrop event-mobdrop:
			if "%loop-mobitem%" contains "<do_not_drop>":
				remove mobitem loop-mobitem from mobdrop event-mobdrop

on mythicspawner spawnevent

Called whenever a MythicMobs CustomSpawner spawns a MythicMob.



on mythicspawner spawnevent:
	broadcast "a %displayname of activemob event-activemob% just spawned at %location of activemob event-activemob%"

DEPRECATED use skriptfunction instead!!

on mythicmobs skriptskillevent:

Called when the mob casted the skill skriptskill.

event-activmob = activemob if the caster is a activemob
event-entity = entity who casted the skill
skill-targettype = what kind of target? there are 3 possibilities: NONE, ENTITY, LOCATION
skill-target = target entity if targettype = ENTITY
event-location = location if the targettype is LOCATION
skill-trigger = trigger entity
skill-name = name of skriptskill skill
skill-args = arguments for the skriptskill


MythicMob mob.yml:
  Type: pig
  Display: 'a Skriptmonkey Pig'
  - skriptskill{skill=msg;args="Hallo wie gehts, <>?"} @trigger ~onInteract 1

Skript part:
on mythicmobs skriptskillevent:
	if skill-name is "msg":
		if skill-targettype is "ENTITY":
			skill-target is a player
			send skill-args to skill-target

on mythicmobs skriptconditionevent:

Called on a skills skriptcondition.

condition-activemob = activemob if the caster is a activemob
condition-entity = entity who cast the skill
condition-location = location to check
condition-name = name of the condition
condition-args = arguments of the condition
condition-meet = if the condition is meet or not (you must set this by yourself) standard = true (changed from false to true in update in 0.83a)
condition-targetlocation = the target location if used as targetconditions
condition-targetentity = the target entity if used as targetconditions


For Skill condition:

  - skriptcondition{c=weather;args=clear}
  Coolddown: 1
  - message{msg="Nice weather today! Isnt it, <>?"}

For TargetConditions:

  - skripttargetcondition{c=weather;args=clear}
  Coolddown: 1
  - message{msg="Nice weather today! Isnt it, <>?"}

For RandomSpawner condition:

  Mobname: Monkey1
  Worlds: world
  Chance: 1
  Priority: 1
  Action: replace
  - skriptspawncondition{c=region;args=test}

Skript part:

on mythicmobs skriptconditionevent:

	if condition-location is set:
		if "%condition-name%" is "region":
			set condition meet to false
			set {_mobtypes::*} to condition-args split at ","
			set {_regionname} to {_mobtypes::1}
			delete {_mobtypes::1}
			# make a list of all arguments
			set {_region::*} to regions at condition-location
			loop {_region::*}:
				if "%loop-value%" contains {_regionname}:
					set condition meet to true
	if condition-name is "weather":
		if condition-args is "clear":
			if weather in world of condition-entity is clear:
				set condition meet to true
				set condition meet to false


%entity% instanceof activemob

True if the entity is a ActiveMob:


on damage of player:
	if attacker instanceof activemob:
	    set {_am} to activemob of attacker

activemob %activemob% isdead

True if the ActiveMob is dead

activemob %activemob% has threattable

True if the ActiveMob has a threattable:


on damage of player:
	if attacker instanceof activemob:
		set {_am} to activemob of attacker
		if activemob {_am} has threattable:
			dropcombat for activemob {_am}

activemob %activemob% has mythicspawner

true if the activemob has a mythicspawner:


on activemob spawnevent:
	if activemob event-activemob has mythicspawner:
		set {_mythicspawner} to mythicspawner of event-activemob

mythicspawner %mythicspawner% contains activemob %activemob%

True if the ActiveMob is attached to the MythicSpawner


for all Entities:

convert %entity%(%player%) into mythicmob %string% with level %number%

  • for all living entities including players.
  • if you use a player the mythicmobs type need to be persistent true! and you have to handle world changing and deaths otherwise mythicmobs will crash.

mythicmobs targeter %string%

  • Get a MythicMobs targeter to filter entities/locations for any entity.
  • %string% is any valid mythicmmobs targeter used in the mythicmobs targeter format.
  • set {_targeter} to mythicmobs targeter "@PIR{r=30}"
  • will set the targeter to pir with radius 30

targetentities of %entity% for targeter %skilltargeter%

  • set {_targeter} to mythicmobs targeter "@PIR{r=30}"
  • set {_targets::*} to targetentities of event-entity for targeter {_targeter}
  • first set the {_targeter} to @pir{r=30} and then filter all players for entity event-entitiy with targeter {_targeter}

targetlocations of %entity% for targeter %skilltargeter%

  • set {_targeter} to mythicmobs targeter "@Ring{radius=10;points=5}"
  • set {locations::*} to targetlocations of event-entity for targeter {_targeter}
  • first set the {_targeter} to @Ring{radius=10;points=5} and then create a ring of locations for entity event-entitiy with targeter {_targeter}
Skript Example:

on right click on entity:
	if event-entity instanceof activemob:
		set {_am} to activemob of event-entity
		set {_targeter} to mythicmobs targeter "@Ring{radius=10;points=5}"
		if "%{_targeter}%" is "EntitySelector":
			set {_targets::*} to targetentities of event-entity for targeter {_targeter}
			broadcast "%{_targets::*}%"
		else if "%{_targeter}%" is "LocationSelector":
			set {_targets::*} to targetlocations of event-entity for targeter {_targeter}
			broadcast "%{_targets::*}%"

for ActiveMob:

activemob of %entity%

Get the activemob instance of the entity: set {_am} to activemob of event-entity

location of activemob %activemob%

Returns the location of the activemob: set {_loc} to location of {_am}

world of activemob %activemob%

Returns the world of the ActiveMob: set {_world} to world of event-activemob

entity of activemob %activemob%

Get the entity instance of the ActiveMob: set {_entity} to entity of event-activemob

activemob by uuid %string%

Get the ActiveMob by UUID. Return NULL if the entitiy is no ActiveMob.

all activemobs [in world %string%]

Get all ActiveMobs on the whole server or, if a world is present in the expression, of the world:


on right click on entity:
	set {_count} to 0
	loop all activemobs in world "world":
		broadcast "%displayname of activemob loop-activemob%"
		add 1 to {_count}
	broadcast "%{_count}%"

displayname of activemob %activemob%

Returns the displayname as string of the ActiveMob, if it has one.

mobtype of activemob %activemob%

Returns the MythicMob MobType of the ActiveMob as string.

owner of activemob %activemob%

Returns the owner of the ActiveMob as entity, if there is a owner present.

owneruuid of activemob %activemob%

Returns the owner uuid of the ActiveMob as string, if there is a owner present. This is for compatibility to bukkit ver below 1.12.

lastaggro of activemob %activemob%

Get the entity instance of the entity which caused the last trigger on the activemob: set {_lastaggro} to lastaggro of {_am}

toptarget of activemob %activemob%

Get the entity instance of the activemobs target, or the topthreatholder if the activemob has a threadtable: set {_target} to toptarget of {_am}

get threattable of activemob %activemob%

Returns a list with all entities of the activemobs threattable

get threatvalue of %entity% from activemob %activemob%

Returns the threat value as number for entity out of activemobs threattable NOTE: entity have to be a threat of activemob

uuid of activemob %activemob%

Returns a string with the uuid of the activemob: set {_uuid} to uuid of {_am}

health of activemob %activemob%

Returns a number with the amount of health the activemob actually has left: set {_health} to health of {_am}

maxhealth of activemob %activemob%

Returns a number with the max health of the activemob.

mlc %string% of activemob %activemob%

%string% can be every YAML node of the mobs yml config. Returns the string of the %string% yml node of the activemob: set {_mobtype} to mlc {_node} of {_am}

faction of activemob %activemob%

Returns the faction name the activemob is in: set {_faction} to faction of {_am}

stance of activemob %activemob%

Returns the stance of the activemob, if it has one: set {_stance} to stance of {_am}

level of activemob %activemob%

Returns the level of the activemob: set {_lvl} to level of {_am}

playerkills of activemob %activemob%

Returns the playerkills of the activemob: set {_kills} to playerkills of {_am}

lastsignal of activemob %activemob%

Returns the lastest signal of the activemob, if there is one: set {_signal} to lastsignal of {_am}

for MythicSpawner:

mythicspawner of %activemob%

Returns the MythicSpawner instance of the activemob, if it have one: set {_ms} to mythicspawner of {_am}

location of mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Returns the Location of the MythicSpawner.

world of mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Returns the world of the MythicSpawner.

all mythicspawners in world %string% - OR - all mythicspawners

Returns all MythicSpawners in the world %string% or if if used without world condition returns all MythicSpawners on the Server.

all activemobs of mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Returns all the ActiveMobs of the MythicSpawner

mobtype of mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Retruns the MythicMob mobtype name of the MythicSpawner as string.

moblevel of mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Returns the Level of the Spawner as Number

cooldown of mythicspawner %mythicspawner% || remainingcooldown of mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Returns the cooldown or the cooldown timer of the MythicSpawner. Both values are numbers in seconds.

warmup of mythicspawner %mythicspawner% || remainingwarmup of mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Returns the cooldown or the cooldown timer of the MythicSpawner. Both values are numbers in seconds.

number of activemobs from mythicspawner %mythicspawner% || number of maxmobs from mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Returns the number of spawned mobs or the number of MaxMobs that can be spawned.

for MobDrops, MobItems, Lootbags & MythicItems:

all items of mobdrop %mobdrop%

Gets you the MythicMob Drops from the MythicMobDeathEvent. Only works in the mythicmob deathevent!

physical drop(s) (of) (lootbag) %lootbag%

Returns all physical items of the lootbag as a itemstack array.

other drop(s) (of) (lootbag) %lootbag%

Returns all other drops of the lootbag as a string array.

itemstack of mythicitem %string%

Creates and returns an itemstack for the mythicitem with the name string.

set {_item} to itemstack of mythicitem "mythicitem"

mythicitem of name %string%

Returns a mythicitem object for the given name or null with not found.

for Skilldata:

(get) caster (of) (skilldata) %skilldata%

Get the caster as entity.

[get] cause (of) (skilldata) %skilldata%"

Get the cause as string

(get) entitytargets (of) (skilldata) %skilldata%"

Get a list of all entities if a multitarget targeter is used.

(get) locationtargets (of) (skilldata) %skilldata%"

Get a list of all locations if a multitarget targeter is used.

(get] executeafterdeath (of) (skilldata) %skilldata%"

returns a boolean if it should be executed after casters death. Not avail for all MythicMobs Versions.

(get] origin (of) [skilldata) %skilldata%

Get the origin location.

(get] power (of) [skilldata) %skilldata%

Get power of the skill as float.

(get] trigger (entity) (of) (skilldata) %skilldata%

Get the trigger of the mechanic as entity.

for Dropdata:

(get) caster (of) (dropdata) %dropdata%

Get the caster as entity.

(get) dropper (of) (dropdata) %dropdata%

Get the dropper as entity.

(get) cause (of) (dropdata) %dropdata%

Get the cause as entity.

(get) trigger (of) (dropdata) %dropdata%

Get the trigger as entity.

(get) amount (of) (dropdata) %dropdata%

Get the amount as number.

(get) generations (of) (dropdata) %dropdata%

Get the generation amount as number.


for Player:

make player %entity% cast skill %string% with trigger %entity% at entity %entity% with delay %number% and repeat %number%

make player %entity% cast skill %string% with trigger %entity% at location %location% with delay %number% and repeat %number%

make player %entity% cast skill %string% with trigger %entity% at self with delay %number% and repeat %number%



on left click:
	if player's tool is a sword:
		target is set
		cancel event
		make player player cast skill "Damage" with trigger player at entity target with delay 0 and repeat 0
	else if player's tool is dirt:
		cancel event
		make player player cast skill "Heal" with trigger player at self with delay 10 and repeat 20

#MythicMob skill part:
  - effect:particles{particle=heart;amount=8;vSpread=0.5;hSpread=0.5;Spped=0.01;yoffset=1} @self
  - heal{a=2;overheal=false} @self

  - lineofsight true
  - distance{d=<10} true
  - distance{d=>3} true
  - effect:particleline{particle=lava;amount=20;vSpread=0.10;hSpread=0.10;Speed=0.2;yoffset=1;ystartoffset=0;distancebetween=1} @target
  - damage @target

for ActiveMob:

remove mythic from activemob %activemob%

  • make every mythicmobs into a common bukkit entity. including players.

spawn mythicmob %string% at location %location% in world %string% (or) %world%

Spawns a MythicMob with mobtype %string% at the given location in the given world. World object can be string or world. Returns the ActiveMob instance of the spawned MythicMob. Mobtype string is case sensitive!


on right click:
	event-block is dirt
	set {_loc} to location of event-block
	set {_world} to "%world of event-block%"
	set {_mobtype} to "disguisedummy"
	set {_am} to spawn mythicmob {_mobtype} at location {_loc} in world {_world}
	if "%{_am}%" is "<none>":
		send "Something went wrong! Maybe the Mobtype does not exist?" to player
		send "You just spawned a MythicMob named %displayname of activemob {_am}%!" to player

set health of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Set the health of the ActiveMob. Amount of 1 = 1/2 heart

set maxhealth of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Set the max possible health the ActiveMob can have. 1 = 1/2 heart

set lastaggro of activemob %activemob% to %entity%

Set the LastAggroEntity to a new entity: set lastaggro of {_am} to event-entity

dropcombat for activemob %activemob%

Clears the target, the threattable & calls the dropcombat trigger (if threattable is enabled) for the activemob: dropcombat for {_am}

set %entity% to new target of activemob %activemob%

Gives the ActiveMob a new valid target. Must be an entity: set attacker to new target of {_am}

set faction of activemob %activemob% to %string%

Set the MythicMobs Faction Tag for the ActiveMob: set faction of event-activemob to "Orcs"

set stance of activemob %activemob% to %string%

Change the stance of the ActiveMob: set stance of event-activemob to "fight"

set level of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Change the level of the ActiveMob: set level of {_am} to 10

set owner of activemob %activemob% to %entity%

set owner of activemob %activemob% to %string% by uuid

Change the owner of the ActiveMob eighter by %entity% or by UUID in String format.

set kills of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Set the playerkills of the activemob to a new amount:


if event-entity instanceof activemob:
	set {_am} to activemob of event-entity
	set {_pks} to playerkills of activemob {_am}
	add 1 to {_pks}
	set kills of activemob {_am} to {_pks}

send signal %string% to activemob %activemob% with trigger %entity%

Use this effect to send the signal %string% to the %activemob% with the trigger %entity%

remove activemob %activemob%

Use this effect to remove the ActiveMob.

make activemob %activemob% cast skill %string% with trigger %entity% at target %entity%

make activemob %activemob% cast skill %string% with trigger %entity% at location %location%

Use this effect to make an activemob cast a skill.

get threattable of activemob %activemob%

Returns a list with all entities of the activemobs threattable.

get threatvalue of %entity% from activemob %activemob%

Returns the value as number of threat from entity out of activemobs threattable NOTE: entity have to be a threat of activemob

inc threat of %entity% by %number% from activemob %activemob%

dec threat of %entity by %number% from activemob %activemob%

Increases (inc) or decreases (dec) the threat by amount of the entity from activemobs threattable.

remove threat of %entity% from activemob %activemob%

Remove the entity from activemobs threattable.

clear threattable of activemob %activemob%

This clear the complete threattable of the activemob.

set damage of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Change the attackdamage

set knockbackresist of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Change Knockback resist

set armor of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Change armor stats (only >1.9)

set attackspeed of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Change attackspeed (only >1.9)

set followrange of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Change follow range

set speed of activemob %activemob% to %number%

Change movement speed

trigger %string% for activemob %activemob%

trigger %string% for activemob %activemob% with triggerentity %entity%


skript part:

on damage of entity:
	victim instanceof activemob
	event-entity is arrow
	set {_am} to activemob of victim
	trigger "bow_hit" for activemob {_am} with triggerentity attacker

  Type: zombie
  Display: "MythicMobs Monkey"
  Health: 40
  Armor: 10
  - message{msg="Ouch! Stop shooting arrows at me!"} @trigger ~onBowHit 1

for MythicSpawner:

activate mythicspawner %mythicspawner% || deactivate mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Activates or deaktivates a MythicSpawner.

set cooldown of mythicspawner %mythicspawner% to %number% || set remainingcooldown of mythicspawner %mythicspawner% to %number%

Set the cooldown or the remaining cooldown of the MythicMobSpawner in seconds.

set warmup of mythicspawner %mythicspawner% to %number% || set remainingwarmup of mythicspawner %mythicspawner% to %number%

Set the warumup or the remaining warmup of the MythicMobspawner in seconds.

set mobtype of mythicspawner %mythicspawner% to %string%

Change the Mobtype of the MythicSpawner. Where %string% is a valid MythicMob.

set moblevel of mythicspawner %mythicspawner% to %number%

Change to moblevel of the MythicSpawner.

make mythicspawner %mythicspawner% spawn

Activates the MythicSpawner.

attach activemob %activemob% to mythicspawner %mythicspawner%

Register the given ActiveMob to the MythicSpawner.

for MobDrops, MobItems & Lootbags:

set (physical) loot (for) (lootbag) %lootbag% to (%-itemstack%|%-itemstacks%)

Replace the itemstack of the defined lootbag. Valid input is an itemstack or an itemstack array. See other loot for examples.

set (other) loot (for) (lootbag) %lootbag% to (%-string%|%-strings%)

Replace the none physical items of an lootbag. valid input is a string or a string array.


on mythicmob lootdrop event:
	set physical loot for event-lootbag to {_items::*}
	add "exp 1000" to {_items::*}
	add "money 666" to {_items::*}
	set other loot for event-lootbag to {_items::*}

The example above clears all physical drops, and change the other drops to receive xp 1000 and money 666. this depends on the supported drop types.

While this example would set the physical loot to the same itemstack list:

on mythicmob lootdrop event:
	set {_items::*} to physical drops of event-lootbag
	set {_others::*} to other drops of event-lootbag
# go ahead and change or modify both lists to your wish
# when you finishd change the lootbag 

	set physical loot for event-lootbag to {_items::*}
	set other loot for event-lootbag to {_others::*}

remove mobitem %mobitem% from mobdrop %mobdrop% || clear mobdrop %mobdrop%

Remove the given mobitem from the mobdrop or clears the mobdrop completely.

set material of mobitem %mobitem% to %string%

Change the materialtype of the given mobitem into a new Materialtype. %string% have to be a valid Bukkit Material.


on mythicmob deathevent:
	loop all items of mobdrop event-mobdrop: 
		if "%loop-mobitem%" contains "STONE":
			set material of mobitem loop-mobitem to "GRASS"
		if "%loop-mobitem%" contains "DIRT":
			remove mobitem loop-mobitem from mobdrop event-mobdrop

add item %itemstack% to mobdrop %mobdrop%

Add a new item to the mobdrop of the mythicmob deathevent.


on mythicmob deathevent:
	clear mobdrop event-mobdrop
	set {_item} to diamond sword named "Godsword"
	add item {_item} to mobdrop event-mobdrop


Skript Addon for MythicMobs Support






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