Public version of my Ice Slide app with private keys removed
Hi! This is the primary source code for my app "Ice Slide"
found here:
Here is what's in each folder
Currency: finite state machine to manage the in game currency
enums: a set of Enum types to help manages different states
interfaces: a set of interfaces used for callbacks and interfacing with Android specific code
observer: implements the Observer pattern
player: finite state machine to manage the player's movements
screens: manages the differnt screens in the game gameplay: set of screens for the different gameplay screens - Uses inheritance for code reuse purposes congratulations: set of congraulation screens for the different game modes menu: set of screens for the different parts of the main menu
slip: miscelaneous files used to manage in game lives, currency, databse updates, and more
statemachines: a set of interfaces to define finite state machines used in the game
UI: defines a set of UI objects used in conjuction with the screens