Demo link :
NMEA_Converter is a fully open-source Web-App project which works as a translater.
You just have to enter an NMEA Frame and NMEA_Converter gives you :
- The NMEA Frame type
- The time when the Frame was sent
- The latitude
- The longitude
- An embedded map where the NMEA Frame came from
The technologies I used in this project are :
- Python
- JavaScript
- CSS3
The libraries I used in this project are :
- Flask
- Leafletjs
- Pynmeagps
Here are few steps you have to complete to install and run NMEA_Converter
Step 0 : Open your favorite terminal
Step 1 : Clone the repository
$ git clone
Step 2 : Create a python virtual environment
$ cd NMEA_Converter
$ python -m venv venv-name
Step 3: Run the virtual environment
# Windows PowerShell
$ venv-name\Scripts\activate.ps1
# Linux terminal (bash)
$ source venv-name/bin/activate
Step 4: Install the dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you are ready to go !
The project is quite simple at the moment.
To set the Flask environment, simply run the following commands :
# Windows PowerShell
$env:FLASK_APP = "main"
# Linux terminal (bash)
$ export FLASK_APP=main
Then, you just need to run the Flask environment :
$ flask run
The Flask server will run at this address: