This repository contains code to reproduce analyses from the paper Why Do You Look Away When Trying to Remember? Gaze Aversion as a Marker of the Attentional Switch to Autobiographical Memory.
The raw data and preprocessed data for 32 participants (behavioural and eye-tracking data) are available at OSF.
The material to reproduce the experiment is available at OSF_task. Here is an illustration of the experimental set_up:
To setup the code please follow the following steps :
- Run the following code in the terminal
mkdir GazeAversionAStoM
cd GazeAversionAStoM
conda create --name gaze_astom python==3.8 #alternatively you can also use venvs
conda activate gaze_astom
git clone
cd Gaze-aversion-Memory-retrieval
cd code
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the data folder from OSF_data, copy and unzip the data folder insise the code folder (which has been created during the step 1).
- Run the .ipynb files in the order indicated by the number at the beginning of the file name (example: 1_extraction_gaze_aversion_1.ipynb before 2_extraction_gaze_aversion_2_access.ipynb, and so on).