This is a collection of links to documents relevant to the course. Reading these documents should allow someone to understand the course material even if they were not present for the course.
The shared Girder instance being used for the course is here. This instance is not permanent, and may be spun down after the course is over.
Jupyter hub for the course - We used a self-signed SSL certificate, so you'll need to circumvent your browser's security warnings.
- Docker main website Warning: this site has been made intensely "corporate" almost to the point of being useless.
- What is Docker? This blog is a good initial read for understanding how docker works and what it does, but is somewhat technical.
- Docker installer links
- Resonant main page
- Girder main page and full documentation
- Brief overview of the "item tasks" plugin
- Girder worker documentation Full disclosure: these docs are somewhat outdated and are going to be overhauled soon. They may not be very useful in the current state.
- Candela visualization toolkit
- Ansible scripts for demo deployment