class: center, middle, inverse
Bringing Python data science to your shell!
layout: false
] .right-column[ First, let's install xonsh (if you haven't already).
$ conda install -c conda-forge xonsh
or, if you must, pip:
$ pip install "xonsh[pygments,ptk,<linux|mac|win>]"
name: startup-xonsh
] .right-column[ Now to startup xonsh, simply run the xonsh command,
$ xonsh
user@shell ~ $
Now to check that everything is working, run xonfig
$ xonfig
| xonsh | 0.9.6.dev33 |
| Git SHA | 626b94db |
| Commit Date | Jun 28 17:20:28 2019 |
| Python | 3.7.3 |
| PLY | 3.11 |
| have readline | True |
| prompt toolkit | 2.0.9 |
| shell type | prompt_toolkit2 |
| pygments | 2.4.2 |
| on posix | True |
| on linux | True |
| distro | ubuntu |
| on darwin | False |
| on windows | False |
| on cygwin | False |
| on msys2 | False |
| is superuser | False |
| default encoding | utf-8 |
| xonsh encoding | utf-8 |
| encoding errors | surrogateescape |
class: center, middle
- Xonsh Language Basics
- The Environment
- Callable Aliases
- Events
- Macros
- Advanced Configuration
- Case Study ]
class: center, middle, inverse name: xonsh-lang-basics
name: xonsh-as-a-python-interpreter
.big[Xonsh is a superset Python 3.]
.big[Anything you can do in Python, you can also do in xonsh!]
- Adding numbers together
- Opening Files
- Importing modules
- Defining functions & classes
At the command line,
- Compute the product of 2, 3, & 7.
$ 2 * 3 * 7 42
- Import NumPy (or
, if you don't have NumPy installed)$ import numpy as np $ np.arange(1, 6) array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
- Define an
function, which adds two numbers together and use it to sum together 2842 and 1400.$ def add(x, y): . return x + y . $ add(2842, 1400) 4242
.big[Xonsh is also a shell language.]
.big[More exactly, xonsh is a scripting language that is mostly compatible with Unix[*].]
.footnote[.red[*] If you don't know sh
, don't worry! The point of
xonsh is to replace the hard-to-learn, hard-to-remember bits of sh
with Python.]
.big["Why isn't xonsh also a sh-lang superset?"]
.big[It is impossible to be both a Python superset and a sh
and we have one simple rule:]
.center[.bigger[Python always wins!]]
.big[The purpose of a shell, of course, is to run commands!]
# a simple echo
$ echo "Shello, World!"
Shello, World!
# create a file in a new directory
$ mkdir -p snail
$ cd snail
$ touch deal-with-it.txt
$ ls
# simple piping example
$ echo "Wow Mom!" | grep o
Wow Mom!
.big[Under the covers, xonsh is using Python's subprocess
Environment variables are written as a $
followed by a name.
You can set (and export) environment variables with normal Python syntax:
$ $GOAL = "don't panic"
$ print($GOAL)
don't panic
$ del $GOAL
Coming from Python, these should look and feel like any other variable, except that they live in the environment.
Sometimes you might not know the name of the environment variable, or you might want to compute the name programatically, or maybe it has special characters in it.
In these cases, xonsh provides the ${expr}
This lets you use a Python expression to lookup the value of the environment variable.
$ x = "USER"
$ ${x}
$ ${"HO" + "ME"}
.red[Warning!] In sh-langs, $NAME
and ${NAME}
mean the same thing.
In xonsh, they have distinct meanings.
If you ever need access to the environment object, you can grab it by
passing in an ellipsis as the lookup expression, i.e. ${...}
$ ${...}
{'AUTO_CD': False,
'AUTO_PUSHD': False,
'BASH_COMPLETION_USER_DIR': '/home/scopatz/miniconda/share/bash-completion',
This is a reference to the object that lives at __xonsh__.env
You can use this object to test if a variable exists:
$ "PATH" in ${...}
The source
- Reads in the contents of a file,
- Executes it, and
- Brings all global variables into the current execution context.
$EMAIL = "[email protected]"
password = "swordfish"
def combine():
return $EMAIL + ":" + password
Running this:
$ source example.xsh
$ combine()
'[email protected]:swordfish'
As Python, you could also import example
, with the normal Python rules.
Context is tied correctly
$ password = "monkey"
$ combine()
'[email protected]:monkey'
Unlike other languages, xonsh enables you to source scripts written in shells other than xonsh (or Python).
The most common of these is Bash.
export WAKKA="jawaka"
function now_playing {
echo "$(whoami) on drums!"
Running this with source-foreign bash
or the source-bash
$ source-bash
$ now_playing
it-me on drums!
Also stock support for source-zsh
and source-cmd
.big[Xonsh's main config file is located at ~/.xonshrc
.big[This is a special *.xsh
file that is loaded up before
almost anything else.]
.big[This is where your customizations go, and it is often used to set environment variables.]
$MULTILINE_PROMPT = '`·.,¸,.·*¯`·.,¸,.·*¯'
.big[A complete listing of environment variables that xonsh knows about is available at]
Set a random integer to the environment variable
.import random $SECRET = random.randint(1, 42)
Print the secret value after the phrase
My secret value is:
In your xonshrc, generate a secret value. Print this value when xonsh starts up if another
environment variable does not exist.~/.xonshrcimport random $SECRET = random.randint(1, 42) if "SAFE" not in ${...}: echo "My secret value is $SECRET"
class: center, middle, inverse name: xonsh-lang-basics
makes using subprocess
] .right-column[
captures the standard output of a command and returns it as a string.
$ x = $(ls)
$ x
$ print(x)
] .right-column[
And it's a str
with all the methods you would expect:
$ x.upper()
$ x.split("\n")
captures command output and a lot of other info, too!
Beyond the output, !()
offers the return code, process id, stderr
streams, whether the cmd
is an alias, timestamps, and more!
$ x = !(ls)
$ x
CommandPipeline(stdin=<_io.BytesIO object at 0x7fc0d01be4c0>, stdout=<_io.BytesIO object at 0x7fc0d01be6d0>, stderr=<_io.BytesIO object at 0x7fc0d01bea40>, pid=16969, returncode=0, args=['ls'], alias=['ls', '--color=auto', '-v'], stdin_redirect=['<stdin>', 'r'], stdout_redirect=[10, 'wb'], stderr_redirect=[12, 'w'], timestamps=[1561758574.868479, 1561758575.6660624], executed_cmd=['/usr/bin/ls', '--color=auto', '-v'], input=, output=LICENSE
, errors=None)
] .right-column[
returns an instance of a CommandPipeline
object -- this object is
"truthy" if the command completed successfully:
$ bool(!(ls .))
$ bool(!(ls nothingtoseehere))
/usr/bin/ls: cannot access 'nothingtoseehere': No such file or directory
You can iterate over the output from !()
$ for i, loc in enumerate(!(ls)):
° print(f"{i}th: {loc.strip()}")
2th: ascii_conch_part_transparent_tight.png
3th: default.css
4th: favicon.ico
5th: remote.html
] .right-column[
and ![]
are the uncaptured subprocess expressions. They are similar
to $()
and !()
with the notable difference that they stream output to
always returns None
You may be asking, what is this even for?
More on that later, but the short answer is that it allows you to force xonsh
to recognize a command as a subprocess command if the context is ambiguous.
$ x = $[ls .]
LICENSE ascii_conch_part_transparent_tight.png favicon.ico default.css
streams command output to stdout
but also returns an instance of a HiddenCommandPipeline
$ x = ![ls .]
LICENSE ascii_conch_part_transparent_tight.png favicon.ico default.css remote.html
$ x.args
['ls', '.']
$ x.timestamps
[1561759961.047233, 1561759961.0570006]
$ x.alias
['ls', '--color=auto', '-v']
] .right-column-tight[
Take a few minutes to try out each of the subprocess operators.
Use xonsh's tab completion to explore the attributes of the CommandPipeline
and get a sense of what information is in there.
The @()
operator allows us to insert Python variables and values into
subprocess commands.
can always mix and match subprocess and Python commands without
additional syntax if those commands are on separate lines, e.g.
$ for _ in range(2):
° echo "Hi!"
] .right-column[
$ for i in range(2):
° echo i
] .right-column[
The @()
operator evaluates arbitrary Python expressions and returns the result
as string. This result can be fed directly to a subprocess command:
$ for i in range(2):
° echo @(i)
If the output is a non-string sequence (list
, set
, etc.) then the results
are joined and returned as a string.
$ echo @([x for x in range(3)])
0 1 2
] .right-column[
$ @("echo hello there".split())
hello there
(strings are not split automatically)
$ @("echo hello there")
xonsh: subprocess mode: command not found: echo hello there
You can wrap a regular expression in ``
and it will return a list of
matching files and directories.
$ `.*.md*`
['', '']
The ticks are also a Python expression so you can use them in for
loops, or
list-comprehensions, or whatever floats your boat.
$ [f.lower() for f in `.*.md`]
['', '']
If you prefer globs over regex, prepend a g
to your tick expression:
$ g`*.md`
['', '']
Glob ticks also support recursive globbing with double **
$ g`**/*.md`
] .right-column[
$ x = 5
$ print(f"x is {x}")
x is 5
supports f-strings (so long as your underlying Python is 3.6+) and it
also has a few extra tricks up its sleeves!
] .right-column[
p-strings are a xonsh
feature that allow easy construction of pathlib.Path
Any string that has a leading p
becomes a Path
$ path = p"my_cool_folder"
$ path
$ path.exists()
If you haven't used pathlib
before, take a moment to look through all of the
attributes and methods -- they're super useful!
Also try out using the /
operator with a pathlib.Path
Note: Your OS will determine what sort of path object you get.
] .right-column[
$ home = "home"
$ user = "gil"
$ gitdir = ""
$ p = pf"/{home}/{user}/{gitdir}"
$ p
$ p = pf"{$HOME}/{gitdir}"
$ p
Cool, huh? ]
class: center, middle, inverse name: the-env
All of xonsh
's environment variables live in __xonsh__.env
You can also access the environment using ${...}
You can use the membership operator to determine if an environment variable is present in your current session.
$ 'HOME' in ${...}
If you want more information about a certain environment variable in xonsh
you can ask for help!
$ ${...}.help("AUTO_CD")
Flag to enable changing to a directory by entering the dirname or full path
only (without the cd command).
default: False
configurable: True
environment variables are Python objects. This means they also have
types like Python objects. Sometimes these types are imposed based on a variable
Any env-var matching \w*PATH
will be of type EnvPath
, like
Other variables are boolean, others are ints. Whatever their type, in xonsh
you always have access to the true object, not a string representation.
automatically converts variables to strings whenever it feeds them to
subprocess commands.
You can also explicitly request detyped variables:
$ ${...}.get("PATH")
$ ${...}.detype().get("PATH")
There are a couple of other useful methods on ${...}
, in particular, the
method is useful for temporarily setting environment variables.
$ with ${...}.swap(SOMEVAR='foo'):
° echo $SOMEVAR
$ echo $SOMEVAR
Try using
to set your "password" in an environment variable temporarily.$ import getpass $ with ${...}.swap(PASS=getpass.getpass()): ° echo @(f"git push https://gil:{$PASS} master") ° Password: git push https://gil:[email protected]/xonsh/xonsh master
$ echo $PASS $PASS
binary in your(conda|homebrew)
install is messing with your built-in package manager. It would be handy if you could remove the first entry of your$PATH
but only to run the one install command...$ echo $PATH /opt/miniconda3/bin/:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/vendor_perl/:/usr/bin/core_perl/ $ with ${...}.swap(PATH=$PATH[1:]): ° echo "sudo pacman -S pinentry" ° echo $PATH ° sudo pacman -S pinentry /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/vendor_perl/:/usr/bin/core_perl/
$ echo $PATH /opt/miniconda3/bin/:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin/vendor_perl/:/usr/bin/core_perl/
class: center, middle, inverse name: callable-aliases
.big[We've now seen how to exchange code between Python and subprocess mode.]
.big[But that's boring 💤💤💤]
.big[Let's fully integrate Python into a data-processing pipeline by allowing functions (callables) to be executed in subprocess mode...]
.big[ any other command!]
.big[This works for any Python function that adheres to a certain set of known signatures. (So not any function.)]
.big[These are known as callable aliases because they are often placed
in the builtin aliases
dictionary, along side the more normal aliases.]
.big[By placing them in aliases
, they are executable from anywhere, as with
normal subproess commands and aliases.]
In the simplest case, the alias takes no arguments and returns a string or an integer return code.
$ aliases['banana'] = lambda: "Banana for scale.\n"
$ banana
Banana for scale.
We can pipe this to a normal command:
$ banana | wc -w
And if we want to destoy the alias:
$ del aliases['banana']
Callable aliases may also optionally take command-line options as the first positional argument.
These come in as a list of strings, like sys.argv
def apple(args):
if len(args) == 1:
print("all alone with " + args[0])
return 0
print("too much company!\n- " + "\n- ".join(args))
return 1
The callable alias needs to be the first element of a command:
$ @(apple) core
all alone with core
$ @(apple) core seed
too much company!
- core
- seed
Standard streams are also able to be passed in as keyword
arguments whose defaults are None
These are file open objects with all of the usual Python interfaces.
def _grape(args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
for line in stdin:
stdout.write("Grape says '" + line.strip().lower() + "'\n")
return 0
aliases["grape"] = _grape
$ echo WrATh | grape
Grape says 'wrath'
Note that not all streams must be passes in, but the prior streams must
be passed in if the latter ones are. For example, if you want to use
you have to accept stdin
but not stderr
The command specification spec
is available as the next keyword argument.
This is a rich Python object that represents the metadata about the callable alias that is running.
For example, if the alias wants to add a newline if it is uncaptured,
but ignore the newline otherwise, you need the captured
attr of the spec.
def _kiwi(args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None):
import xonsh.proc
if spec.captured in xonsh.proc.STDOUT_CAPTURE_KINDS:
end = ''
end = ' (newline)\n'
print('Hi Mom!', end=end)
aliases["kiwi"] = _kiwi
$ kiwi # uncaptured
Hi Mom! (newline)
$ $(kiwi) # captured
'Hi Mom!'
The final form takes a stack
argument as well.
This is a list of FrameInfo
instances, and is for the truly maniacal.
The stack
argument provides all the alias with everything it could possible
want to know about its call site.
def lemon(args, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, spec=None, stack=None):
for frame_info in stack:
frame = frame_info[0]
print('In function ' + frame_info[3])
print(' locals', frame.f_locals)
print(' globals', frame.f_globals)
return 0
.center[.bigger[Please stack
Write a callable alias
, which provides the content of Mary Shelley's classic novel, full text here.# short version aliases["frankenstein"] = lambda: $(curl
def _frankenstein(args, stdin=None, stdout=None): for line in !(curl stdout.write(line)
aliases["frankenstein"] = _frankenstein
Write a callable alias
, that uppercases what it reads on stdin. -
Write a callable alias
, that returns all of the unique, sorted words coming from stdin.aliases["words"] = lambda args, stdin: "\n".join(sorted(set(
Write a callable alias
, that returns the number of tokens read from stdin.aliases["count"] = lambda args, stdin: str(len( + "\n"
Combine the above aliases in a single pipeline to count the number of words in "Frankenstein."
$ frankenstein | upper | words | count 11724
class: center, middle, inverse
class: center, middle, inverse name: events
Yay for events! An event is an... event?
An event is a trigger that can fire
at predefined points in code.
has a simple, but powerful, event system that you can use to peek inside
of existing programs or to add more functionality to your own.
An event handler
is a function that is called whenever a given event is
. An event can have multiple handlers -- that is, you can run arbitrarily
many functions that are all triggered by a single event firing.
Let's look at an example!
There are several events that are already registered with xonsh
(we'll cover
how to add new events in a little bit).
fires every time we... change directory. Because this event
already exists, all we want to do is to register a handler
to listen for the
event and then execute.
$ @events.on_chdir
° def chdir_handler(olddir, newdir):
° print(f"The directory changed from {olddir} to {newdir}!")
$ cd ..
The directory changed from /home/gil/ to /home/gil/!
$ cd scipy-2019-tutorial/
The directory changed from /home/gil/ to /home/gil/!
Um... how do I make this stop?
That was a verbose event handler we created. Let's turn it off.
Each event has an associated set
of handlers
. The simplest way to remove a
handler is to pop
it off.
$ events.on_chdir.pop()
<function __main__.chdir_handler>
Now that we can move around without the shell yelling at us, let's look at that example in-depth.
You can register a handler by decorating a function with the event object:
$ @events.on_chdir
° def chdir_handler(olddir, newdir):
° print(f"The directory changed from {olddir} to {newdir}!")
Note that olddir
and newdir
weren't specified by us - they're supplied by
the event itself.
Not all events provide arguments to their handlers -- you can check by calling
, although that's overly verbose.
For now, it's simpler to print the __doc__
$ print(events.on_chdir.__doc__)
on_chdir(olddir: str, newdir: str) -> None
Fires when the current directory is changed for any reason.
The type-hint-esque signature tells us which variable names to expect and their
types. (If you don't want to deal with them, you can capture them using **kwargs
Some events are fired because xonsh
has them set up to fire
already. Others
when you tell them to. Many event names are self-descriptive, but if
there's any ambiguity, you can always check the __doc__
You can also look at the list of events in the docs
Let's walk through defining our own event, setting it to fire, then set up a handler to react to it.
First we have to create the new event. Believe it or not, to create an event, you create a docstring for the event. This is truly self-documenting code.
Let's create an event that raises an alarm if it's called. This is our first
event, so we won't add in any kwargs
$ events.doc("never_run_this", """
° never_run_this() -> None
° Fired when forbidden functions are run.
° """)
Now write a function that fires
the event. This function could do a bunch of
other stuff, but for this example we'll keep it simple:
$ def delete_my_computer():
Now run delete_my_computer
. What happened?
Not nothing, truly. The event did fire, but we weren't listening. What do we need to add?
A handler!
Something suitably chastening -- this person did just delete your computer, after all.
$ @events.never_run_this
° def WHO_DID_IT():
° print(f"omg user {$(whoami)} DELETED YOUR COMPUTER")
Now, go ahead and delete your computer again:
$ delete_my_computer()
omg user gil
"Fix" the previous
example to only print new environment variables if they aren'tCWD
@events.on_envvar_change def print_env(name, oldvalue, newvalue): if name not in ["CWD", "OLDCWD"]: print(f"envvar {name} changed from {oldvalue} -> {newvalue}")
Look at the
and use it to create a post command hook that sets the$RIGHT_PROMPT
to display the starting and ending timestamps of the previous command. ($RIGHT_PROMPT
needs to be a string)@events.on_postcommand def update_rprompt(ts, **kwargs): $RIGHT_PROMPT = f"{ts[0]} -> {ts[1]}"
handler off and update it to also ignoreRIGHT_PROMPT
@events.on_envvar_change def print_env(name, oldvalue, newvalue): if name not in ["CWD", "OLDCWD", "RIGHT_PROMPT"]: print(f"envvar {name} changed from {oldvalue} -> {newvalue}")
class: center, middle, inverse name: macros
name: what-is-a-macro
.big[A macro is syntax that replaces a smaller amount of code with a larger expression, syntax tree, code object, etc. after the macro has been evaluated.]
name: what-is-a-macro1 template: what-is-a-macro
template: what-is-a-macro1 .big[
- Pause or skip normal parsing ]
template: what-is-a-macro1 .big[
- Pause or skip normal parsing
- Gather macro inputs as strings ]
template: what-is-a-macro1 .big[
- Pause or skip normal parsing
- Gather macro inputs as strings
- Evaluate macro with inputs ]
template: what-is-a-macro1 .big[
- Pause or skip normal parsing
- Gather macro inputs as strings
- Evaluate macro with inputs
- Resume normal parsing and execution. ] --
.big[Xonsh's macro system is more like Rust's than those in C, C++, Fortran, Lisp, Forth, Julia, etc.]
.big[If these seem scary, Jupyter magics %
and %%
are macros! 🧙]
.big[Macros use a special !
syntax. (Rust never sleeps, after all.)]
.big[There are three types of macro syntax in xonsh.]
--[Subprocess Macros]
--[Function Macros]
--[Context Macros]
Subprocess macros turn everything after an !
in a subprocess call into
a single string argument that is passed into the command.
A simple example:
$ echo! I'm Mr. Meeseeks.
I'm Mr. Meeseeks.
Xonsh will split on whitespace, so each argument is passed in separately.
$ echo x y z
x y z
Space can be preserved with quotes, but that can be annoying.
$ echo "x y z"
x y z
Subprocess macros will pause and then strip
all input after !
$ echo! x y z
x y z
Macros pause all syntax, even fancy xonsh bits like environment variables.
For example, without macros, environment variable are expanded:
$ echo $USER
Inside of a macro, all parsing is turned off.
$ echo! $USER
You can put the !
anywhere in the subprocess:
$ echo I am $USER ! and I still live at $HOME
I am it-me and I still live at $HOME
This is particularly useful whenever you need to write code as string and hand that source off to a command.
$ timeit! "hello mom " + "and dad"
100000000 loops, best of 3: 8.24 ns per loop
bash (for shame!):
$ bash -c ! export var=42; echo $var
python (yay 🎉):
$ python -c ! import os; print(os.path.abspath("/"))
Xonsh supports Rust-like macros that are based on normal Python callables.
Macros do not require a special definition in xonsh.
However, they must be called with !
between the callable and
the opening parentheses (
Macro arguments are split on the top-level commas ,
For example functions f
and g
# No macro args
# Single arg
g!([y, 43, 44])
# Two args
f!(x, x + 42)
g!([y, 43, 44], f!(z))
.big[The function definition determines what happens to the arguments]
.big[Arguments in the macro call are matched up with the corresponding parameter annotation in the callable’s signature.]
.big[For example:]
def identity(x : str):
return x
.big[Calling this normally in Python will return the same object we put in, even if it is not a string!]
.big[Normal Python Call:]
>>> identity('me')
>>> identity(42)
>>> identity(identity)
<function __main__.identity>
.big[Xonsh Macro Call:]
>>> identity!('me')
>>> identity!(42)
>>> identity!(identity)
.big[Each macro argument is stripped prior to passing it to the macro.]
.big[This is done for consistency.]
>>> identity!(42)
>>> identity!( 42 )
.bigger[Some truly nefarious examples:]
>>> identity!(import os)
'import os'
>>> identity!(if True:
... pass)
'if True:\n pass'
>>> identity!(std::vector<std::string> x = {"yoo", "hoo"})
'std::vector<std::string> x = {"yoo", "hoo"}'
Category |
Object |
Flags |
Modes |
Returns |
String |
Source code of argument as string, default. |
Abstract syntax tree of argument. |
Code |
Compiled code object of argument. |
Category |
Object |
Flags |
Modes |
Returns |
Eval |
Evaluation of the argument. |
Exec |
Execs the argument and returns None. |
Type |
The type of the argument after it has been evaluated. |
.big[Say we have a function func
with the following annotations,]
def func(a, b : 'AST', c : compile):
.big[In a macro call of func!()
will be evaluated withstr
since no annotation was provided,b
will be parsed into a syntax tree node, andc
will be compiled into code object since the builtincompile()
function was used as the annotation. ]
Context macros use with!
to capture everything after the colon in
an otherwise normal with-statement.
This provides anonymous & onymous blocks.
with! x:
y = 10
This can be thought of as equivalent to:
x.macro_block = 'y = 10\nprint(y)\n'
x.macro_globals = globals()
x.macro_locals = locals()
with! x:
The macro_block
string is dedented.
The macro_*
attrs are set before the context manager is entered so
the __enter__()
method may use them.
The macro_*
attributes are not cleaned up likewise for __exit__()
.big[By default, macro blocks are returned as a string.]
.big[However, like with function macro arguments, the kind of macro_block
determined by a special annotation.]
.big[This annotation is given via the __xonsh_block__
attribute on the context manager
.big[This allows the block to be interpreted as an AST, byte compiled, etc.]
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
class XmlBlock:
# make sure the macro_block comes back as a string
__xonsh_block__ = str
def __enter__(self):
# parse and return the block on entry
root = ET.fromstring(self.macro_block)
return root
def __exit__(self, *exc):
# no reason to keep these attributes around.
del self.macro_block, self.macro_globals, self.macro_locals
with! XmlBlock() as tree:
<heading>Don't You Want Me, Baby</heading>
You know I don't believe you when you say that you don't need me.
print(tree.tag) # will display 'note'
Run the
command on formatting the string"the answer is: {}"
with the integer value42
using a subprocess macro.$ timeit! "the answer is: {}".format(42) 10000000 loops, best of 3: 169 ns per loop
Call the standard library
function as a macro to import a module, such asos
without an explicit string.$ importlib.import_module!(os) <module 'os' from '/home/scopatz/miniconda/lib/python3.7/'>
Write a
contenxt manager that can be used to embed JSON into your xonsh code.import json
class JsonBlock:
def enter(self): return json.loads(self.macro_block)
def exit(self, *exc): del self.macro_block, self.macro_globals, self.macro_locals
class: center, middle, inverse name: advanced-configuration
class: center, middle, inverse name: case-study
You are working in a lab that is concerned with MRIs of mouse lemurs.
What's a mouse lemur, you ask?
class: center, middle, inverse
You are working in a lab examining MRI data of mouse lemurs. The data set you need is on a webserver set up by the post-doc who disappeared last week.
.big[But we have some bad news.]
.big[A lot of it.]
The post-doc uses bash
to handle all of the data collection.
He didn't know how to make sure different datasets were saved to separate
directories, so he added a random 4-digit integer to the end of each nii.gz
But, in the script, he neglected to add the same random number to the end of the
corresponding json
metadata file and... well... we don't know if these are our
mouse lemur scans, or if they're cervical spine scans...
He also ran rm
with an overly permissive glob
and deleted all of the json
metadata files.
To make matters worse -- these files are kind of big, and the post-doc's webserver is at his house. We don't want to have to download all of these files if we don't have to.
We know a couple of things:
- All of the files follow the naming convention
- While
files are a bit large, they have some identifying information in the first 348 bytes of the file
- We're sure there are 19 mouse lemur scans
- The cervical spine study going on at the lab next door (hence the overlapping files) only has 6 subjects
There is a great Python library for handling MRI data called nibabel
-- you can install it by running
conda install -c conda-forge nibabel
- Install
- Use
to get the file-list from the webserver -- it isn't formatted super well and will take some massaging. - Use
to download only the header-portion of the files - Load the files into
and inspect theheader
attribute and see if we can figure out how to separate the two sets of scans.
.footnote[ Note:
curl -r 0-347 -O path/to/file
will download only the first 348 bytes of a given file and save it with the same name locally.]