Releases: tpaviot/pythonocc-core
Version 0.18 - June 2017
This release requires oce-0.18 or oce-0.18.1.
wrapper : support oce-0.18 (upstream occt 6.9.1)
wrapper : support smesh 6.7.4
wrapper : support for packages Voxel, NIS, DataExchange related
new examples : background image, emmenthaler, ais_shape downcast,
core_display_z_transparency, clipping plane, bounding box computation
using mesh, STEP compound loading, surfacic mesh, volumic mesh, mesh traverse,
added a fast loading STL example -
many minor bugfixes
Version 0.17.3 - March 2017
This release requires oce-0.17.0, oce-0.17.1, oce-0.17.2 or
oce-0.17.3. Prefer the latter.
wrapper : new GEAOMAlgo_Splitter, and related example, from Salome 8.2
examples : core_geometry_line_properties,
webgl : toggle visibility feature for 3js renderer, teselator clean up,
increased default deviation (i.e. decreased default quality), set precision to 4 digits,
speed up generation for json and xml exporters -
ci/cd : many conda and appveyor fixes/improvements
Version 0.17.2 - January 2017
This release requires oce-0.17.0 or oce-0.17.1 or oce-0.17.2. Prefer the latter.
- webgl: upgrade three.js to r83; use https for three.js library
- webgl: X3D quality improvements; use https; replaced IndexedFaceSet with TriangleSet
- examples: added point cloud and glsl examples
- gui: osx qtDisplay supports Retina displays
- gui: fixed a regression in qtDisplay
- gui: fixed PySide support
- ci/cd: travis upoads nightly builds to, conda packages
on appveyor are available for download as artifacts
Version 0.17.1 - December 2016
This release requires oce-0.17.0 or oce-0.17.1 or oce-0.17.2. Prefer the latter.
- gui: fix of the resizing issue of the qtViewer widget
- wrapper: Add class local properties #356
- wrapper: Fixed string representation #353
- wrapper: Fix incorrect array size #355
- wrapper: BRep 3d font support and related example
- webgl: major refactoring of threejs and webgl renderers
(webserver, contour edge rendering, multishape, mesh quality, colr and transparency) - wrapper: proper repr function for pythonocc objects
- gui: PyQt signals and related example
- gui: cursor pan, zoom, rotate in the Qt viewer #335
- wrapper: fixes for BOPCol and BOPAlgo packages
- examples: ported algotopia examples, bisector, geomplate
- minor fixes
Version 0.16.5 - May 2016
This release requires oce-0.16.0 or oce-0.16.1
- Exception handling fix
- pyqt 4 and 5 fixes
- OCCViewer fixes (py3k, DisplayVector)
- New examples : minimal distance, boolean operations,
fillet operations, splinecage, topology_traverse - New modules made available from TKCAF, TKSTEP and TKSTEPBase
Version 0.16.4 - April 2016
This release requires oce-0.16.0 or oce-0.16.1
- New memeory management system : previous pythonocc released
suffered from memory issues (leaks). The release introduces a
much better way to deal with the OCE handles - wx and pyqt5 fixes
- minor fixes to the webgl renderers
Version 0.16.3 - January 2016
This release requires oce-0.16.0 or oce-0.16.1
- New examples: visualization_overpaint_viewerer,, matplotlib_box,
parallel_slicer, topology_glue - PyQt5 support
- Improvements and fixes to the Tesselator class:
Computation of edges, Interface to Vertices, Normals, and Triangles - minor portability fixes/improvements.
Version 0.16.2 - July 2015
This release requires oce-0.16.0 or oce-0.16.1
- New examples : display_quality, surface_from_curve, export_to_image,
shape_pickling, display_linewidth, prs3d_customization, textured_shape,
faircurve, topology_prism, topology_pipe, evolved_shape, draft_angle,
through_section, topology_face, topology_edge, vertex_filleting,
export_to_EF(PDF, PS, tex, SVG) - Mingw64 compilation fix
- Fixed wrapper for Standard_Boolean returned by reference as parameters
Version 0.16.1 - June 2015
This release requires oce-0.16.0 or oce-0.16.1
- WebGL upgrades and improvements, for both Three.js and x3dom, new webgl examples
- used deque in garbage collector rather than python lists
- pyside fix on Windows
- qt viewer improvements
- added classic bottle example
- wrapper fix for C++ const Standard_Integer & parameters
- wrapper fix for default values
- minor cmake fixes/improvements
- new wrapper for : MeshVS, OCAF STEP and IGES