An simple, fast, asynchronous PSR-3 compatible logger.
This Logger
library is modeling itself to have similar functionality as in Python's Async aiologger Package.
logger can be used to create log entries in different formats using multiple backend writers. Basic usage of logger requires both a writer and a logger instance. A writer stores the log entry/message into a backend, and the logger instance consumes the writer to perform logging operations.
The log entry/message contains the information to be logged. The message can consist of a format string and arguments (given as two separate parameters), a string or a report of the arguments, a map of key-value list array. These arguments can be accompanied by a report callback an processor
, using addProcessor()
The report callback is a convenience function that an writer formatter can use to convert the report to a format string and arguments, or directly to a string. The defaultFormatter()
method can also use its own conversion function, if no callback is provided, or if a customized formatting is desired.
This logger
package is intended to be used asynchronous, which require the underlining package used in, to operate as such. All the following functions should be call within an routine that was launched from coroutine_run()
function out of our Coroutine library.
* Will create or return an logger instance by tag name.
* If no name supplied, will use calling class name
* Return an logger instance by name.
* If no name supplied, will use calling class name
* Close and perform any cleanup actions by name.
* Optionally, clear arrayWriter logs.
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_close($name, $clearLogs);
* Shutdown Logger.
* Commit, close, and clears out ALL logger instances.
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_shutdown();
* Wait for logs to commit and remove finished logs from logging tasks list by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_commit($name)
* Returns the array of `arrayWriter()` Logs.
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_arrayLogs($name)
* Printout the `arrayWriter()` Logs.
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_printLogs($name)
* Will setup an custom backend `writer`, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_writer($writer, $levels, $interval, $formatter, $name);
* Will setup the O.S. syslog as backend `writer`, optionally by name
\logger_syslog($logOpts, $facility, $levels, $formatter, $name);
* Will setup the O.S. error_log as backend `writer`, optionally by name
\logger_errorlog($type, $levels, $formatter, $name);
* Will setup an memory array as backend `writer`, optionally by name
\logger_array($levels, $interval, $formatter, $name);
* Will setup an file/stream as backend `writer`, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_stream($stream, $levels, $interval, $formatter, $name);
* Will setup to send email as backend `writer`, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_mail($to, $subject, $headers, $levels, $interval, $formatter, $name);
* Will setup and add custom `processor` report callback, for on named `{key}` placeholder,
* for the global instance by name
\logger_processor($key, $processor, $name);
* Will add prefix to unique id to the message to be logged, on `{unique_id}` placeholder,
* for the global instance by name
\logger_uniqueId($prefix, $name);
* Will add an PHP process ID to the message to be logged, on `{pid}` placeholder,
* for the global instance by name
* Will add timestamp by either microsecond to the message to be logged, on `{timestamp}` placeholder,
* for the global instance by name
\logger_timestamp($micro, $name);
* Will add type of PHP interface to the message to be logged, on `{php_sapi}` placeholder,
* for the global instance by name
* Will add PHP version to the message to be logged, on `{php_version}` placeholder,
* for the global instance by name
* Will add memory usage by size[GB|MB|KB] to the message to be logged, on `{memory_usage}` placeholder,
* for the global instance by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \logger_memoryUsage($format, $real, $peak, $name);
* Will create new background task to Log an EMERGENCY message, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \log_emergency($message, $context, $name);
* Will create new background task to Log an ALERT message, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \log_alert($message, $context, $name);
* Will create new background task to Log an CRITICAL message, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \log_critical($message, $context, $name);
* Will create new background task to Log an ERROR message, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \log_error($message, $context, $name);
* Will create new background task to Log an WARNING message, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \log_warning($message, $context, $name);
* Will create new background task to Log an NOTICE message, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \log_notice($message, $context, $name);
* Will create new background task to Log an INFO message, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \log_info($message, $context, $name);
* Will create new background task to Log an DEBUG message, optionally by name
* - This function needs to be prefixed with `yield`
yield \log_debug($message, $context, $name);
composer require symplely/logger
use Async\Logger\Logger;
$logger = Logger::getLogger('php-app');
// or
$logger = new Logger('php-app');
Now you can set a backend writer to process log messages:
yield $logger->setWriter('print_r');
// Or print_r every 10 records formatted with default formatter
yield $logger->setWriter('print_r', Logger::ALL, 10);
Here are some preset backend writers:
yield $logger->streamWriter($stream = 'php://stdout',
$levels = Logger::ALL, $interval = 1, callable $formatter = null);
yield $logger->mailWriter($to, $subject = null, array $headers = [],
$levels = Logger::ALL, $interval = 1, callable $formatter = null);
$logger->errorLogWriter($errorType = 0,
$levels = Logger::ALL, callable $formatter = null);
$logger->syslogWriter($logOpts = \LOG_PID | \LOG_ODELAY | \LOG_CONS,
$facility = \LOG_USER, $levels = Logger::ALL, callable $formatter = null);
$logger->arrayWriter($levels = Logger::ALL, $interval = 1, callable $formatter = null);
You can change default formatting:
$logger->defaultFormatter(function ($level, $message, array $context) {
return sprintf("[%s] (%s): %-10s '%s'", date(DATE_RFC822), $logger->getName(), strtoupper($level), $message);
Or pass custom formatter with writer:
yield $logger->setWriter('print_r', Logger::ALL, 10, function ($level, $message, array $context) {
It is possible to disable some levels for handling:
$logger->disable(Logger::DEBUG | Logger::INFO);
A processor is executed before the log data are passed to the writer. The input of a processor is a log event, an array containing all of the information to log; the output is also a log event, but can contain modified or additional values. A processor modifies the log event to prior to sending it to the writer.
The addProcessor
method allows add some extra data to context, which represent PSR-3 message placeholders.
Placeholder names correspond to keys in the "context" array passed when logging a message:
$logger->info('User with email {email} registered', ['email' => '[email protected]']);
$logger->addProcessor('some_key', function (array $context) {
return 'some_value';
Here are some preset concrete context processors:
$logger->addMemoryUsage($format, $real, $peak;
Log an information message
// will be executed in an new background task, will not pause current task
yield $logger->info('Informational message');
// will pause current task, do other tasks until logger completes the log entry
yield $logger->log(LogLevel::INFO, 'We have a PSR-compatible logger');