SUSE Studio API client library for Node.js
Roman Neuhauser
[email protected]
This document is in the public domain.
Inputs and outputs are described using a would-be object structure
description language.
Common parts of the vocabulary:
Decimal =o /^\d+\.\d+/
Percent =o /^\d+%/
Id =o Nonnegative Integer
Count =o Nonnegative Integer
Seconds =o Nonnegative Integer
IP =o (v) ->
r = v.match /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3}).(\d{1,3})$/
Fail unless r and r[4]
for b in r[1..]
Fail if b < 1 or b > 254
Hostname =o /^[a-z]+[-a-z]*[a-z](:?\.[a-z]+[-a-z]*[a-z])*$/
Host =o OneOf IP, Hostname
Port =o OneOf Interval 1, 65536 + 1
HostPort =o "#{Host}:#{Port}"
Envname =o OneOf 'development', 'production', 'testing'
Hex32 =o /^[a-f0-9]{32}$/i
Hex40 =o /^[a-f0-9]{40}$/i
Timestamp =o /^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ$/
EmailAddress =o /^.+@.+$/
String =o /.*/
URL =o /^https?:\/\/.+$/
Version =o /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/
MBytes =o Nonnegative Integer
LocalPath =o /^(?:\/[^/]+)+/
TrueFalse =o OneOf 'true', 'false'
Username =o /^[-\w]+$/
Groupname =o /^[-\w]+$/
Basename =o /^[^/]+$/
RunLevel =o OneOf [1..5]
OnOff =o TypeOf Boolean
YesNo =o TypeOf Boolean
PackageName =o String
RepositoryName =o String
SWPatternName =o String
LVMGroupName =o String
Locale =o String
BaseSystem =o String
Arch =o OneOf 'i586 x86_64'.split ' '
ImageType =o OneOf \
'azure dasd ec2 iso net oem oemiso ovf vhd vmx xen zfcp'.split ' '
This is a fairly straightforward async functional interface
using POJOs in place of XML and streams for binary data.
exposes a session
function which takes
an object specifying the Studio server to connect to, the desired
API side (admin or user), and credentials (see your Studio profile).
napilo = require 'studio_napi/lib/lo'
napilo.session (admin|user):
url: <url>
user: <username>
key: <API key>
To support a slightly more DSLish code, studio_napi
publishes global
functions corresponding to used HTTP methods; see examples .
DELETE = (apimethod[, params], done) ->
GET = (apimethod[, params], done) ->
POST = (apimethod[, params], done) ->
PUT = (apimethod[, params], done) ->
The value returned from session
is a function which takes
3 or 4 arguments:
anapi = (httpmethod, apimethod[, params], done) ->
unapi = (httpmethod, apimethod[, params], done) ->
HTTP method
Shortened API method path (without the leading /api/v2
substrings matching Perl-compatible regular expression /:(w+)b/
are replaced by params[$1]
Optionally, an object of API parameters. Params not used in
substitutions comprise the query string.
done: (error, response) -> ...
If error
is falsy, response
contains a POJO derived from the XML
response received from Studio server.
POST form uploads, file uploads, request bodies are neither
described nor implemented ATM.
An endpoint is a combination of:
HTTP method
URL template
Input: default.
Result: about:
server_name: HostPort
environment: Envname
git_revision: Hex40
Input: default.
Result: active_users:
since: Seconds
users: ArrayOf Id
Input: runner_threshold: Optional Nonnegative Integer
Result: Runner =o \
id: Id
address: HostPort
status: OneOf 'auto_disabled', 'disabled', 'pinged', 'registered', 'unreachable'
last_pinged: Timestamp
slots: Count
used_slots: Count
load: Decimal
Disk =o \
path: LocalPath
used: Percent
available: Bytes
ServiceState =o OneOf 'ok', 'error'
state: ServiceState
mysql: ServiceState
thoth: ServiceState
rmds: ServiceState
kiwi_runners: ArrayOf Runner
testdrive_runners: ArrayOf Runner
disks: ArrayOf Disk
Input: default.
Result: job_history:
since: Seconds
succeeded: Count
failed: Count
successrate: Count
testdrives: Count
Input: default.
Result: running_jobs:
builds: ArrayOf Id
testdrives: ArrayOf Id
Input: default.
Result: Disk =o \
filesystem: LocalPath
total: Bytes
used: Bytes
used_percentage: Percent
available: Bytes
mount_point: LocalPath
since: Seconds
last_bug_status_refresh_time: OneOf undefined, Timestamp
unassigned_failures_count: Count
succeeded: Count
failed: Count
errored: Count
successrate: Count
testdrives: Count
active_users: ArrayOf Id
disks: ArrayOf Disk
bugs: ArrayOf Id
Input: default.
Result: DiskSize =o /^\d+(?:\.\d+)[KMGTPYZ]B$/
Account =o account:
username: Username
displayname: String
email: EmailAddress
created_at: Timestamp
openid_urls: ArrayOf URL
available: DiskSize
used: Percent
Input: default.
Result: version: /^\d+(?:\.\d+)+$/
Input: default.
Result: appliances: ArrayOf Appliance
Input: app: Id
Result: Build =o \
id: Id
version: Version
image_type: ImageType
image_size: MBytes
compressed_image_size: MBytes
download_url: URL
Appliance =o \
id: Id
name: String
last_edited: Timestamp
edit_url: URL
icon_url: URL
basesystem: BaseSystem
id: Id
name: String
builds: ArrayOf Build
apliance: Appliance
Input: app: Id
Result: success: true
Input: app: Id
Result: Autostart =o \
command: String
description: String
enabled: TrueFalse
user: Username
DbUser =o \
username: Username
password: String
database_list: ListOf String, /,\s*/
Database =o \
type: OneOf 'mysql', 'pgsql'
users: ArrayOf DbUser
LVMVolume =o \
size: MBytes
path: LocalPath
Script =o \
enabled: TrueFalse
script: Text
User =o \
name: Username
password: String
group: Groupname
shell: LocalPath
homedir: LocalPath
id: Id
name: String
description: Text
website: URL
tags: ArrayOf Tag
keyboard_layout: String
language: Locale
location: Timezone
type: OneOf 'dhcp', 'manual'
hostname: Hostname
ip: IP
netmask: IP
route: IP
nameservers: ListOf IP, /,\s*/
enabled: TrueFalse
open_ports: ArrayOf 'ssh', 'http'
users: ArrayOf User
eulas: ArrayOf Text
databases: ArrayOf Database
autostarts: ArrayOf Autostart
memory_size: MBytes
disk_size: GBytes
swap_size: MBytes
pae_enabled: TrueFalse
xen_host_mode_enabled: TrueFalse
cdrom_enabled: TrueFalse
webyast_enabled: TrueFalse
public_clonable: TrueFalse
runlevel: RunLevel
automatic_login: Username
enabled: TrueFalse
volume_group: LVMGroupName
volumes: ArrayOf LVMVolume
build: Script
boot: Script
autoyast: Script
Input: app: Id
Result: GPGKey =o \
id: Id
name: String
target: String
key: Text
gpg_keys: ArrayOf GPGKey
Input: app: Id
key: Id
Result: gpg_key: GPGKey
Input: app: Id
Result: appliance:
id: Id
read_users: ArrayOf Username
Input: app: Id
Result: software:
appliance_id: Id
patterns: ArrayOf SoftwarePattern
packages: ArrayOf Package
Input: app: Id
Result: Issue =o \
type: OneOf 'error', ...
text: String
type: OneOf 'install', ...
package: PackageName
state: OneOf 'error', 'ok'
issues: ArrayOf Issue
Input: app: Id
Result: Build =o \
id: Id
version: Version
state: OneOf 'finished', ...
expired: TrueFalse
image_type: ImageType
md5: Hex32
sha1: Hex40
size: MBytes
compressed_image_size: MBytes
builds: ArrayOf Build
Input: bld: Id
Result: build: Build
Input: default.
Result: File =o \
id: Id
filename: Basename
path: LocalPath
owner: Username
group: Groupname
permissions: /^[0-7]{3}$/
enabled: TrueFalse
download_url: URL
file: ArrayOf File
Input: file: Id
Result: file: File
Input: default.
Result: Repository =o \
id: Id
name: String
type: OneOf 'rpm-md', ...
base_system: BaseSystem
base_url: URL
repository_name: String
repository_base_url: URL
repositories: ArrayOf Repository
Input: repo: Id
Result: repository: Repository
Input: default.
Result: RPM =o \
id: Id
filename: Basename
size: Bytes
archive: TrueFalse
base_system: BaseSystem
rpms: ArrayOf RPM
Input: rpm: Id
Result: rpm:
id: Id
filename: Basename
size: Bytes
archive: TrueFalse
base_system: BaseSystem
Input: default.
Result: RunningBuild =o \
id: Id
state: OneOf 'running', ...
percent: OneOf [0..100]
time_elapsed: Seconds
message: String
running_builds: ArrayOf RunningBuild
Input: bld: Id
Result: running_build: RunningBuild
Input: default.
Result: Template =o \
id: Id
basesystem: Matches /^\S+$/
description: String
name: String
TemplateSet =o \
description: Id
name: OneOf 'running', ...
templates: ArrayOf Template
template_sets: ArrayOf TemplateSet
Input: set: String
Result: Template =o \
id: Id
basesystem: Matches /^\S+$/
description: String
name: String
TemplateSet =o \
description: Id
name: OneOf 'running', ...
templates: ArrayOf Template
template_set: TemplateSet
Input: default.
Result: TestDrive =o \
id: Id
state: OneOf 'running', ...
build_id: Id
testdrives: ArrayOf TestDrive
Input: bld: Id
Result: testdrive:
id: Id
state: OneOf 'new', ...
build_id: Id
url: URL
host: Hostname
port: Port
password: String
The high-level interface is exposed by studio_napi/lib/hi
The starting point is the session
function which returns either
an object suitable for accessing the user or admin side, depending
on the input.
napihi = require 'studio_napi/lib/hi'
napihi.session (admin|user):
url: <url>
user: <username>
key: <API key>
Admin session is acquired by calling session
with admin
Input: admin:
url: URL
user: Username
key: String
Result: HAdmin:
about: (done) ->
active_users: (done) ->
health_check: ([params,] done) ->
job_history: (done) ->
running_jobs: (done) ->
summary: (done) ->
User session is acquired by calling session
with user
Input: user:
url: URL
user: Username
key: String
Result: HUser:
create: (appliance) ->
delete: (appliance) ->
The admin side is a simple object with methods corresponding 1:1
to the low-level admin endpoints:
Input: default.
Result: default.
Input: default.
Result: default.
Input: runner_threshold: Optional Nonnegative Integer
Result: default.
Input: default.
Result: default.
Input: default.
Result: default.
Input: default.
Result: default.
Input: default.
Result: Build:
id: Id
version: Version
image_type: ImageType
image_size: MBytes
compressed_image_size: MBytes
download_url: URL
DiskSize o= /^\d+ [KMGTPYZ]B$/
Appliance o=
id: Id
name: String
arch: Arch
type: ImageType
last_edited: Timestamp
estimated_raw_size: DiskSize
estimated_compressed_size: DiskSize
edit_url: URL
basesystem: BaseSystem
uuid: UUID
id: Id
name: Name
builds: ArrayOf Build
appliances: ArrayOf Appliance
Input: appliance:
named: String
based_on: BaseSystem
Result: HAppliance:
add: (package) ->
add: (pattern) ->
add: (repository) ->
add: (user) ->
configure: (LVM) ->
configure: (MySQL) ->
configure: (PostgreSQL) ->
configure: (RAM) ->
configure: (disk) ->
configure: (network) ->
configure: (swap) ->
select: (locale) ->
select: (runlevel) ->
toggle: (MySQL) ->
toggle: (PAE) ->
toggle: (PostgreSQL) ->
toggle: (Xen_DOM0) ->
commit: (done) ->
Input: appliance: Id
Result: success: Boolean
Input: default.
Result: Package =o
id: Id
filename: Basename
size: Bytes
archive: TrueFalse
Packages =o ArrayOf Package
Input: default.
Result: Repository =o
id: Id
name: String
type: String
base_system: BaseSystem
base_url: URL
Repositories =o ArrayOf Repository
Input: package:
named: PackageName
from: RepositoryName
version: Version
Input: pattern:
named: SWPatternName
from: RepositoryName
Input: repository:
named: RepositoryName
Input: user:
named: Username
id: Id
member_of: ArrayOf Groupname
password: String
Input: LVM:
enabled: YesNo
group: LVMGroupName
comprising: Map LocalPath, DiskSize
Input: PostgreSQL: ArrayOf DbUser
Input: network:
hostname: Hostname
address: IP
netmask: IP
gateway: IP
resolvers: ListOf IP, /,\s*/
Input: locale:
language: String
keyboard: String