Table of contents <[ Modal ]> Plugins
UiModalComponent class - Modal component with events and plugins support.
The component extends UiComponent from @squirrel-forge/ui-core module.
Component settings might be changed or extended through plugins, you can find additional notes on how settings can be used in the ui-core module readme.
const defaults = {
// Context element
// @type {documentElement|HTMLElement}
context : document.documentElement,
// Class set on context when modal is open
// @type {string}
openInContextClass : 'ui-modal-context--active',
// Interaction mode, should be set via the UiModalComponent.mode = <boolean>
// @type {('modal')}
mode : 'modal',
// Available modes
// @type {Array<mode>}
availableModes : [ 'modal' ],
// Mode class prefix
// @type {string}
modeClass : 'ui-modal--',
// Restrict tab focus to modal content
// @type {boolean}
restrictFocus : true,
// Focus first contained element when shown
// @type {boolean|Array<config.mode>}
focusOnShown : true,
// Focus last contained element when shown, focusOnShown must be active
// @type {boolean|Array<config.mode>}
focusLast : false,
// Reset focus to the element that was focused before opening the modal
// @type {boolean}
focusResetOnHidden : true,
// Hide on click outside dialog or keyboard escape key
// @type {boolean|Array<config.mode>}
easyHide : true,
// Custom animators
// @type {Object}
animator : {
// Show modal animator
// @type {null|UiModalCallbackShow}
show : null,
// Hide modal animator
// @type {null|UiModalCallbackHide}
hide : null,
// Animation speed, default: 300ms
// @type {number}
speed : null,
// Control visibility, default: true
// @type {boolean}
vis : true,
// Dom references
// @type {Object}
dom : {
// Native dialog reference
// @type {string}
native : 'dialog',
// Dialog
// @type {string}
dialog : '.ui-modal__dialog',
// Focusable elements, uses the tabFocusLock default selector if not set
// @type {null|string}
focusable : null,
// Modal title
// @type {string}
title : '.ui-modal__dialog-title',
// Modal title
// @type {string}
content : '.ui-modal__dialog-content',
// Close buttons
// @type {string}
close : '[data-modal="ctrl:close"]',
class UiModalComponent extends UiComponent {
static selector : String
constructor( element, settings = null, defaults = null, extend = null, states = null, plugins = null, parent = null, debug = null, init = true ) {}
mode : String
open : Boolean
animating : Boolean
dialog : HTMLElement|HTMLDialogElement
title : HTMLElement|HTMLHeadingElement
content : HTMLElement|HTMLDivElement
show( origin = null, events = true ) {} // void
hide( events = true ) {} // void
For more details check the UiModalComponent source file.
- - Fired before the modal opens, can be prevented with event.preventDefault().
- modal.shown - Fired after the modal has opened.
- modal.hide - Fired before the modal closes, can be prevented with event.preventDefault().
- modal.hidden - Fired after the modal has closed.
For details refer to the settings, class overview and code file mentioned above.
import { UiModalComponent } from '@squirrel-forge/ui-modal';
// Will initialize a specific modal
UiModalComponent.make( document.querySelector( '.ui-modal' ) );
// Will initialize all modals in the current document
const modals = UiModalComponent.makeAll();
// Bind all openers for the initialized modals
UiModalComponent.bindOpeners( modals );
It is recommended to use one of the provided templates, or adapt one:
A blade template for usage with laravel: blade/modal.blade.php. Copy the template to your resources/views folder and use following data structure:
$data = [
'id' => null|string,
'mode' => 'modal'|'alert'|'confirm'|'prompt',
'classes' => null|string|array,
'attributes' => null|string|array,
'header' => null|[
'title' => null,
'custom' => null,
'controls' => null|bool|[
'custom' => null,
'template' => null|string,
'content' => string|array,
'scroll' => null|'inner'|'outer',
'footer' => null|[
'custom' => null,
'controls' => null|bool[
'custom' => null,
'icons' => null|[
'closetop' => null|string,
'close' => null|string,
'ok' => null|string,
'cancel' => null|string,
'confirm' => null|string,
'i18n' => null|[
'closetop' => null|string,
'close' => null|string,
'ok' => null|string,
'cancel' => null|string,
'confirm' => null|string,
'buttons' => null|[
'closetop' => null|string,
'close' => null|string,
'ok' => null|string,
'cancel' => null|string,
'confirm' => null|string,
Two twig implementations are a available:
Simple adaptable twig/modal.twig with following data structure:
const data = {
id : undefined|null|String,
classes : undefined|null|String,
mode : 'modal'|'alert'|'confirm'|'prompt',
attributes : undefined|null|String,
header : undefined|null|Boolean|{
title : undefined|null|false|String,
custom : undefined|null|String,
controls : undefined|null|Boolean|{
custom : undefined|null|String,
template : undefined|null|String,
content : String|{...},
footer : undefined|null|Boolean|{
custom : undefined|null|String,
controls : undefined|null|Boolean|{
custom : undefined|null|String,
icons : undefined|null|{
closetop : undefined|null|String,
close : undefined|null|String,
ok : undefined|null|String,
cancel : undefined|null|String,
confirm : undefined|null|String,
i18n : undefined|null|{
closetop : undefined|null|String,
close : undefined|null|String,
ok : undefined|null|String,
cancel : undefined|null|String,
confirm : undefined|null|String,
buttons : undefined|null|{
closetop : undefined|null|String,
close : undefined|null|String,
ok : undefined|null|String,
cancel : undefined|null|String,
confirm : undefined|null|String,
TwigHouse variant twig/ made for usage with twighouse following an example, the data structure is the same as the simple template only wrapped into the component object:
"__directives": ["tagAttributes:attributes","resolveFileReferences:__custom"],
"__custom": "~@squirrel-forge/ui-modal/modal",
"attributes": {"id": "example-modal", "data-mode": "modal"},
"header": {
"title": "Title",
"controls": true
"footer": {
"controls": true
"content": "Raw content"
Instead of using raw content you may load a custom template as following:
"__directives": ["resolveFileReferences:template"],
"template": "template/reference",
"content": {
"passed on": "to the given template",
"as": "content",
"including the": "document data object"
You may use the html/modal.html static template to adapt your own version without working around template syntax.
Following the minimum markup required for default functionality.
Note that you are not required to use type <section>
and <dialog>
, they may also be <div>
the component will attempt to set aria options when required.
The content remains optional, but beware that when not using a title or content wrapper the corresponding shorthand access on the component class wont be available and generate an error when used.
<section is="ui-modal">
<dialog class="ui-modal__dialog">
<h3 class="ui-modal__dialog-title">Title</h3>
<div class="ui-modal__dialog-content">Content</div>
<button type="button" data-modal="ctrl:close">Close</button>
It is recommended the use the sass module, or adapt it.
A Sass module built for the @use syntax, including extension and configuration.
@use '~@squirrel-forge/ui-modal' as modal with (
// ...
// Define css custom properties
:root {
// Output configured styles
@include modal.styles {
&--custom {
// ...
Explore the sass module or checkout the (example) for full configuration and extension options.
A precompiled css version that can be themed with custom properties.
Following the minimum styling required for default functionality. Note that default animation is done via transitions between state classes, but can be run via js, see the settings for details.
:root {
--ui-modal-z-index: 1000;
--ui-modal-transition: 0.3s ease;
--ui-modal-background-color: white;
--ui-modal-backdrop-color: rgba(0,0,0,.9);
[is="ui-modal"] {
z-index: var(--ui-modal-z-index);
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
opacity: 1;
transition: var(--ui-modal-transition);
&::before {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: var(--ui-modal-backdrop-color);
content: '';
&:not([data-state="open"]) {
pointer-events: none;
height: 0;
opacity: 0;
&__dialog {
position: relative;
margin: auto;
background-color: var(--ui-modal-background-color);
Table of contents <[ Modal ]> Plugins