+++ date = "2015-09-30" draft = false weight = 00 title = "Lab 00 - Student Setup" +++
The objective of this lab is to instruct students on how to access their lab environment from a Windows or Apple platform. All users lab environment is dependent on successfully implementing two tools:
An internet browser (to access the OpenStack Horizon dashboard)
- Labs have been tested with Google Chrome
A terminal with SSH (to admin the services controlling your OpenStack cloud)
Let's understand the environment (data center) we have built for you. The instructor will review the following diagram with you:
Answer the following questions to confirm that you understand the lab environment:
When you open a browser and initially see the CLI, where are you? Is this your OpenStack data center, or JUST a proxy we can all SSH into our data centers from?
On what node will you spend the majority of your time?
Are the Networking services (Neutron) on the same node as your controller?
Where will VMs be launched from?
You should have also received an email containing two links. One is to a *.ppk key (a3osl_2015_10_05.ppk), the other is to a *.pem key (a3osl_2015_10_05.pem). If you're a Windows users, you'll want to download the *.ppk key. If you are an Apple user, download the *.pem key.
- This key will be used to add security to the SSH session with the OpenStack controller
Find your name in the following table, and note your FQDN
This FQDN resolves to the IP address of your OpenStack controller
You'll be using this FQDN all week unless we tell you otherwise
Student # Your FQDN student 01 pu.alta3.training student 02 ta.alta3.training student 03 sv.alta3.training student 04 rr.alta3.training student 05 fb.alta3.training student 06 tq.alta3.training student 07 vk.alta3.training student 08 am.alta3.training student 09 dt.alta3.training student 10 vv.alta3.training student 11 ua.alta3.training student 12 cl.alta3.training -
Download PuTTY. Navigate to the PuTTY homepage (http://www.putty.org/), and download the PuTTY utility (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html).
- PuTTY is an executable, nothing to install
Double click on PuTTY.exe
Let's take a moment to customize PuTTY, so that in the future you may quickly connect to the OpenStack controller with just a few mouse clicks.
Along the left hand side of the screen, there is an expandable drop down menu. Navigate to the following location (you may need expand some subtrees):
- Navigate to: Connection > SSH > Auth
You should be looking at a menu that says "Options controlling SSH authentication" at the top of the screen. At the bottom of the screen, click on the "Browse" button near where it says, "Private key for authentication"
This will open a pop-up window. Use this to navigate to your a3osl_2015_10_05.ppk key. This should of been emailed to you. If you don't have it, ask the instructor to resend it.
- After you find the a3osl_2015_10_05.ppk, click the "Open" button on the pop-up window (but NOT on PuTTY itself).
- Windows users, again, make sure you are using a *.ppk key and NOT a *.pem key
- The path to the a3osl_2015_10_05.ppk key should now be filled out
In the category menu on the left hand side of the screen, Navigate to "Connection"
You should be looking at a menu that says "Options controlling the connection" at the top of the screen. Sometimes PuTTY sessions can drop during labs. We don't want this, or at least, want to minimize the chance of this happening. Change "Seconds between keeepalives (0 to turn off)" to 15.
OPTIONAL - If you have trouble reading small browser terminals, or prefer a different color set, you can customize the appearance by navigating to the following location:
- Navigate to: Window > Appearance
- If you'd like, change the font to a larger size in the middle of the screen (Courier New, 14-point works well... don't go above 16, or some of your CLI output won't look pretty)
- If you'd like to change the color scheme, navigate to the following location (again, this is optional and not recommended unless you need it)
- Navigate to: Window > Appearance > Colours
- This is where you can change background / foreground colors
In the category menu on the left hand side of the screen, navigate to "Session" (you'll find it at the very top of the menu)
You should be looking at the same screen you saw when PuTTY was first launched. Configure this screen as follows:
- In the section, "Host Name (or IP address)", type root@YOUR_ASSIGNED_FQDN_FROM_THE_TABLE_ABOVE (of course, you'd replace YOUR_ASSIGNED_FQDN_FROM_THE_TABLE_ABOVE with the one you copied from the table at the start of this lab, for example: the first student listed on the table would type [email protected])
- In "Saved Sessions" type "Alta3 - Controller"
- Press the "Save" button beside "Saved Sessions"
- Press the "Open" button at the bottom of the screen. This should launch an SSH connection to your controller.
- From now on, when you need to use PuTTY, just click on "Alta3 - Controller", then the "Load" button to populated your customized session settings.
You should have a prompt that looks like the following. If you do not, or received some error, tell the instructor.
[root@controller ~]#
STUDENTS NEW TO PuTTY -- If this is your first time using PuTTY, do the following
- At the CLI, type:
[root@controller ~]# exit
- This will close your connection
- Relaunch PuTTY
- Single click on "Alta3 - Controller"
- Click the "Load button" (this loads your previously saved settings)
- Press "Open" at the bottom of the screen to start the connection
That's it! Just hang tight while other students are wrapping up.
Open the terminal application.
In the labs, whenever it says, "SSH to the IP address of your controller", enter the following in the terminal application.
ssh user@[your ip address] -i <path to a3osl-2015-10-05.pem>
This will connect you to the IP address of your controller.
That's it! Hang tight while other students are wrapping up.