🔥🔥🔥 fastposter Generator is a quick poster development tool. Just upload a background image, put the components (' text ', 'picture', 'QR code', 'avatar') in the corresponding position to generate a poster. Click 'code' to directly generate a variety of language call code, convenient for rapid development.
Now it has served a large number of e-commerce projects, many of which have '60W+' users. It has passed the test of production environment for many years and is stable and reliable. Widely used in all kinds of e-commerce, distribution systems, e-commerce posters, e-commerce main picture and other poster generation and production scenes.
Thank you very much for your encouragement, donation and support. Open source is not easy, I hope I can stick to it.
- development documentation: https://poster.prodapi.cn/doc/
- online experience: https://poster.prodapi.cn/
- ProPython: https://poster.prodapi.cn/pro/
- ProJava: https://poster.prodapi.cn/pro/java/
The little star you lit is accelerating the project development iteration
- Supports docker rapid deployment
- Support e-commerce production environment
- Support for multiple programming languages' Java ', 'Python', 'PHP', 'Golang', 'JavaScript', 'mini programs'
- No need to write complex drawing rendering code
- Very low server resource overhead
- Support for multiple file formats: jpeg, png, webp, pdf, base64
- Easy code generation
- Provide common components' text ' 'avatar' 'picture' 'two-dimensional code'
- Start the service
docker run -it --name fast-poster -p 5000:5000 tangweixin/fast-poster
- Edit the poster
- Generate code
Sample request (you can pass the required parameters directly)
curl --location --request POST 'https://poster.prodapi.cn/api/link' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'token: ApfrIzxCoK1DwNZOEJCwlrnv6QZ0PCdv' \
--data-raw '{
"title": Artificial Intelligence + Machine learning,
"id": 2
} '
Sample response (Return the poster's access address)
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"url": "https://poster.prodapi.cn/v/90295c118d4c8802"
- Poster Generator
- Automatic poster generation tool
- Poster online design generator
- Poster generator made online
- Generate a circle of Friends poster
- E-commerce poster editor
- Certificate Making
- Automatic certificate generation tool
- QR code to share poster pictures
- Python Pillow drawing Pillow makes posters
- E-commerce main chart editor
- Java generates QR code to share poster pictures
- Java Graphics2D draws the poster picture
- wechat mini program to generate posters to share moments
- PHP generates a two-dimensional code poster image
- Custom commercial poster images -H5 Generates poster images
- canvas Generates poster images
- Generate poster images via JSON
- BufferdImage Draws pictures
The author of wechat 'fastposter'