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Joseph nightwatch-analytics

Night Watch Analytics Dallas, TX

Emma Yockman eyockman
Graduate student at UCSC; studying coastal plant ecology.

UCSC Santa Cruz, CA

Caspar Windfield Fiewincas
I want to publish code for environmental & forest education purposes. To start I'll create gamebooks in Tex, HTML & Javascript. Later Python. @naturkoryphaeen

Naturkoryphäen Beedenbostel

Kaylee L. Davis KayleeDavisGitHub
Made a career from knowing @rstudio and @yihui's work.

Data Scientist Columbus, OH.

Yoko Uyehara yuyehara

University of Hawaii at Manoa Honolulu, HI USA

Francisco Yirá Albornoz franciscoyira
Python, R, data viz, causal inference, machine learning and AI.

Toronto, Canada