Mid-April 2024
Task is to design an API for Internet Relay Chat (IRC). How?
See the irc-api.scm and irc-echo-bot.scm demos.
IRC offers a non-trivial environment with which an agent can interact with. There are several kinds of stimulus: multi-party public conversations in group channels; private conversations with individuals, and painful events, like getting kicked. Several actions are possible: one can look at/ask for a listing of all the channels on a server; one can look at/ask for a listing of all users in a given channel. This splits into two parts: performing the action of looking, and then sensing the resulting data/reply. After the sensing comes the perception, of processing what the all means (done upstream from here.)
What's the right way to do the above, using Atomese Atoms and Values? what is the API that is natural for an agent to work with? I don't know.
The basic "action" seems to be "Open", which philosophically is "look at". The result of "open" is a data stream that can be sampled. But this data stream is complex: it has structure. If the stream is chat conversation, then how do we represent the different users talking, their nicks, hosts, etc.?
What about sub-actions? After taking the action to join a server, one has several subactions. One is to list all of the channels. Another action is to select one channel and join it. After joining a channel, there are several more sub-actions possible: list all of the users, start a private conversation with a single user, or spew stuff into the (public) channel.
The sub-actions are modal: they do not become possible or available, until certain earlier actions have been performed. The menu of possible actions also changes modally: some actions might disappear over time.
What kind of actions are possible?
- Menu selection: This is like a file system directory listing; a discrete list of options are presented. The result of selecting from that list returns an open connection/file-handle, which can be read, and maybe can be written to.
Constraints and equivalences are ad-hoc: sometimes menus change, sometimes they don't. Some things are still possible after taking an action; other things become impossible. This is not like a free group (where anything is possible at any time) nor is it like a group presentation (where what can currently be done is described by a set of equivalences, possibly commutative equivalences.) There are no a priori equivalences.
- Continuous space: Movement in a space with arbitrarily small movement increments. The shape of the space is constrained by equivalences (e.g. group presentation equivalences that convert a free group into Eucliden space). This includes holonomic constraints: the joint-angle space of a robot arm.
There is no "continuous movement" in IRC. So punt on that.
The menu of actions needs to be perceived: one must explicitly "look at" the menu of possible actions that lead to possible future worlds. To have a consistent paradigm of what we've done so far, the answer seems to be: open the object (like a directory listing) and read what's there, and pick one.
How do we designate which action to take? Currently, both IRC and files are designated with URL's. Three problems:
- How do we get a channel listing? Do we open a URL "irc://server/do-channel-list"? Since we're already connected the first part of the URL is redundant.
- On receipt of channel listing, how do we join a specific channel?
- We want to avoid string-string concatenation for building custom URL's because nothing in Atomese so far does string stuff. Its hypergraphs, always. Don't want to invent a string-concatenator.
The conventional object-oriented style is to "send a message". What are the allowed messages? Chat text messages are free-form. Directory listings are specific commands chosen from the given command menu. When opening a connection, how do we know if the things that are read are command options, vs free-form text input?
Conclude: the format needs to be:
(define irc-stream (cog-execute!
(TypeNode 'IRChatStream)
(SensoryNode "irc://nick@server/"))))
irc-stream ; list available commands, e.g. list channels, join
; Return will be
(ActionNode "help") ; help menu
(ActionNode "list") ; listing of channels
(ActionNode "join")) ; channel to join
Now what? One obvious mode would be:
(define look-stream (cog-execute!
irc-stream ; this provides context
(ActionNode "join")
(ItemNode "#opencog")))
But this has problems: how did we know that the action "join" needs an argument, and how do we know that the argument must be a valid choice from the "list" command?
It also overlaps with the other way of doing directives:
(ActionNode "JOIN")
(ItemNode "#opencog"))
OK so here we have a distinction: Open
is a kind of movement,
taking us to a new place, opening a new stream. Write
keeps us
on the current stream, simply advancing the time-like cursor/iterator
on that stream.
Still: it's ambiguous. We can use Open
to create a new stream
dedicated to a specific channel. Or we can use Write
to alter
the state/mode of the current stream. Writes then make the stream
behave in a modal way, which is perhaps confusing to the agent?
The problem here is that the IRC protocol hides some of this modality: each message shows the sender and the receiver. The result is a multi-threaded stream. The JOIN command is more of a "listen to this" command.
So two things: the robot-command of "send this message to this device on this control stream", and the attention-allocation issue of "listen to this particular thing" or even "pay attention to this, and perhaps respond to this" as a sub-item in the open channel. Ugh.
Some IRC commands are triplets:
(ActionNode "PRIVMSG")
(ItemNode "#opencog")
(String "blal blah text to say out loud"))
For now, hand-code these by force.
Sheaf sections (aka disjuncts) are a way of indicating partial graphical networks, having both "closed" portions (edges between vertices) and "open" portions (unconnected jigsaw connectors). The unconnected connectors are offers of future possibilities: hypothetical possible worlds. The prototype section of computing is the lambda of lambda calculus: the variables bound by the lambda are the connectors, and beta reduction is the act of connecting the connectors.
Perhaps disjuncts are the correct way to indicate possible actions. How might this work? Lets try it.
(Item "Name of this disjunct")
(ConnectorSeq ; Could also be ConnectorSet
(Item "type of first connector")
(Sex "name of first mating rule"))
(Item "type of second connector")
(Sex "name of second mating rule"))
Conventional sex mating rules for computing are "input" and "output". Concentional functions in computing have zero or one output connectors, and zero or more input connectors. The inputs and outputs are typed. Polymorphic types can be indicated with ChoiceLink, and so on.
In the java programming world, and some (many?) other languages, there is a concept of "reflection" or "introspection", where an object can be asked to describe itself, what it contains. The below is an attempt to define what reflection or introspection might look like, for Atomese.
The goal is to describe conditions in the external environment, in the "sensory world". To represent: "Here's what you can do: you can list all members of the chat channel, and you can open a private chat to one of them, and you can maybe kick or ban or give voice to one of them, but only if you are channel op."
So, given a location in an environment, one has available:
(Section ...) ; possible action one
(Section ...) ; possible action two
Then, "list users" would be
(Item "Informal name of this command is list users")
(Sex "output")
The output connector needs to describe the format of the command that
this particular sensory stream can actually understand. That is, the
data that the agent must send (using (cog-execute! (WriteLink ...))
What about the contents of a data stream? Say, users joining and leaving? How do we describe what the sensory stream might deliver? At open time? Inline with the stream?
If you connect to data stream XYZ, what is the format of the messages arriving on data stream XYZ? We can steal some of the old (ancient) Web 3.0 ideas... e.g DTD definitions, where DTD == Data Type Definition. The oversimplified example DTD for HTML is:
<!ELEMENT html (head, body)>
<!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA | p | ul | dl | table | h1|h2|h3)*>
We need a DTD-like description of the data flowing on the data stream. Even older: an Interface Description Language
Now comes the interesting part. We have a DTD/IDL-like data descriptor of what is being sent out on a sensory stream. What happens after that data has been transformed a few times, e.g. by FilterLinks with RuleLinks?
In principle, we can look at the RuleLink and infer what has happened to the data. This is coneventiona proof-theory of chaining together inference steps.
For a chain of steps, we want an inference engine that says: "after perceiving sensory info of type DTD and applying a sequence of transforms given by RuleLinks, we can infer that the output type is a DTD of type foo. And motor action controller will accept DTD's of type foo, and so it is possible to hook up this entire processing chain. i.e. it is 'parsable'".
Parsable, in the sense that connectors provided by the sensory stream can be attached to connectors inferred from FilterLinks & RuleLinks, and that those connectors are, in turn, joinable to the output device.
So we want to describe inputs and outputs as disjuncts and allow LG style parsing to determine what the syntactically valid hookups are.
So lets try to work through an example. We do this:
(cog-execute! (Lookup (Type 'IRChatStream)))
The above is an "action". It returns a "perception", which is a menu choice of actions that can be taken. So this is like the first-ever computer game "Adventure": "you are standing in front of..."
(Section (Item "Open") ...) ; Description of stream open
(Section (Item "Write") ...) ; Description of stream write
This is analogous to a LinkGrammar dictionary lookup, where the "word"
is (Type 'IRChatStream)
and the set of disjunts on the "word"
are Sections. Note that the available sections will be independent
of which URL is being opened.
What does the first Section look like, in detail?
(Item "this is our Open command")
(Sex "command") ; Command means it is sent.
(Type 'OpenLink)) ; What to send (must be OpenLink)
(Sex "command") ; Send
(Type 'SensoryNode)))) ; What to send, i.e. the URL to open
The above is supposed to describe the ability to open an IRChatStream
and specifically, the required arguments for the Open
. The net
result is that we want to do this:
(Type 'IRChatStream)
(SensoryNode "irc://[email protected]:6667"))))
Not yet clear how the Section that described the ability to open a
connection actually causes the OpenLink
to be executed... Hmm
Anyway, performing the Open
action results in a new menu of disjuncts
being provided:
(Section (Item "Join") ...) ; Description of the JOIN IRC command
(Section (Item "List") ...) ; Description of the LIST IRC command
This is provided as the return value from the execute. What does the Join command description look like?
(Item "This is what channel JOIN messages are like")
(Sex "command") ; This connector is sent-to IRC
(Type 'WriteLink)) ; Use a WriteLink to send.
(Sex "command") ; This connector is sent-to IRC
(Item "JOIN")) ; String to be sent
(Sex "command") ; This connector is sent-to IRC
(Type 'StringValue)) ; Channel name must be provided.
(Sex "reply") ; Stream of returned values
(LinkSignature ; Return will be ...
(Type 'LinkValue) ; ... a list of Values ...
(Type 'StringValue))) ; ... that are nicknames (strings)
The above is loosely typed, so that the nicknames are returned as strings. Could be strongly typed, to indicate nicknames are being returned, and elsewhere we know nicknames are actually strings.
Say we wanted to write the nicknames to a file. We would do this in a fashion similar to the above:
(cog-execute! (Lookup (Type 'FileStream)))
which returns
(Section (Item "Open") ...) ; Description of stream open
(Section (Item "Write") ...) ; Description of stream write
The file-open command looks just like the IRC open command, except
that we need to give a file://
URL instead. The write command
describes write in such a way that we know that we can write strings.
But since the channel join command output was a list of nicknames
which happen to be strings, we know that we can write strings to
the file.
This glosses over several things. These are:
- The File API needs to be more complicated, because we need to be able to walk up and down directory trees.
- We seem to be confusing bare connectors with descriptions of the data that will flow through that connector, once the link is joined (and the stream is flowing).
- We haven't explained how to actually join stream outputs to inputs.
- Unlike Link Grammar, where all words are known a priori, here, we do not find out what the possible actions are, until we arrive at that "location". i.e. we don't know, until we perform that action, and then get the menu of places we can go to, from there.
- The Write command is not usable until after the stream has been opened. Where is this encoded?
- An error handling architecture. For example, attempting to
to a directory that does not exist, or getting a 'permission denied' on opening a file.
There's confusion about the what flows where on the IRC stream. Before the channel join, we can only issue IRC commands. After the channel join, we will get text chat messages on that channel. Yet, we are using the same stream for these kinds of mixed messages. Is this good? bad? Do we want distinct streams running in parallel, or a big serialized blob of everything on one stream? If its a big serialized mixture, then what does this do to the idea of using connectors to form edges? Hmmm.
What is the point of having this kind of description of the sensory API and of the processing chain? Surely, we don't want the bot to randomly surf the menu list of command choicess, joining random channels and chatting nonsense with random strangers.
This kind of description is useful, if there's already an intelligent agent who wants to "do something specific" and needs to "read the fine manual" about how to do it. Since our agents are dumb, this is currently pointless (mostly!?)
Its a perception-action description framework, but it interfaces into a world occupied by humans. If instead this was some game world where the agent won't run into humans, and could bump around randomly learning things, then random action-selection would be a reasonable thing to do. We need a playpen, in other words. IRC is not an appropriate playpen.
Perhaps walking the file system (appropriately gaoled) is a suitable playpen, and gets us back into the language-learning effort.