Minikube is a simple eay to create a local kubernetes environment for development or testing.
Follow the installation instructions on minikube/minikube. For macOS it is brew install minikube
You can start minikube with minikube start
with the default of 2GB RAM and 2 CPUs.
To set a custom amount of RAM and CPU:
minikube config set memory 12288
minikube config set cpus 4
minikube config set disk-size 20GB
minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress
You can sign up for a free account of the [GKE|] at Google. You can provision clusters from the web frontend or the command line using the Google cloud SDK.
You can easily install the google cloud sdk using [brew cask|].
brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
After the installation you can login the command line tools using this command. It will redirect you to an oauth endpoint at google where you can login.
gcloud auth login
You can create a cluster using the web ui or the command line. Please follow the [documentation|]. Please verify that you have matching versions of the kubectl client and server available.
After you create a cluster named cluster-1 you can connect your command line to the service. Check the cluster via the web ui to find the gcloud command on how to connect to your new cluster.
Your command line will look like this:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-1 --zone us-central1-a --project cloud-demo-192820
Verify that you are connected:
kubectl config current-context
Now you are ready to go.
kubectl create -f cloud.yml
kubectl describe deployment cloud-edgeservice-deployment
kubectl get pods -l app=cloud
kubectl logs -lapp=cloud,component=backend
minikube service eureka-service
http $(minikube service edgeservice-service --url)/frontend/ X-B3-Flags:1
minikube service zipkin-service
Clear the plate by using kubectl delete pod,service,deployment,ingress -l app=cloud
If you are on GKE please don't forget to stop the cluster once you are finished. Find the trashcan next to your [cluster|].
Have a look at the clusters and contexts.
kubectl config get-clusters
kubectl config get-contexts
Find the obsolete contexts and clusters and delete these using a command like:
kubectl config delete-context gke_cloud-demo-192820_us-central1-a_cluster-1
kubectl config delete-cluster gke_cloud-demo-192820_us-central1-a_cluster-1