The details of the model structures and sub-modules are shown in Figure 1. Our encoder-decoder framework mainly contains four parts, the dense feature encoder ( E_F ), the latent token encoder ( E_T ), the implicit motion function (IMF) and the frame decoder ( D_F ), where the IMF is composed of the latent token decoder ( IMF_D ) and implicit motion alignment ( IMF_A ). The ConvLayer [10] block and StyledConv [10] block are directly adopted from the StyleGAN2-pytorch [16] implementation. The ( E_T ) is composed of several ResBlocks [4] and downsample blocks, and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is appended to the last, to finally obtain the latent token representation. The latent token decoder ( IMF_D ) is implemented with a StyleGAN2 [10] generator, and the latent token ( t_c ) is injected into the layers using the style modulation operation. For the implicit motion alignment ( IMF_A ) process, it can be formulated as:
With the aligned values ( V' ), we can further refine them using multi-head self-attention and feed-forward network-based Transformer blocks [19]. In this work, we use 4 stacked transformer decoder blocks.
$$ \text{TransformerBlock}(x) = \text{FFN} \left( \text{MultiHeadSA}(x) \right), $$ $$ \text{head}i = \text{Attention}(xW{Q_i}, xW_{K_i}, xW_{V_i}), $$ $$ \text{MultiHeadSA}(x) = \text{Cat}(\text{head}_1, \text{head}_2, \ldots, \text{head}_h)W_O, $$ $$ \text{FFN}(x) = \text{GELU} \left( \text{LN}(x)W_1 + b_1 \right) W_2 + b_2, $$ $$ \text{GELU}(x) = x \cdot \Phi(x), \tag{6} $$
where the SA is the self-attention, which takes the output from the previous block, Cat is the concatenation operation, FFN is the feed-forward network, LN is the Layer Normalization [1], GELU [5] is utilized as the activation function and ( \Phi(x) ) is the cumulative distribution function for Gaussian distribution.
Class ImplicitMotionAlignment:
Initialize(dim, depth, heads, dim_head, mlp_dim):
self.cross_attention = CrossAttentionModule(dim, heads, dim_head)
self.transformer_blocks = [TransformerBlock(dim, heads, dim_head, mlp_dim) for _ in range(depth)]
Forward(ml_c, ml_r, fl_r):
# Cross-attention module
V_prime = self.cross_attention(ml_c, ml_r, fl_r)
# Transformer blocks
for block in self.transformer_blocks:
V_prime = block(V_prime)
# Reshape to original spatial dimensions
fl_c = Reshape(V_prime, original_shape)
Return fl_c
Class CrossAttentionModule:
Initialize(dim, heads, dim_head):
Set up cross-attention parameters and layers
Forward(ml_c, ml_r, fl_r):
# Flatten inputs
ml_c = Flatten(ml_c) # BxCx(HxW)
ml_r = Flatten(ml_r) # BxCx(HxW)
fl_r = Flatten(fl_r) # BxCx(HxW)
# Add positional embeddings
ml_c = ml_c + PositionalEmbedding(ml_c)
ml_r = ml_r + PositionalEmbedding(ml_r)
# Compute attention weights
attention_weights = Softmax(MatMul(ml_c, Transpose(ml_r)) / sqrt(dim_head))
# Compute output-aligned values
V_prime = MatMul(attention_weights, fl_r)
Return V_prime
Class TransformerBlock:
Initialize(dim, heads, dim_head, mlp_dim):
Set up self-attention and feedforward layers
# Self-attention
x = x + SelfAttention(x)
# Feedforward
x = x + FeedForward(x)
Return x
# Helper functions (similar to previous pseudocode)
Function Flatten(x):
Return reshape(x, [B, C, H*W])
Function PositionalEmbedding(x):
# Implementation of positional embedding (e.g., sinusoidal)
# ...
Function SelfAttention(x):
# Implementation of multi-head self-attention
# ...
Function FeedForward(x):
# Implementation of feedforward network
# ...